Star Wars Galaxies 2.0 envisions a new Horizon for the Star Wars MMORPG,with a mod that can be played offline and emulated on servers online. Building upon the already existing repack module,Star Wars Galaxies 2.0 Aims to Deliver The True Star Wars MMORPG for all.

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Update #3 - Login Screen


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam nec dignissim quam. Suspendisse potenti. Nam mollis dui vel consectetur pellentesque. Proin eget vehicula metus. Proin gravida volutpat venenatis. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam a viverra turpis. Nullam eget elit eu augue aliquam mattis vel ac ex. Suspendisse potenti.

Vivamus in risus id massa dignissim fringilla ac ac ex. Morbi mauris purus, luctus sit amet aliquet et, tempor quis nisi. Phasellus molestie massa quis risus mollis sagittis. Fusce mi magna, pretium sed elementum id, malesuada non nunc. Donec iaculis molestie odio id vehicula. Ut laoreet euismod est, in finibus nibh tristique imperdiet. Nunc ac purus eu dui interdum euismod vel a odio. Maecenas euismod sollicitudin eros, eu auctor sem tincidunt vitae. Fusce euismod eleifend turpis, et luctus arcu.

Duis pellentesque massa in posuere imperdiet. Nulla lobortis luctus iaculis. Aliquam facilisis diam vel convallis ultricies. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam volutpat, mauris at venenatis faucibus, metus magna aliquet tellus, quis mollis ipsum ante sed dui. Donec lacinia sapien odio, ut commodo augue placerat ac. Vestibulum sit amet sapien nunc. Proin vitae leo nec mi malesuada laoreet. Cras sodales tempor sem sit amet posuere. Praesent vel feugiat lectus, ut porttitor mauris. Praesent semper turpis at augue congue gravida. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nullam ut ultricies quam. Nulla ut lacus quis mauris rhoncus faucibus.

Nulla malesuada leo non bibendum euismod. Nunc tincidunt gravida consectetur. Vivamus dignissim non turpis et pharetra. Quisque bibendum diam sit amet massa varius, id rhoncus justo malesuada. Integer nec dolor non ligula maximus faucibus. Aliquam quis mattis nisi. Suspendisse potenti. Praesent sed faucibus mi, quis lacinia lorem. Suspendisse aliquam venenatis eros vel sollicitudin.

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Update #2 - New Tatooine Footage

Update #2 - New Tatooine Footage


Update #2 of The Star Wars Galaxies 2.0 Project,This time Featuring the new Tatooine map!

Update #1 - New Story Infos

Update #1 - New Story Infos


Star Wars Galaxies 2.0's Starting Zone Map is almost finished,and we would like to introduce to some basic story elemenst and clear up some mysteries...

We Are Recruiting!

We Are Recruiting!


Have you got any of the enlisted skills below? Shoot us a msg,we will gladly have a chit - chat!

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 14)
nikawat - - 18 comments

cant wait pretty interesting idea i hope you guys are still working on this

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ninesters - - 3 comments

WoW as star wars, but this looks like a private server. soo most used for Private servers?

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JediMasterChief - - 190 comments

So, let me get this straight, with this mod, you can play Star Wars Galaxies completely solo and 100% offline? Also, is this for the actual game, or for World of Warcraft? Normally, I would be able to figure this out myself, but, I never heard of modding an active MMORPG like this before.

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BlueCasketBop - - 134 comments

It's taking WoW and making it Star Wars. It's not SWG.

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Surox Creator
Surox - - 16 comments

It will Hopefully be a mod,and you can play offline,or online with your friends. We are using the repack module. It's basicly a program that can emulate wow on your local machine for you only,or you can invite your friends to play.

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JediMasterChief - - 190 comments

My mind can't wrap itself around the idea of a total conversion for an MMORPG as big as World of Warcraft.

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JediMasterChief - - 190 comments

If this is a WoW mod, then will there be things like blasters, starfighters, and stuff like that?

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Surox Creator
Surox - - 16 comments

Yes,we do plan on having all of these.

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JediMasterChief - - 190 comments

Thank you for clearing all that up for me. I play video games solo and offline, so, being able to play this offline is welcomed. Also, I would like to sign up to be a tester, however, there are a couple of problems. First, I don't have WoW yet. Would any store-bought copy work? Second, I notice the contact link goes to Skype. While I do have Skype, I am uncomfortable video chatting with those I have never met in person. Does it have to be video chat, or could it be just Skype instant message?

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Surox Creator
Surox - - 16 comments

Well,We are using a 3.3.5a WoTLK Client,You don't need to buy it,it's an old version available online. Yes,we just chat on skype.No calls.... For Now,as The Mod is in Development,Tester
Roles aren't needed.We are mainly looking for people with experience on wow world building and wow model editing.

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JediMasterChief - - 190 comments

Neither of which I am experienced in, as I never knew World of Warcraft could be modded like this (that, and my artistic capabilities are hindered by an unsteady hand).

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