
Granite Hill - Three Farms and an Inn, just North of the Falkreath. A Market is Held here Weekly. -- Survey of the Holdings of Jarl Gjalund

Granite Hill is mentioned in a few places in lore and existed prior to the 4th Era. However nothing remained of it in Skyrim by 4E 201 except the dragon mound where Vuljotnaak was buried in ancient times. All well and good, but with no explanation for what may have happened to the place it felt like a good enough opportunity to tell my own version of events here. With this mod, the 3 farms and the inn are back, but instead of the weekly market, the town has a blacksmith. Of course, that would not be much of a fate, would it? Granite Hill's fate is sealed from the moment Alduin burned down Helgen. Surely the beast and his newly resurrected allies didn't stop there...


* A fully working town prior to Alduin's return. 3 farms, an inn, and a blacksmith. Plus town guard patrols from Falkreath Hold.
* Upon Vuljotnaak's resurrection by Alduin, the village will be in flames. This will last as long as the dragon is alive.
* Following the dragon's death, the fires will go out but the town now lies in ruins, swallowed by the World Eater.

Installation Requirements

Skyrim Special Edition 1.6.1130 or greater.
Unofficial Skyrim Special Edition Patch 4.3.0 or greater.

DO NOT extract the contents of the BSA file into your Data folder as loose files, or let your mod manager perform an equivalent function on the contents of the file. Doing so will cause things to load in the wrong order and break the game. Skyrim is intended to load a BSA alongside it's ESM/ESP file. Circumventing this causes issues which I will not provide support for. If you insist on going against this advice, you will receive no support for the problems you generate as a result of this.

Installation - Wrye Bash BAIN

Drop the archive into your Skyrim Special Edition Mods\Bash Installers folder, then install as usual.
Make sure the mod is active in the Wrye Bash mods tab.

Installation - Manual

Drop the Fall of Granite Hill.esp, Fall of Granite Hill.bsa and Fall of Granite Hill - Textures.bsa files into your Data folder.
Activate the mod using whatever management tool suits you.


Due to the nature of Skyrim mods, especially those adding scripts, it is strongly discouraged to attempt uninstalling a mod from your active game. Any mod that is more than pure mesh or texture replacements has the possibility to leave behind permanent changes to your save that you may not want. This is not something modders can correct for. It is how the game was designed by Bethesda. No support will be provided for anyone who uninstalls this mod from an active game and continues on with that save.

To remove the mod: Delete the Fall of Granite Hill.esp, Fall of Granite Hill.bsa and Fall of Granite Hill - Textures.bsa from your Data folder. Then reload your game as usual.

Load Order

LOOT should be used for optimal placement.


Will not be compatible with any other mods editing the area around the Granite Hill dragon mound.

Known Issues

Events in the town rely on the status of the dragon mound at its center. These mounds are not always well behaved and it's possible that the town may never trigger the actively burning phase. Also keep in mind that if you install this at a point beyond which Vuljotnaak is already dead, all you'll see are the ruins.

It may be possible to encounter leftover predators in the area that spawned before they were replaced with tame animals. Nothing can be done except to kill them.


Hana - Destroyed versions of the smithy and Farmhouse04 meshes.


This mod is not made, guaranteed, or supported by Microsoft, Zenimax, Bethesda Game Studios, or any of their affiliates.

Post article RSS Articles

Skyblivion, the highly-anticipated merging of Oblivion into the Skyrim engine, has announced a release date for the year 2025! That's still a bit to go, sure, but knowing Bethesda we won't be halfway till the next Elder Scrolls by then anyway, so whilst you wait, here's five mods for both games to encourage a revisit in the interim!

Forests of Dibella

By lupus-hegemonia

Image 23

Skyrim's immersive world is the reason many can't stop coming back to the land of the Nords and digging in to yet another previously undiscovered nook or cranny. Special Edition turned things up a notch, but for some, there's always room to go further - so enters Forests of Dibella, which brings a beautiful new set of tree and foliage replacements into the game so that if you're visiting one of Skyrim's more verdant regions, it's more beautiful than ever.

Black Marsh & Valenwood

By dalecallen1987

Image 5

Two new lands, each rife with their own conflicts, are offered by this mod - one digging into the Black Marsh and an Argonian-led effort to restore artifacts of their ancient past, and another revealing the secrets of a vast and unfaltering wilderness. Though no formal quests are handed out to the player, there's plenty of new locales to explore, creatures to face, and secrets to find.

The Fall of Granite Hill

By Arthmoor

GH Inn 5

Granite Hill is mentioned in a few places in lore and existed prior to the 4th Era. However nothing remained of it in Skyrim by 4E 201 except the dragon mound where Vuljotnaak was buried in ancient times. With this mod, the 3 farms and the inn are back, but instead of the weekly market, the town has a blacksmith. Of course, that would not be much of a fate, would it? Granite Hill's fate is sealed from the moment Alduin burned down Helgen. Surely the beast and his newly resurrected allies didn't stop there...

Crimson Tears

By specopsbarton

Image 11

There's always trouble somewhere in Cyrodill, and this mod introduces a new threat complete with its own main quest, new spells, new enemies, new loot to find, and even new music to build up the depth of its world. Older content has also received another visit, with old spells brought up a notch in usefulness and a variety of other additions aimed at producing a strong new story for players to pursue.

VKVII's Oblivion Mods


Image 25

VKVII is a user who has added many of their own personal graphical overhaul packs to the site covering individual locales in Oblivion. Want your Khajit to look higher quality than ever? What about a fresh new look for the city of Anvil? Or maybe you'd even like your interface and map of Cyrodill to be sharper and better looking? This user's contributions are worth stacking up on to produce a visually distinct version of Oblivion.

Returning To Cyrodill

Skyblivion is the highly-anticipated (and long-awaited) mod for Skyrim re-introducing the world of Cyrodill into the newer engine, complete with the main quest, a full range of new voice acting talent, and all the environments players grew to love in the fourth Elder Scrolls entry. Skyblivion has been in development for many years and has been joined by Skywind as another effort to modernise yet another classic Elder Scrolls title. Now, after a long wait, we've only got to wait a while longer - 2025, in specific, which was announced as Skyblivion's release year "at the latest."

Skyblivion is hoping to bring Oblivion's Cyrodill into the Skyrim
engine and provide a solid new way to experience this classic


2025 still gives the team behind Skyblivion a few years before their projected finishing line, and whilst that may sound like a lot of time, the task they've taken on is monumental - some may have once argued, insurmountable. But if the team's confident enough to say when they plan to release, we're confident enough to say that we can't wait to play it.

Check out more Skyrim: Special Edition mods here!

You can also find more Oblivion mods here.

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Fall of Granite Hill

Fall of Granite Hill

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Granite Hill - Three Farms and an Inn, just North of the Falkreath. A Market is Held here Weekly. -- Survey of the Holdings of Jarl Gjalund Granite Hill...

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