Tiberium Wars Advanced seeks to bring the game closer to its Westwood roots while also maintaining the unique new flavor that Tiberium Wars brought to the series. New units, abilities, structures, strategies and a fresh gameplay experience are just a few of the things TWA brings to the table. With updated gameplay that brings the "Strategy" back into RTS and removes the "zerg rush" mentality, TWA is a mod that will appeal to both die-hard, base-building Westwood fans and those relatively new to the franchise alike. Don't believe us? Give it a download and try it out!

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Hotfix: There was an issue with the CABAL voice. It has been fixed now. If you downloaded the old version, please redownload it.

This update finally fixes some things that have bugged me for a while:

Gates now work better that before and are available for all factions.
Some Forgotten units have their voice filed edited so they dont refer to themself als "Orca" or Juggernaught" anymore.
Fixed issues with the bombard abillity for Specters and Hailstorm Launcher.

And of course various other stuff. As always, fell free to post any suggestions and ideas in the comments.

1.8 Beta 9
-Reload time for all SuperWeapons (Nuke, Ion Cannon, Rift Gen and so on) has been reverted to the vanilla value of 420s instead of 300s
-Anti-infantry infantry that deals splash damage (Grenadiers, Zone Raider, Black Hands and so on) now deal reduced damage to units of the same type owned by the same player. This should help with clumped units and friendly fire issues.
-Tiberium harvesters should now have blue Tiberium particles effects while harvesting blue Tiberium
-Added two new Tiberium spawner for mappers: A blossom tree for green Tiberium abd a large blue crystal for blue Tiberium
-Overhauled the gate code:
*All gates (build and preplaced on maps) should default to the auto mode setting (open unless an enemy is near). This should make them easier to use and avoid problems for the AI in custom maps.
*Various bugfixes related to gates
-All wall parts (wall, hubs, gates) can now be repaired like regular buildings
-Added a new EVA voice file: "Select Tiberium field". Its used for special powers like the catalyst missile.
-Added a new EVA voice file: "Destroyed unit sightened". Its used when spotting a huask instead of the generic "enemy unit sightend". Sadly, there were no existing EVA voicelines that use the word "husk", so I had to come up with something else.

-Fixed some model glitches with CABALs infantry when stealthed
-Added gates for CABAL (just like the walls, they are identical to the Nod ones atm)
-Switched buttons for MCV and Souvereign Tank in the Nano Assembler/Replication Center around
-Mole APCs now require a Communication Hub again

-Removed the weapon inaccurancy from the GDI Commando - dealing with infantry should be easier now
-Fixed an issue where the Tiberian Twilight Mastodon would not use its turret

-Added gates for the Forgotten (just like the walls, they look identical to the GDI ones atm but are affected by the building armor upgrade)
-New "Crystalisation" special power: Can be cast at a tiberium field and increases Tiberium growth for a bit (imagine a powerfull Growth Accelerator with a limited lifetime). Best used on depleted fields to regrow them quickly.
-Edited the sounds for all Forgotten aircraft and removed all mentions of Orca, Firehawk, Hammerhead and so on
-The button for the passive "Horde Bonus" abillity is now disabled to avoid confusion. Its a passive skill, it doesnt need to be pressed to be activated.
-Fixed some stuff for the Outcasts to make them more usefull:
*They dont get the Horde Bonus anymore
*Removed the "Scavenged Weaponry" upgrade - it didnt actually changed anything related to the weapons, it just increased the armor. From now on, the improved armor will be the default
*Added the "Basic Training" upgrade to them
*Increased weapon ranges. This should fix an issue where their molotov range was lower than the molotov range of upgraded Forsaken
-Various fixes for the Commando. The Commando can now also be used as spotter for Juggernaughts, Specters and the Hailstorm Launcher
-Hailstorm Launcher require the Armory again. Seems like that setting was removed for testing once and overlooked. Also fixed their "Bombard Spotted Target" abillity to work like you would exspect and removed all mentions of Juggernaughts from their sounds

-Increased the research time for "Tactical Nuke Warheads" from 48s to 72s (aka +50%) as it was to low for its price
-Fixed an issue where Specters "Bombard Deployed Beacon" abillity would still fire their regular shells when the unit has be upgraded with nuke warheads

-Made the upgrade holograms over scrin buildings a bit brighter and moved some a bit for better visibility
-Added gates for Scrin (and buildup anims and damage textures for Scrin walls)

Small Update (Beta 8)

Small Update (Beta 8)

News 1 comment

Due to a lack of time, this update is very minor. It does feature some small improvements for CABAL however, so I figured people might still want it.

