Terminus Machina 2, Full Commercial Version In Development!

Yes, a full-length, non-mod sequel of Terminus Machina, is currently in the works! I'm supporting development through sales of my cyberpunk adventure game, Neofeud. Thanks everyone who bought it!

There is no public page for Terminus Machina II yet, but I am releasing some sneak peek material on my Patreon Page, and you can also follow me on Twitter and on Facebook

Or you can Get it here:


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"If Eternity was stopping it would of course be set going shortly."
-E. M. Forster, The Machine Stops

The Future. Benevolent God-AI runs the world? League of Evil Asshole Masterminds manages the clockwork Earth from the shadows?

Nope. Just a lot of buggy paramilitary drones blowing up schools, incompetent elite wrecking the planet with endless financial crises, and mass unemployment as robots shove workers out of offices and into endless breadlines run out of bread in bankrupt states. Yeah, it's a mess.

There's a Tahrir Square, an Occupy Revolution every day as robots replace 60% of humans in the workplace and crushing austerity measures create unresolvable social unrest and upheaval. Countless popular and revolutionary movements have sprung up across the planet -- from grass-roots resistances like World Class War to Humanitarian NGOs like Fenix foundation to armed-insurgents like the Washingtonians. But as New York, London, and Tokyo crumble into Detroit-like necropolises scarred by class warfare between jobless insurgents and robotic riot-soldiers, trillionaires bunker into the "Pluto-claves" -- private cities run by AI and defended by fleets of autonomous drones armed with gatling railguns and tactical nukes. The Archangels' smartbombs wipe a dozen Occupy Movement-saturated blocks off the Manhattan map, daily. The class war is stacked against the 99% as the kleptocrats have holed up behind a dozen feet of steel and Skynet armies that make the Pentagon look like a posse of peashooters.

But as veteran hackers will tell you -- no security perimeter is fully impermeable. Machines run the world, but no machine is foolproof. There's always a back door, a security hole.

Take on the role of an operative in the Hex Gen network, a decentralized movement of hacktivists resisting the economic pillaging conducted by the unholy alliances of Big Tech, Big Military, and Big Finance. United over a loose constellation of ad-hoc mesh-internets, Hex Gen (AKA Generation Hex) are a new class of freedom fighter. Though necessarily shrouded in secrecy, Hex Gen thus far is the only group to have carried out successful attacks against the Plutos. They've dealt crippling DDoS attacks to crooked corporations, tanked corrupt investment banks with electronic financial manipulation and successfully taken control of drones and androids in the armies of CyberSec -- the leading "counter-insurgency" military/law enforcement contractor. Still, some believe Hex Gen is just a gang of criminals and thieves in it for their own profit. Perhaps time will tell.

Ubiquitous 3D fabrication means everything from smartphones to TVs to cars can be printed in your living room. The Marxist Egalitarians have declared the Age of Abundance -- except the Copyright Cartels have bought ownership to not only every mp3, movie, and book ever written, but also the "fabprints" to every physical object as well, and won't hesitate to have a Predator drop a hellfire missile on your home if you're caught pirating a Honda Civic. Oh, and Big Agro also owns every species of plague-resistant food crop in the plant and animal kingdoms. Starvation, they say, is the ultimate motivator.

The superhighway to the Future is leading toward a sixteen car pileup, and no one's behind the wheel but idiotic megalomaniacs making their Golden Parachutes as Rome burns and crap software hacked together by low-paid Chinese sweatshops. Fasten your seatbelt.

Will you join the code warriors, the Info-Pirates and rip the global kingpins a new one with your wits and technological know-how, or will you become a Made Man with the white-shoe Monopolists, live it large in orbital villas far away from the artificial famines below?

* Facial, vocal biometric capture devices
* "Nohface" electronic face projector for thwarting surveillance/drones which cover almost every inch of city
* Wireless internet-Darknets: all web activity is fully surveilled, thus you need stealth not only in meatspace but in cyberspace
More types of hacking: cryptography, DDoS, spoofing.
* Write your own malware, unleash it on the internet to infect machines to create your own botnet army.
Hunger: experience real economic destitution as you slowly die of starvation and are forced to beg, steal, or even kill for a piece of bread.
DIY: Upgrade your hemp trenchcoat with solar trim, syphon electricity from the private power grid.
* Mechanical hacking: Take apart old phones and radios to hack together an EMP gun, reverse engineer a captured police-state drone into your own personal bodyguard.
* Nature Punk: set up a hydroponic garden in your squatted flat so you don't have to kill for every meal.

* Biohacking: play God with your own DNA to give yourself bone-hammer knuckles, bat-like sonar, or cheetah-like musculoskeletal structure. Just be careful not to turn yourself into Frankenstein or give yourself an artificial cancer!
I'm right now a one man army here working two other jobs, so if you can spare some help or a donation to help me focus on this mod it would be hugely appreciated!

I've also got a Youtube Channel that I'll be posting Let's Plays and stuff to.

