After working on my main mod, World of Vasnar, I wanted to go to something more classic and thus I revived this old project of mine: A The Elder Scrolls inspired mod set in the Iliac Bay.

Set after King Lysandus death but before the start of Daggerfall, this mod is centered around the Iliac Bay, allowing you to visit northern Hammerfell and all of High Rock, where you can either help a kingdom to aquire hegemony or to carve your own domain in the province.
Do note that the mod asthetics are based on my own vision of the setting and the way that ultimately I chose to play the elder scrolls games, this means that while I sometimes take inspiration from Tes design, in particular for armors, I prefer having a more realistic and grounded appearence set in the late medieval and early renaissance period. I tried to be as lore friendly as possible, but when needed I deviated either for gameplay reasons or simply preferences. When I started this project a couple years ago I just wanted to make a mod about knights and found High Rock a perfect setting for it.
The mod is fully playable but in early beta, so expect crashes and issues as not all has been fully tested. Save often. The reason this mod was released in this state is that very soon I'm starting a job and my free time will be severly limited so instead of having it sitting in my computer, I found it preferable to release it to the public. For the future, both this mod and Vasnar will be updated in turns.

Remember: The Current Version of the mod is in Alpha. Bugs, crashes and missing features are to be expected!


-New Map with 10 major factions and several smaller ones;
-Battleorder and Deployments;
-Many new quests, mostly for minor factions. A quest guide is included with the download;
-Many new items;
-Simple spell system;
-Start as a King;
-All Hispania 1200 features;

Major Factions:
-Kingdom of Daggerfall
-Principality of Camlron;
-Kingdom of Wayrest
-Kingdom of Shornhelm
-Grand Duchy of Northpoint
-Kingdom of Evermore
-Kingdom of Farrun
-Kingdom of Jehanna
-Kingdom of Sentinel
-Free city of Dragonstar

-Minor factions:
-Followers of the Divines
-Order of the Black Worm
-Vampire Clans of the Iliac Bay
-Imperial Legion

Planned features:
-Adding more random quests;
-Daedric Quest;
-More Dialogues for minor parties;
-(Possibly) Ability to join a knightly or templar order;
-(Possibly) Custom troop trees.

After this initial release however, the main plan for both this mod and Vasnar is optimization.