Time for a update (Beta 7)

Time for a update (Beta 7)

News 5 comments

Thanks to Skewer, I finally got around adding all of CABAL_REBORNs new voicelines to the game. So no more TW Nod EVA for CABAL. Hurray! The rest of the...

Tiberium Wars Advanced 1.8 (Beta 6)

Tiberium Wars Advanced 1.8 (Beta 6)

News 6 comments

Major changes include: New CABAL voice lines; Rebalanced CABAL/Forgotten Power Plants (cause they were way better than the others); Removed the leftover...

Tiberium Wars Advanced 1.8 (Beta 5) Hotfix

Tiberium Wars Advanced 1.8 (Beta 5) Hotfix

News 2 comments

Fixes two major issues with the last update: Removed the "Tiberium Generator" building from Nod (for now) and readded the selection box for the GDI Dropzone...

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Tiberium Wars Advanced 1.8 (Beta 9) [Hotfix]

Tiberium Wars Advanced 1.8 (Beta 9) [Hotfix]

Full Version 47 comments

Varios minor changes, fixes, and improvements. Super Weapons reload timer have been reverted to vanilla values and gates have been improved and added...

Tiberium Wars Advanced 1.72

Tiberium Wars Advanced 1.72

Full Version 44 comments

After some delay, the next TWA update is ready. Again, it mostly fixes bugs and changes some small details. It also add the new Scrin Shrikes, a test...

Tiberium Wars Advanced 1.8 (Beta 8) [Outdated version]

Tiberium Wars Advanced 1.8 (Beta 8) [Outdated version]

Full Version 10 comments

Due to time contraints, there isnt much new here, just some more tools for CABAL.

Tiberium Wars Advanced 1.8 (Beta 7) [Outdated version]

Tiberium Wars Advanced 1.8 (Beta 7) [Outdated version]

Full Version 9 comments

Thanks to Skewer, I finally got around adding all of CABAL_REBORNs new voicelines to the game. So no more TW Nod EVA for CABAL. Hurray! THe rest of the...

Tiberium Wars Advanced 1.8 (Beta 6) [Outdated version]

Tiberium Wars Advanced 1.8 (Beta 6) [Outdated version]

Full Version 29 comments

Major changes include: Rebalanced CABAL/Forgotten Power Plants (cause they were way better than the others); Removed the leftover undergrond bunker from...

Tiberium Wars Advanced 1.8 (Beta 5 Hotfix) [Outdated version]

Tiberium Wars Advanced 1.8 (Beta 5 Hotfix) [Outdated version]

Full Version 4 comments

Turns out there where two major oversights that couldnt wait until the next release.

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Kichzurg - - 2 comments

Hello, thank you for your work. Your mod is my favorite for Tiberium Wars, however, I would like this mod to become even better, so let me point out the bugs in the mod and offer my ideas.


- Sandstorm. It is written that it should be strong against buildings and equipment. In practice, Sandstorm is bad at damaging vehicles and buildings, which makes Juggernaut a more attractive artillery, and the NOD and Scrin light artillery counterparts are also superior to Sandstorm in this. Is it possible to add accuracy or damage to Sandstorm so that he can cope well with vehicles?


- War Factory. After a unit appears from it, War Factory closes back too quickly. Is it possible to make the closing speed like in the original game?

- Black hands. They lack the EMP mine ability and is it possible to return 2 people to their squad (6 in total), after all, this is an elite squad and it should be a dangerous force, the same goes for Tiberium trooper.
- Shadows. BUG: When using gliders and taking off into the air, 2 people in a squad take off incorrectly, they fly very low, almost touching the surface of the ground, after landing they will not shoot and cause damage (you can’t even see shots from their pistols), so the squad becomes much weaker, and if you don’t use gliders, then the shadows lose their unique ability. Also, is it possible to make shadow explosives do at least a little more damage as a bonus? And is it possible to make it so that the Shadows can plant explosives not only on the building, but also on the vehicles?

