Turok 2+ is for those looking for an enhanced Turok 2 game experience (singleplayer only) without straying too far from the original design intent. Based upon, redesigns, refines and fixes the Turok 2: Ascension mod.


Turok 2+ is for those looking for an enhanced Turok 2 game experience (singleplayer only) without straying too far from the original design intent. Based upon, redesigns, refines and fixes the Turok 2: Ascension mod. Installation instructions are in the readme of the download

Turok 2 Plus v1.1
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sentinel_deco - - 171 comments

nice one

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teringlijer - - 145 comments


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Installation instructions are in the readme of the download

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Frosted_Moontips - - 70 comments

I noticed that some of the alt fires require you to stand still, is that intentional?

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No alt fire requires this. Faulty install perhaps, or from loading old save games. Or maybe a binding issue

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Frosted_Moontips - - 70 comments

Ah I'll reinstall then X3

EDIT: Yup, that fixed it :D

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unseenkingcold - - 3 comments

If you disable the alternate weapon bobbing and use the original running animations then the alt fires don't work if you are moving forward or back, but do if you are strafing left and right.

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jns. - - 224 comments

crashes on launch.

i have Turok 2 on steam, wrong game version ?

made a mods folder and pasted the 2 files in there, not much to do wrong here.

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CreeperCristo - - 2 comments

Same here to me. It pops a window saying: "kexScriptComponent::PrepareClass:TurokInteractiveAnimation not found", whenever a 3D scene tries to start. I did the steps on the readme, I don't know what to do either. Do I need to install Ascension as well for it to work?

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1. For Nightdive's remaster only. Steam version is fine.
2. You don't need ascension or anything else.
3. Be sure to extract the files from the folder. Turok 2 - seeds of evil\mods\[the files go here]
4. Starting a new game is required.
5. Perhaps a clean install is needed. Never rule it out.
6. Make sure you have no other mods or custom files, including duplicates of this mod's files but placed in the wrong location. could you have accidentally also put them in the base T2 directory?
7. Make sure you named the mods folder with a lower case 'm'. Just in case.

Please let me know how it goes.

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jns. - - 224 comments

1. okay, i have the Nightdive remaster.
2. nope, only downloaded this mod.
3. yup, did that.
4. I'd like to but can't even launch the game :D
5. started with a clean install ofc
6. nothing else in there, extracted the files to the 'mods' folder, that's it.
7. aye, it's 'mods', lowercase 'm'.

I don't even get an error message on launch, it shows 1 sec of the nightdive intro and then crashes to desktop.

edit: okay, the crash doesn't seem to be caused by your mod. a fresh vanilla install also immediately crashes. sorry for the hassle caused, i'll try to troubleshoot this.

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Hope you get it sorted

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CreeperCristo - - 2 comments

I got it fixed finally!
- I redownloaded the game. This time said April 2017 update in title. The old one was a March 2017 update.
- Extracted the new version in another folder for testing.
- Mods in place. Double checked the "mods" folder name was all lowercase.
- Tried to launch. This time the game crashed because an error with the audio. It was the PC losing somehow the audio output, not from the game, so I just restarted it.
- Once booted up, I relaunched the game.

And it finally works! I'm right now making a new playthrough. Now the game feels more fast paced and challenging unlike vanilla, gives me some Doom Eternal or Ultrakill vibes.

Perhaps it was the version change, from Mar2017 to Apr2017 (1.5.2), or just my computer who starts acting weird when I put it to sleep for a long time instead of just shutting down and booting up again.
Hope this is useful for anyone who gets same trouble.

PS: (Also, I would suggest ,if possible, to add a dedicated keybind for the Spirit Cannon instead of using a Scope Zoom key. I just don't want to accidentally waste my last 5 HP when zooming up the map.)

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To my knowledge adding new keybinds is not possible unfortunately.

Thanks for the info should be helpful.

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Guest - - 700,159 comments

the game crashes on the second level, not sure if anyone is getting a issue, but it crashes when you ride the triceratops and take the first secret path to the left.

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|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments

Thanks for the report. Does it crash if you go any other way?

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MoeZ1997 - - 1 comments

Also to add to the person reporting about the second level it looks like one of the towers you gotta shoot down is already shot down/missing so the bridge won't come down & the door won't open

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This only appears to happen for some players. Try restarting the level.otherwise noclip console command will get you over. Same command again to go back to walking

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Guest - - 700,159 comments

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Guest - - 700,159 comments

Restarting the level didn't quite work for me, and I quit the game and started it back up again.

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|Totalitarian| Author
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments

Did you download latest versiom? Has the fix there

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zhnigo - - 12 comments

Hello and thanks for your work!
I downloaded the latest version, but the problem persists for me. The first bridge doesn't activate, and there's not enough towers to open up the secret area.

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Did you also restart from a save before ever entering the level? Otherwise the patch wont apply. Sorry for the problems, just use the noclip command I guess.

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Guest - - 700,159 comments

The checkpoint stations on the Primagen's Lightship are locked. Is this the mod's doing or is there something else?

Also, a small balance suggestion: nerf the drones the Primagen uses in his fight, because they're not fun to deal with at any difficulty.

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The checkpoints ruin the level completely. I locked them. Still one half-way through though.

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Turkaits - - 154 comments

Holy ****. This is actually good.

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The full changelog is available in the mod download, or alternatively here: Turokforums.com

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Guest - - 700,159 comments

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Unrealhalo - - 69 comments

the flare is really OP now

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|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments

The full changelog is available in the mod download, or alternatively here: Turokforums.com

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