This is a server-side mod that was running on Frosty's Playhouse SWAT 4 Hell servers, for the COOP games.

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SWAT4 Snitch Mod Admin Reference 1

Design/Concepts Tutorial 2 comments

SWAT4 Snitch Mod
Admin Reference 1

1 Core Commands

To change property values

You can set a property of the class by

setPropertyOf className propertyName propertyValue

You can get the property value of the class by

getPropertyOf className propertyName

You can save the property values of the class by

smSaveConfigOf className

or You can use Advanced Option with

To know about the admin features, please read AMMod manuals.

SWAT 4 Dedicated Server Advanced Options

PICTURE: You can check and/or modify the settings of Snitch mod from the "Advanced Options", which you can pop up by clicking on the SWAT 4 icon in the task bar. This way is available if you place in /System.

SWAT 4 Local Server   SWAT 4 Web Admin

PICTURE: Snitch Mod Web Admin Debug Panel (SMWAP) is used to debug Snitch mod (so, basically not for the admin), so the contents and the layout might be changed for each build.
However, some of the texts and the buttons desplayed on it can be useful for the admin as well.


2 Snitch User (User)

You can add a player as a Snitch User. The mod offers the Users many game benefits.

Snitch Users use the server resource. The server tracks Users' actions and handles them if needed, and the server reads and writes Users' data in INI when needed.

Admin Commands


To list Users in Snitch User list.

addUser playerID

To add the player with playerID to Snitch User list.

removeUser index

To Remove the User from Snitch User list.

To check the index number of the player, call getUsers.


To remove all Users in Snitch User list.


3 Inventory

Admin Commands


pawnID part
** + ID for SwatHostage class ( ID with 2 stars )
* + ID for SwatEnemy class(Suspect)( ID with 1 star )
*swg* + ID for SwatWildGunner class
Otherwise, Player ID


getInventoryOf pawnID

To check Inventory of a Pawn with pawnID

removeInventoryItemsOf pawnID redeemCode howmany

To remove InventoryItems from the Inventory with redeemCode of a Pawn with pawnID

redeemCode: To check redeemCode, call getInventoryOf

getInfoOfInventoryItemOf pawnID redeemCode

To call command of the InventoryItem with redeemCode of a Pawn with pawnID

redeemCode: To check redeemCode, call getInventoryOf


4 Game Modes

The server can run multiple Game Modes simultaneously

extends SMGameModeSmashAndGrabCoop
extends SMGameModeRush
extends SMGameModeTeamCampaign
extends SMGameModeCoop
extends SMGameModeCoopBase
extends SMGameModeBase


4.1 GameModeHell

In this game mode, the server spawns more Suspects, modifies their weapons and protections if needed, modifies their class abilities if needed, and redeploys them if needed.

To toggle this Game mode On/Off

master switch
className Snitch
propertyName gbSMSysHell
propertyValue bool

className Snitch
propertyName gbSMSysAllHell
propertyValue bool

related properties
className Snitch
propertyName gWishHellSpawningMode
propertyValue int

If you use safe mode, set 0 for propertyValue


4.2 GameModeTeamCampaign

Alpha. In this game mode, the players can choose "Specialty" (similar to Job Class), and share an Inventory with their teammates. When they died, the server revives them if needed.

To toggle this Game mode On/Off

className Snitch
propertyName gbSMSysGameModeTeamCampaign
propertyValue bool


4.3 GameModeRush

Alpha. In this game mode, the server spawns additional Suspects under fixed conditions and takes command of them to chase players untill their deaths or the mission complete. With more rooms players secure, less suspects can be spawned. The server adds the positive Stats Points to the players when they killed Chaser class Suspects if they had a Threat flag set(they have it set when spawned, and they lose it, for example, when got stuned ).

To toggle this Game mode On/Off

className Snitch
propertyName gbSMSysGameModeRush
propertyValue bool


4.4 GameModeSmashAndGrabCoop

Alpha. Players pick up a Gnome spawned in the map and carry it into the Exit point.

To toggle this Game mode On/Off

className Snitch
propertyName gbSMSysGameModeSmashAndGrabCoop
propertyValue bool


5 SNITCH Name and Clan Tag

To change SNITCH name and Clan Tag.

className SMBroadcast
propertyName SMC_SNITCH_NAME
propertyValue string ( default value: "[b]SNITCH[\\b]" )

className SMBroadcast
propertyValue string ( default value: "[b]SNITCH (CLANTAG)[\\b]: " )

className SMAdmin
propertyName SMC_CLAN_TAG
propertyValue string ( default value: "{CANTAG}" )

NOTE: With SMC_CLAN_TAG, SnitchMod can behave differently towards the players who have the clan tags in their names.

SWAT4 Snitch Mod Admin Reference 4

SWAT4 Snitch Mod Admin Reference 4

Design/Concepts Tutorial

For admins of SWAT 4 game server, to make their own games. Tweek, Hell and Hellspawns.

SWAT4 Snitch Mod Snitch User Reference 4

SWAT4 Snitch Mod Snitch User Reference 4

Design/Concepts Tutorial 1 comment

About Specialties available in Team Campaign game mode.

 SWAT4 Snitch Mod Admin Reference 3

SWAT4 Snitch Mod Admin Reference 3

Design/Concepts Tutorial

Reference for SWAT4 Snitch Mod admins. Prize set lists used when spawning in-game Inventory Items.

 SWAT4 Snitch Mod Admin Reference 2

SWAT4 Snitch Mod Admin Reference 2

Design/Concepts Tutorial

SWAT4 Snitch Mod in-game admin login reference, explaining how to login as an in-game admin.

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SWAT4 Snitch Mod Pack 166r95 for TSS

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Server-side mod that was running on Frosty's Playhouse SWAT 4 Hell servers, for the COOP games.

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A server-side mod that was running on Frosty's Playhouse SWAT 4 Hell servers, for the COOP games.

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SWAT4 Snitch Mod Pack v166r09

Full Version 2 comments

A server-side mod that was running on Frosty's Playhouse SWAT 4 Hell servers, for the COOP games.

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