Built on Hispania 1200: Reconquista, all credit to the respective authors

Credits for assets used:
-Snowbird Studios: WF&S models
-TLD Team for The Last Days of the Third Age of Middle-Earth.
-fladin for Tohlobaria.
-Shredzorz: 15th century weapon OSP.
-xenoargh: Some assets and scripts from Blood and Steel.
-Mark7 and the CWE team: CWE Osp.
-GrimReaper: sword model.
-Narf of Picklestink: Plate Armour Pack, Man-at-Arms, Transitional pack and Russian Armors OSPs.
-Maroon and the Full Invasion team: Medieval Armors, Horses and Helmets LSP.
-drakharios: Warlords of Azhrann Items OSP.
-Willhelm : Ultimate 17th Century Pack.
-Lucas_the_Benevolent for his weapons packs.
-Mirathei: Magic Mod: Curtain of Fire.
-Spak: Spak Items OSP.
-Baraban: 15th Century 'Englyshe' Plate Armour Pack.
-Brego: Gondor Armor OSP.
-Furok: Assets from Grim Age.
- Iboltax - Adeline - Waswar : Virake's Male and Female Face Replacer Compilation
-Dare2Die: Full Invasion Horses Project.
-Barf: Burgonet, Skeletons, and Elven Gear assets.
-dejawolf: medieval helmets pack.
-cow7488: Tournament and Maximilian Armour Retextures.
-Broken_one: 16th century plate armor.
-ADamnSexyName: Swadian Armoury.
-Seek n Destroy: Mercenary Camps of Calradia (additional code by Crossbow Pig)
-LosCabadrin: Pre-Battle Orders and Deployment Kit
-Dalion: Dark Souls Reference Pack
-CDProjectRed: A couple helmets and hair from the Witcher.
-Somebody: tf_guarantee_polearm code.
-The_Idiot: Some assets from TLD Film Edition.
-BrustwarzenLenny : TES4-OSP-Weapon
-russian Game of Thrones mod
-Kentucky 『 HEIGUI 』 James : Sayazin
-ado: fantasy medieval props;
-tf: topfhelm_itempack
-Kartoffels: Morrowind Faces Upscaled Textures
-Fredelios: Fred's Combined Armours
-mortal: Mortal Women Sound Pack
-Ohagi-junT : OhagiArmorsPack
-pino69: Pino Armor Pack
-Jan Tuma: Sturmhaube helmets
-Adorno: Historic Castles Project - the British Isles
-Jaakko: Church and and Bridge pieces.
-lconracl: Pegasus Armory
-Floris for some items
-Killy: Close Helmet model
-marty4286: Gekokujo
-Faradon for some weapons and helmets
-Mackie and xenoargh: Mackie's Weapons Pack
-NordwarUA: some textures
-XMQC123: OSP The Elder Scrolls Orcs and The Elder Morrowind Dark Elves osp
-iggorbb for his LSP pack
-Warsword Conquest: undead sound effects from an old warhammer game
-ArchdukeovHell: Wraith robe;
-Nightfall of Middle-Earth: Khazâd ai-mênu!;
-Griff and Iceqatius Bannerpack;
-Time of New Chances: The Falcon, The Lion and The Star and migdeu19 for some helmets;
-thick1988: Historic Lord Project vol 2 and 1
-Xue yu gang: Great Ming Armor
-Geoffrey Ashe: bribable bandits code;
-Yamabusi for Highlanders models
-bogmir: fantasy_armor_set and Hound armor;
-Crossbow Pig; Eastern Armor Pack
-Albertus Magnus for his labyrinth;
-ghost3: Indoril Shield;
-albert8908: Osp Mongols;
-Yamabusi: Battlefield Priests for Calradia;
-CulturedGuy: CulturedGuy's Female Character Overhaul
-ShaunRemo: Vaegir and Sarranid helmet replacer
-XMQC123: a couple models from "Puzzling World";
-The UESP wiki for being a great and reliable source of information;
-Various author for the scenes from Q3 2019 - Singleplayer Castle Siege Scenes (gokiller, Andzi Proxy, SageMcQuincy, Dark_Hamlet, Profy, SageMcQuincy, Mauromagno, Akathir, BeefBacon, Suspicious_Man);
-Adorno: Historic Castle Porject, Fantasy and Wood props;
-The whole warband modding community for the many, well-detailed tutorials on talewords forums without which I would not have been able to create this mod

-Kingsquester and Nox Well; beta testers and screenshots.

-Northwind for Companion writing

Inspiration taken from various sorces, particularly:
-The Elder Scrolls Total War and it's unofficial patch;
-Concept art from Beyond Skyrim, Skywind and Tamriel Rebuilt projects.
-Various mods for tes games such as Beyond Reach, Unplayable Faction Armors, etc...

Music credits:
-The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall Soundtrack Revival by chennessycomposer. Check out his channe here:
-The Elder Scrolls Adventure: Redguard.

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RSS Articles


Q) Why is this an alpha?
A) Because not everything i wanted to include is in. The campaign should be fully playable, but things like companions and claimants are still very much work in progress and will be completed in future updates. Balance is also in need of a lot of tweaking as well as stability. All in all, with my free time being much more limited, I opted to release the mod as is instead of letting it gather dust in my hardrive for divines know how long.

Q) Why is X not Y?
A) Because X is the way I like it. While taking some inspiration from official/fan designs, I ultimately went with a look I prefered for equipment and factions which are unlikely to change. If this bothers you, just consider the mod as set in a generic medieval fantasy setting which happens to bear some similarities to TES.