- Reckoner. Since this is a light vehicle, is it possible to return it to its previous fast speed, especially since the Reсkoner has such disadvantages as the infantry that is inside cannot shoot, while the Rekkoner itself cannot turn into a bunker while there is an infantry squad inside. It seems to me that need to return to the previous, faster speed.
- Stealth tank. Is it possible for him to return the small size of the model, otherwise he looks so unusual and unnatural. Also, by firing all the missiles in a salvo, he can inflict different damage (before upgrading to Tiberium missiles). And apparently you worsened the damage of the Stealth tank without upgrading to tiberium missiles, so that with the upgrade it would deal the same damage, as in version 1.72. Although, for example, the Phantom artillery and the Vertigo bomber have the same damage as in version 1.72, and with the improvement to nuclear warheads they cause even more damage than before. Is it possible to make a Stealth tank upgraded with Tiberium missiles also deal even more damage than in previous versions?

- Vertigo. I don't know if it's a bug, but it only shoots at air targets from behind with its machine gun, which is extremely inconvenient. Is it possible to make it shoot at air targets that are in front as well, like in the original game?


- Shrikes. I don't think their price matches the damage they do.
- Mastermind. Would you consider adding some kind of psychic attack to him that would damage infantry?

Thank you for your attention.
I hope I have offered something useful.

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Guest - - 699,953 comments

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Qsfff - - 3 comments

GDI's mission "White house" is bugged: after calling airstrike, it doesnt give MCV and its impossible to beat only with starting units because black hands have too many hp for 3 kiting apcs to kill them fast enough before NOD start spamming a ton of infantry

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mud-eye - - 4 comments

This is a known little bug. Your MCV is in the black behind the map borders in the south. You just need to ... draw a frame? Not sure, what the correct english term is.
Then you can order it with normal movement orders to come in the map.

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Jastrondb - - 6 comments

if someone could help me with the mod not working as of now current verion of the mod, i'll greatly appreciate it

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Whyarewehere - - 102 comments

Hi there Jastrondb, could you maybe elaborate why it's not working for you. Is there in error, does it start up, are you not seen the mod, etc?

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Gallade - - 345 comments

I freaking love this mod but there are two things that if changed would it make it perfect.

First is screen shake when missiles, rockets or large plasma attacks like devastator and eradicator hit. It actually makes me motion sick and is quite exaggerated. In base game and TE it minimal or non existent which is much better,

Second is anti air on units. In the base game all tier 1 anti infantry vehicles as well as venoms are able to shoot aircraft, but in TWA they are not which feels very restricting.

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Garuda-1 - - 2 comments

I love your mod. I will be putting in many hours in it as I learn the ins and outs. I only have two nitpicky things I would change and then I would consider this mod perfection.

Firstly, I would return the perfect accuracy against infantry on GDI's railguns.

Secondly, I would replace the Juggernaut and the Harvester with the Behemoth and Heavy Harvester respectively.

Otherwise this is a great mod and I look forward to sinking many an hour into it.

EDIT: Having played this mod and Tiberium Essence I can safely say that there are parts of both mods I love and if I could I would combine the best parts of both mods.

Base will remain TWAdvanced. Really what I would do is bring some stuff over from Tib Essence to TWAdvanced

First Change: Infantry-I would keep the Infantry from Tib Wars Advanced mostly unchanged other than having the Scanner Pack upgrade and the Field Medic from Tib Essence.

Second Change: Vehicles-Same as above I would keep all the vehicles from Tib Wars Advanced except for returning perfect accuracy against infantry for GDI's railguns and Nod's Lasers. I would also bring the Reactive Armor upgrade over from TibEssence and change the Juggernaut and GDI's Harvester to the Behemoth and Heavy Harvester respectively and replace the Mastodon with the Mammoth Walker MK 2 from TibEssence.

Third Change: Aircraft-This is one that I would change the most, replacing the Orca and Firehawk in TWAdvanced with the Orca Fighter, Firehawk, and Orca bomber from TibEssence while keeping the Hammerhead, Kodiak, and Bison from TWAdvanced.

Fourth Change: Buildings-I don't think there's anything here I would change here other than making the Foxholes that the Riflemen create repairable like in TibEssence.

Other than these changes, I think your mod is the superior mod of the two and while I'll flip flop between the two because I have no idea how to mod thus I can't combine the two together I think I'll spend more hours on your mod than TibEssence.

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Guest - - 699,953 comments

Finally someone that plays this mod and see it for what it is. It's amazing I can't stop playing it. The attention to detail, like giving the scrin research building icons to show what was research is epic.

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Guest - - 699,953 comments

those money drop buildings canot be captured in the first mission and also upgrade building i whould love to be able to get all 3 upgrades

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