Tiberian Apocalypse is a Partial Conversion for Command and Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars with the goal to create a true Tiberian Sun sequel. GDI, Nod and the Scrin are getting a complete overhaul.

The year is 2050, Earth is largely uninhabitable and split in three kinds of zones: Green Zones, here Tiberium contamination is relatively low, few to no Ion Storms, most of these are at the Polar, and other very cold, regions, Yellow Zones, where Tiberium contamination is moderate, and Ion storms are frequent, most of these are desert, yet house more than half of Earth's total population. And finally, Red Zones. These no longer look like Earth. Tiberium everywhere, unbreathable air, constant Ion storms, near the borders between Yellow and Red zones, winds can rise to speeds that can tear the flesh right of a human's bones. Recently, Red Zones have started to grow dramatically, and so far nobody has been able to understand why. Samples of Tiberium from the growth areas gave no clue as to how or why this rapid expansion happens, but one thing is for certain: If it isn't stopped quickly, soon the entire planet will be uninhabitable.

GDI Took to the skies, mostly. They operate from huge command-ships, the legacy of the Kodiak, and from the Philadelphia. At the beginning of the Third Tiberium War, that was about 5 years ago, Nod tried to destroy the Philadelphia, by taking offline one of the ASAT hubs, and then attempting to nuke the Station, the system was returned to service just in time to intercept the missile. Since then, 5 more stations similar to the Philadelphia, have been constructed.

Nod is operating from the Temple of Nod in Sarajevo, and several Montauk-like vehicles. Their tactics haven't changed much since the second Tiberium War, relatively cheap and fast vehicles in elevated numbers at first, later then equipment that doesn't look like from this World. As opposed to what many assumed, Nod did not move away from Cyborgs, to the contrary, it is now frequent that even basic infantry may have a cybernetic eye, or artificial muscles and bones in some parts of the body.

Not much is known about the Scrin other from what was learned from the Tacitus: They are a species dependent on Tiberium for survival. They first seed Tiberium on a Planet, expecting it to eradicate all civilization on the planet and transform it into a ball covered in the green crystal which would then be reaped by their Harvesting fleets. When they first arrive on a Planet ,they build large portals, these have the aspect of three intertwined towers, with a bright light shining from the center. Lately, more and more people claim to have seen UFOs and otherworldly 'beings' near the borders of red Zones, but none of these have been confirmed so far.
Faction-gameplay styles:

GDI is a slow moving powerhouse, the best examples being Mammoth Tanks and Disruptors. Both are slow, but can absorb damage like a sponge, and deal out just as much. Very effective as attacking, not so much at defending as they lack a heavy defense like Nod's Obelisk.

Nod focuses on guerilla and stealth tactics. Stealth tanks, stealth soldiers, mobile stealth generators, etc. Their units tend to be fast and agile, but not pack as much of a punch as GDI and Scrin units. Fairly defensive.

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Hey guys,

Rather than informing everyone individually of why I'm not working on Tiberian Apocalypse anymore, I've decided to write an official update instead.

So, there are 2-ish, more like 3 reasons why I'm not working on TA. First and foremost, I've been working on this for what, 6 years. In those 6 years, I've started from scratch twice, and never really got anywhere near to what I wanted, part of that is because I never had a design document or written down plan. In short, I've lost interest. As of late, I've become interested again, but I don't have the time to do it now.

Which brings me to reasons nummer zwei and numero tres.

Reason number two it this, my current project: Ardent Seas

It's a naval RTS game, I suppose you could compare it to a mix of Homeworld 2, Red Alert 3, and Earth 2160. Has everything from giant battleships, to aliens, to giant space lasers. And magazine detonations.

Ardent Seas is currently taking up all of my free time, and all my spare money, too.

Now for reason number three, and one I'm actually rather proud of: I own a bar now, which I run with my mother, sister and stepdad.

So, what's the future hold for Tiberian Apocalypse? I can do 3 things with it. I can either

  • Put it to rest permanently, which would kind of suck.
  • Convert it into an indie game and drop every command and conquer-IP element after I'm done with Ardent Seas, which would mean pretty much starting from scratch again, and retexturing everything. Which would also kinda suck, but also give me much more liberty.
  • Continue working on it after I'm done with Ardent Seas and and other projects that may pop up in the meantime. Which doesn't suck as much, but here the risk of losing motivation is the highest.

I'm most partial to options 2 and 3.

Let me know which one you think is better, also I'd much appreciate it if you'd follow my work on Ardent Seas.

Rho out.

MotY 2013, Beta 1.4

MotY 2013, Beta 1.4

News 5 comments

It's that time of the year again: Mod of the Year 2013. Additionally, I have a little early Christmas gift for you.

IT'S OVER 500 THOUSAND, or what I've been up to.

IT'S OVER 500 THOUSAND, or what I've been up to.

News 7 comments

'Been a while since I've last posted a proper news update, and I thought now would be a good time for one now. The Moddb page now has OVER 500 THOUSAND...

Tiberian Apocalypse Interview on CnC-Saga.de

Tiberian Apocalypse Interview on CnC-Saga.de


AnNo1935 from CnCSaga.de recently interviewed me about Tiberian Apocalypse - you might also remember the interview about Red Zone Europe a few months...

Tiberian Apocalypse July mini-update: F-53 Firehawk

Tiberian Apocalypse July mini-update: F-53 Firehawk

News 3 comments

Presenting the incarnation of "Death From Above!", the F-53 Firehawk Fighter-Bomber.

RSS Files
Tiberian Apocalypse Beta 1.4

Tiberian Apocalypse Beta 1.4

Full Version 44 comments

Installation: Extract contents to "(My) Documents\Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars\Mods", launch via Game Browser from the Control Center.