Q) Is the mod lore-friendly?
A) Sort of. I tried to be lore friendly whenever possible, but often times I diverged either for gameplay reasons or personal preferences. Such an example is King Camaron stil being alive while he should be dead at this time. There was also an attempt to include the modern tes lore into the more dated one present in Daggerfall.

Q) Are there any custom quests?
A) Yes, there are many new quests mostly focused around the minor factions. A full quest guide is included in the download and will also be posted here in an article

Q) Is the "magic" just glowing throwing items?
A) Mostly yes, tough some have special effects; vampire drain restore hp, many summon creatures and fire balls do Aoe damage. (Note: NPCs have modified versions of the spells, with less summons and no hp restoration)

Q) How do I obtain these "magic" items?
A) Most spells can be bought from the mages guild avaible in each town while some are awarded from quests. If for some reason you don't want to join the mages guild, there is also a merchant in the tavern of Dwynnen.

Q) In the troop trees I see troop "X" which I cannot seem to be able to recruit normally. How do I obtain them?
A) Most of the shown troops can be obtained one way or the other. Currently, only banner bearers and a few others cannot be recruited normally and must instead be rescued from prisoners. Some troops can only be recruited in certain cities/castles. A list of these units is included in the download. Search for the "Docs" folder inside the mod folder.

Q) Can I join a minor faction?
A) The Order of the Black Worm, the Orcs, the Vampires and the Legion are all joinable trough quests.

Q) Khajiti/Argonians/Female Orcs?
A) Khajiti and Argonians are unlikely to come due to me not having any models that even closely could resemble them. Female orcs will probably come.

Q) Is there freelancer?
A) Yes, albeit it might be a bit buggy.

Q) diplomacy?
A) No and while a great mod it will not be implemented.

Q) Can you increase the battle size?
A) I prefer to keep it vanilla, but there is a tool called "Warband Battle Size Changer" that allows you to increase those numbers. However this might increase crashes so you use at your own risk.

Q) After a while of playing all my textures turn black!
A1) That is unfortunately a sign of warband's age and it's limited memory. I tried to do as much as possible to optimize but this problem is still pretty frequent. It should only happen after long battles and sieges, so my suggestion, is to immediately save after each of this events and restart the game. This should fix this untile the next big battle. (If you use cheats, using the search item function is almost guarantee to make this happen)
A2) Newer computers seem to suffer from this problem much more than older ones. I have noted that while my old potato pc from 2011 could run mods for hours without issue, my newer machine from last year has instead tons of issues with black textures every half an hour or so.

A3) Lowering texture resolution (even to half or lower), setting shaders to low, forcing single threading in the launcher and disabling ragdolls could help in reducing crashes.

Q) While playing as a non-human race I am regarded as female.
A) Known bug, will be fixed.

Q) I found a bug!
A) Feel free to post it in the comments so I can take a look.

Q) "X" is op! "Y" is too weak!
A) The mod is in beta for a reason. You are guarantee to find weird stats and the like, so report them to me.

Q) Hey, I have this cool idea, can I share it with you?
A) Be my guest. While I may not add it, i'll make sure to take a loot at all comments.

Q) Will you make a discord for the mod?
A) An unofficial discord server for both Vasnar and Struggle for the Iliac Bay has been made:

Q) Will you port the mod to steam?
A) I tried various times to port it to steam but each time I get an error and all the solutions I tried did not work. So, unless someone else wants to port it to steam, for the time being it will remain here.

Struggle for the Iliac Bay - Version 2.5 Final Overview

Struggle for the Iliac Bay - Version 2.5 Final Overview

News 2 comments

An overview of the new additions implemented since the January update.

Aedra and Daedra update changelog

Aedra and Daedra update changelog

News 6 comments

Changelog summary for the newest release of Struggle of the Iliac Bay.