Terminus Machina FAQ

1.) The minimap and wireless hacking display won't show up, even if I press the "toggle minimap" button

-Copy the "Terminus.ini" file that came in the original zip file, and put this file in "(User)/Documents/DeusEx/Terminus/System/", and overwrite the Terminus.ini file there.

UPDATE 7/14/2018

Congrats to for beating Terminus Machina, one of the most difficult Deus Ex 1 mods of all time without using cheats. (Although infinite item/skillpoint exploits were used)


If you can beat Terminus Machina, cheat-free, and without using the infinite item/skillpoint exploits (solar panel guy, Shirley's) I will put you up on the all-time most cyberpunk, most hardcore Hex Gen hacktivist-31337 of all time on the Terminus Machina page. (Must have video evidence on Twitch, Youtube, etc!)

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The future is unevenly distributed, but the author of Neuromancer et al. and godfather of cyberpunk has graciously fenced some atemporal sci-fi-continuum to Silver Spook. Huge thanks, Bill.

Podcast will be coming here: Youtube.com

In celebration, Neofeud is on sale this week!

Also, thanks to Skrylar for giving Terminus Machina a try, even if it caused melancholy and the infinite depression. :)

If there are any brave souls out who dare to play Terminus Machina, I'm always on the lookout!

Silver Spook Plays Terminus Machina Live!

Silver Spook Plays Terminus Machina Live!

News 4 comments

Hey Deus Ex fans! I will be playing my Deus Ex total conversion mod, "Terminus Machina", Live (and hopefully beating it) Sunday, 2 PM EDT! I will also...

Support Silver Spook Games - Check Out Neofeud!

Support Silver Spook Games - Check Out Neofeud!

News 7 comments

Deus Ex 1 is hands down my favorite game of all time. Terminus Machina was a pure labor of love that I essentially developed on my own for the most part...

Silver Spook will be live, Saturday!

Silver Spook will be live, Saturday!

News 1 comment

Silverspook will be live this Saturday, May 20, talking about Terminus Machina a Deus Ex Total Conversion that added wireless hacking, crafting, hunger...

LET'S PLAY!  Terminus Machina + Update

LET'S PLAY! Terminus Machina + Update

News 12 comments

Multi-years coming Terminus Machina Post-Mortem. Plus, LET'S PLAY! Terminus Machina Competition! Plus, possibilities of future Terminus Machina updates...

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Terminus Machina 2.0

Terminus Machina 2.0

Full Version 18 comments

At long last, a Terminus Machina update, complete with installer! I'm asking any TM fans out there, or anyone interested in playing a big, ambitious Deus...

Patch 1.1

Patch 1.1

Patch 1 comment

This patch irons out the couple showstopping bugs that slipped into the beta, fixes missing/wrong voices, adds more social engineering functionality...

Terminus Machina

Terminus Machina

Full Version 29 comments

Terminus Machina is a total conversion mod for Deus Ex. It takes place in its own completely original world, which might be best described as "In-progress-apocalyptic...

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 186)
Mrpoke2020 - - 31 comments

Will you ever continue TM?

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SilverSpook Creator
SilverSpook - - 331 comments

Terminus Machina is being continued in Terminus Cyberstar! Twitter.com

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 699,929 comments

I'm missing the player status thingy in the HUD.., what can I do?

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
SilverSpook Creator
SilverSpook - - 331 comments

Hi, try copying the "Terminus.ini" file that came in the original zip file, and put this file in "(User)/Documents/DeusEx/Terminus/System/", and overwrite the Terminus.ini file there.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
theabraxusentity - - 341 comments

Hey! SilverSpook i have a great idea! If you are planning to create a new game, (or even terminus-machina with a new engine :!!), you could try kickstarter and many backers-patrons could give you a lot of money! Or even indiegogo...
Just like Jeff Vogel a great indie game developer of the legendary Avernum, Avadon and Genforce series!
Good luck!

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SilverSpook Creator
SilverSpook - - 331 comments

Thanks for the suggestion! I've got a lot going on right now, two projects actually including a cyberpunk RPG I'm working on with a bigger team. This cyberpunk FPS/RPG (currently unnamed) is probably going to be a lot like Terminus Machina since I'm writer and content director. But I have considered and will keep crowdfunding as a possibility.

Currently I'm funding work with Neofeud sales, which have been doing better each sale. Also, anyone who buys the Terminus Machina soundtrack, thanks a lot! That helps keep the work going! Silverspook.bandcamp.com

Reply Good karma+2 votes
theabraxusentity - - 341 comments

Well this are great news! Good luck with your new project! I see you are a master with cyberpunk settings. This new game will have much potential!

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SilverSpook Creator
SilverSpook - - 331 comments

Thanks! I will likely be posting some updates about this with some screenshots of the new Terminus Machina-similar game soon. :)

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Guest - - 699,929 comments

I can't view the Mini Map, how do I re enable it?

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skarba - - 3 comments

There will be an extra INI file which you'll have to use most likely to be able to play it. It will change the video options, I don't suggest you should change them, although everything else will be the same.

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