Beta 1.3

Beta 1.3

Full Version 47 comments

Open beta, basically. I won't be able to work on TA for up to a month as of next week because I'm moving to Germany. I'll release a new version around...

Banshee Model

Banshee Model

Vehicle Model 14 comments

Includes the Banshee model and textures. The code and the projectile aren't included.

Tiberian Apocalypse - Version 0.07

Tiberian Apocalypse - Version 0.07

Demo 76 comments

I nearly lost all of my progress of the past 2 or 3 years is gone, and I don`t know if I will continue TA - so I think it would be best to release what...

Tiberium prop models

Tiberium prop models

Prop Model 15 comments

This includes the Textures, their respective .XMLs and the .w3xes for the new Tiberium.

Tiberium + Blossom Trees prop

Tiberium + Blossom Trees prop

Model Pack 10 comments

This .rar file includes the Green and Blue Tiberium and Blossom Tree Art and XML assets. Just credit me.

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 1,416)
Maximillionaire - - 2 comments

Commenting on a 10 year old mod. The defenses are worthless. They're as durable as wet tissue, poor damage, and are even outranged by pretty much everything.

If this was to discourage turtling (which. don't. it's an RTS, Turtling should always be an option. There's always ways to get around turtling other than making Defenses utterly useless) It wasn't done right. In this case, why add defenses at all.

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MagnusFarseer - - 28 comments

I'm looking for this mod, I am very annoyed I can't find it right now. I vaguely remember seeing a mod that had c&c4; units and there was a screenshot of what looked like a AW-30 Avatar on red zone rampage, it was right beside a MARV and it looked much taller/bigger than the MARV, do you know which mod I am talking about? Your mod has c&c4; units?


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Macilious - - 52 comments

i tried this mod last night , it was pretty good man .. yes it has some work to be done to it , i can see that ... but really it looks amazing and i see good potential , and hard work been done ... please get back to it again and i hope you've found a good job that can support you on this and actually be something big

Reply Good karma Bad karma+9 votes
userz - - 298 comments

mod dead....

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EpsilonEthereal - - 11 comments

I know that the mod is super dead, and @Sarge_Rho is probably not going to see this, but something super tiny and small has irked me. This was probably one of my favourite mods to follow back in the day, and I still try and play the releases. One thing bothers me is the GDI Wolverine, it's model is just two small things walking around, you can't even see the hard work that was put into it! Has anyone found a fix?

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CrimsonTip - - 201 comments

If you ever return to this mod Sarge_Rho, I will be very grateful, I wish you luck on your other mods. Thanks for all the work you've done. I'm sorry you've lost your data twice. I played this yesterday and instantly saw that this (along with Tiberian Essence, and Kane's Wrath One Vision and *Kane's Wrath Reloaded I wish I could get KW Reloaded to work on the steam version or work at all for that matter.)were as true to what I envisioned when playing C&C 3 Tiberium Wars and its add-on Kane's Wrath. I didn't like the C&C 3 that EA released. It was like "Meh, who cares about detail?" and they stayed true to screwing over us hardcore fans. I'm looking forward to when you do eventually return. Command and Conquer isn't dead nor will it die. Again, Thanks for all your current work. BTW I really really like the Avatar in the beta you released. It looked very true to the original artwork.

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Aillish - - 18 comments

I would like to say I love the mod. :D There is one thing that may need some fixing, a wall hub for nod. I placed it down and it became unselectable once placed down. Would be nice to have a hotfix for that :)

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ThreeProphets - - 11 comments

How do you kill these flamethrower guys? This is brutal.

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Sarge_Rho Creator
Sarge_Rho - - 4,654 comments

I haven't done anything on the mod, or even played it, in over a year, but I think as GDI, snipers are the best option, as well as running them over with Mammoth Tanks, as Nod, Flame Tanks and as Scrin corruptors and gunwalkers.

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Ahrimansiah - - 3,232 comments

CNC3 is dead? O.o hell no! the original game IS but the awesome mods out there keep the real deal alive!
Sarge, u did achieve so much and u could easily be one of top 3 best CNC3 mods but sadly u gave up on it tomany times... its almost done!! all u have to do is add couple of ur new units which u have already made ingame and finish a decent version!
two mistake that i believe u made is: 1. you keep change ur path about how u want ur game to be instead of just following ur heart and the original ideas u had! 2. u give up to early on something that is almost finished.
dont think about balance or role right now, first add and do all the new stuffs in ur head THEN u can easily balance and lead them with help of players

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Ahrimansiah - - 3,232 comments

Dont make my mistake, dont drop an almost finished Project to start a new one! or like me u will have 6 projects which are almost finished but not ready for release yet in ur hand and u will get bored from all of them by time :P

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Sarge_Rho Creator
Sarge_Rho - - 4,654 comments

There is a LOT left to do. Probably another year or two worth of work left, and I really don't have the time to work on Ardent Seas and Tiberian Apocalypse at the same time. Since I'm unemployed and basically unemployable, I have to focus on Ardent Seas. Maybe when AS is finished, I'll return to TA. But for now, it's on hold.

TA is far from finished. It's less than half finished, actually. Many GDI and most Nod structures are still missing, several units need to be remade (Avatar, Juggernaught, Attack Bike, Vertigo) and the entire Scrin faction.

The most I can do is to suggest following the development of Ardent Seas, as the completion of that (I estimate about a year and a half away thereabout) means I may have time to return to TA: Indiedb.com

I don't have the time or naiveté to pursue multiple large projects at the same time anymore.

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Ahrimansiah - - 3,232 comments

oh i see! i though u have everything ready and its just couple of coding and balancing to do! in that case i know what u mean... and good luck with ur game bro! i just wish we had GDI airship, fire hawks and epic units buildable ingame so it would make TA unique in its own way even in half production!
thanks for respond bro ^^

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