Quest Guide: Struggle for the Iliac Bay

Quest Guide: Struggle for the Iliac Bay

Feature 5 comments

A Small guide for the custom quests present in the mod. May contain Spoilers:

RSS Files
Struggle for the Iliac Bay - Version 2.5 - Final

Struggle for the Iliac Bay - Version 2.5 - Final

Full Version 21 comments

New and final update for this cycle of development for Struggle of the Iliac Bay.

Struggle for the Iliac Bay - PBOD patch

Struggle for the Iliac Bay - PBOD patch

Patch 5 comments

Addon enabling PBOD and formations mods for those who wish it.

Struggle for the Iliac Bay 2 5  - Hotfix

Struggle for the Iliac Bay 2 5 - Hotfix

Patch 3 comments

Patch 1 for Struggle of the Iliac Bay 2.5 Final.

Addon - Dungeons always visible

Addon - Dungeons always visible


An optional addon making dungeons and minor location always visible on the map.

Struggle for the Iliac Bay - Hotfix

Struggle for the Iliac Bay - Hotfix


Small hotfix for version2 2.5 of Struggle of the Iliac Bay

Struggle for the Iliac Bay - Version 2.5

Struggle for the Iliac Bay - Version 2.5

Full Version 10 comments

This version of Struggle of the Iliac Bay can be considered like part 2 of the version released last month. The focus of this update was adding some free-form...

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 331)
Guest - - 700,235 comments

Hey, so i'm following the Imperial Legion questline and the Black Worm... thing is, when i need to find what happened with an important armor with the Kynareth order, they're not so friendly with me and i can't proceed with my investigation. Is there another way to complete this quest?

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
Ryndill_Blackfyre Creator
Ryndill_Blackfyre - - 933 comments

Unfortunately not. That is a conflict I didn't forsee so I'll have to fix it

Reply Good karma+2 votes
TheBigCrow - - 38 comments

Best Elder Scrolls mod,we need more update

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Ryndill_Blackfyre Creator
Ryndill_Blackfyre - - 933 comments

They will come in time

Reply Good karma+2 votes
TheBigCrow - - 38 comments

For The Daggerfall⚔️

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lrralex - - 22 comments

Hey Ryndill I have a question. Are custom scenes for cities and castles planned at some point in development of the mod? I understand that making scenes for all cities may be too much to bear but for a fantasy mod based on series where magic is a big deal in everyday life 13th century Pyrenees don't really make the cut.

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Ryndill_Blackfyre Creator
Ryndill_Blackfyre - - 933 comments

I have started to mess with scene editing for next update in Vasnar so chances are some custom scenes will come. Tough mostly I'll be using OSP scenes as well as some native ones with some slight edits (mostly for towns and desert villages/castles), but I aim to have at least unique scenes for the towns of Daggerfall, Wayrest and Sentinel.

Then there will also be some texture changes on things like bricks so they are more grey instead of yellowish.

Tough not all scenes will be replaced as there are some castle layout I really like. And mostly scenese will keep a more realistic look rather than a high fantasy one, due to personal preference.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
lrralex - - 22 comments

That's some great news! And texture changes are highly welcomed as Hispania 1200's scenes albeit being good in their own right lack some good ole Medieval rocky flavor of High Rock. Even Hammerfell ones that seem highly appropriate for the place lack some arabic influence that is strongly evident in redguard architecture of original TES universe!

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ChuLingXie - - 32 comments

How should I complete the task: The Paladin`s Blade,I find the map,take the sword,and use the sword open barrow found Mannimarco King of Worms,but i can`t kill him,i go meet to the order of araky,he He always says the blade in the south of Daggerfall .

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Ryndill_Blackfyre Creator
Ryndill_Blackfyre - - 933 comments

If you have the sword equipped, place it in your inventory and head to the Order of Arkay. They only recognize you have it if it's in your inventory and not equipped. Then the quest should continue.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
ChuLingXie - - 32 comments

got it

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