A revised gameplay format. Large scaled surface and space maps to accommodate massive military movement. Totally revised unit functions for a more in depth, complicated, and realistic game. Nearly every script has been reviewed and altered to bring out the true nature of the game, and bring it to its full potential. This project is dedicated to what could have been….

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Basic(subject to change)

Feature 1 comment


Alderaan - LB:0 CV:21 NSA
Alzoc III - LB:2 CV:0
Anaxes - LB:2 CV:14
Ansion - LB:2 CV:9
Anoat - LB:0 CV:0 NSA
Balmorra - LB:3 CV:20
Barkhesh - LB:2 CV:0
Bespin - LB:0 CV:21 NSA
Bogden - LB:0 CV:5 NSA
Bothawui - LB:2 CV:35
Boz Pity - LB:2 CV:0
Byss - LB:2 CV:40
Carida - LB:4 CV:9
Cato Neimoidia - LB:3 CV:17
Chandrila - LB:8 CV:11
Chorax - LB:3 CV:19 - NSA
Corellia - LB:3 CV:43
Coruscant - LB:7 CV:106 - Galactic Empire Home World
Dagobah - LB:0 CV:0 NSA
Dantooine - LB5 CV:11 - Alliance To Restore The Republic Home World
Deyer - LB:2 CV:2
Endor - LB:0 CV:0
Eriadu - LB:2 CV:7
Felucia - LB:0 CV:0 NSA
Fest - LB:2 CV:0
Fondor - LB:3 CV:36
Fresia - LB:0 CV:7 NSA
Gall - LB:2 CV:12
Gentes - LB:2 CV:8
Geonosis - LB:7 CV:21
Gerrard V - LB:2 CV:8
Halowan - LB:6 CV:28
Hoth - LB:0 CV:0
Ilum - LB:3 CV:0
Ithor - TBD
Kamino - LB:0 CV:32 NSA
Kashyyyk - LB:0 CV:6 NSA
Kessel - LB:2 CV:13
Kile II - LB:5 CV:5
Kuat - LB:2 CV:52
Loronar - LB:2 CV:26
Malastare - LB:2 CV:19
Mandalore - LB:3 CV:31
Mechis III - LB:5 CV:20 - Droid Revolution Home World
Mon Calamari - LB:4 CV:48
Mustafar - LB:5 CV:18
Mygeeto - LB:2 CV:5
Naboo - LB:2 CV:43 - Republic Remnant Home World
Ord Mantell - LB:2 CV:13
Polis Massa - LB:0 CV:0
Ryloth - LB:3 CV:11 - Space Pirate Home World
Saleucami - LB:5 CV:26
Subterrel - LB:0 CV:17 NSA
Sullust - LB:2 CV:31
Talay - TBD
Taloraan - LB:0 CV:21 NSA
Tanaab - LB:2 CV:9
Taris - LB:4 CV:45
Tatooine - LB:3 CV:16 - Hutt Cartel Home World
Thyferra - LB:2 CV:11
Tund - LB:0 CV:0 NSA
Utapau - LB:2 CV:16
Yavin IV - LB:0 CV:0

LB - Land Bases
SD - Slice Difficulty
CV - Credit Value


Blackhole - WIP

Cloud City - WIP
Death Star - WIP

Hosk Station - WIP

Jade Moon - WIP

Kuat Torus - WIP

Mon Calamari Torus - WIP
Outer Space - WIP

Second Death Star - WIP
Skyhook - WIP

Smuggler's Moon - WIP
Star Home - WIP

The Wheel - WIP

Cloud City - WIP

Echo Base - WIP

Gall Spaceport - WIP
Holowan Incident - WIP
Jade Moon - WIP

Kessel Run - WIP
Smuggler's Moon - WIP

Tafanda Bay - WIP

The Wasteland - WIP


Emperor Palpatine - TL:1
Supreme Commander Darth Vader / Vengeance (Star Destroyer Imperator I) - TL:1
Grand Moff Wilhuff Tarkin - TL:1
Moff Tiaan Jerjerrod - TL:4 - WIP
High General Cassio Tagge / AT-AT Walker - TL:1
General Maximilien Veers / AT-AT Walker - TL:3
General Moradmin Bast / AT-AT Walker - TL:2
Colonel Wullf Yularen - TL:2 - WIP
Commander Daine Jir - TL:2 - WIP
Commander Nahdonnis Praji - TL:1 - WIP
Admiral Conan Antonio Motti / Devastator (Star Destroyer Imperator I) - TL:2
Admiral Firmus Piett / Accuser (Star Destroyer Imperator II) - TL:3
Admiral Lorth Needa / Avenger (Star Destroyer Imperator II) - TL:3
Admiral Kendal Ozzel / Executor (Super Star Destroyer Executor) - TL:3
Boba Fett / Slave 1 (Firespray-31) - TL:3
Bossk / Houndstooth (YV-666 Freighter) - TL:3 - WIP
IG-88 / IG-2000 (Aggressor) - TL:3 - WIP
Dengar / Punishing One (JumpMaster 5000) - TL:3 - WIP
4-LOM & Zuckuss / Mist Hunter (G-1A) - TL:3 - WIP
Smuggler - TL:1 BT:3 CV:100
Bounty Hunter - TL:1 BT:4 CV:890
Hutt Palace
Hutt Cartel - TL:1 BT: CV: - WIP
Hutt Palace
Moff - BT:230 CV:844 TL:1 - WIP
Command Center
Spy - BT:45(59) CV:750(752) TL:1 - WIP
Corellia | Coruscant
Command Center | Security Center
Admiral - BT:62 CV:310(314) TL:1
Corellia | Coruscant
Military Academy | Command Center
General - A:1 D:8 BT:65 CV:260(265) TL:1
Corellia | Coruscant
Military Academy | Command Center
Security Bureau Agent - TL:1 BT:141 CV:548 - WIP
Command Center | Security Center | Military Academy

Viper Probe Droid - BT:13 CV:10(17) TL:1
Droid Factory | Weapons Factory

Crime Syndicate - BT:45 CV:1210 TL:1
Corellia | Coruscant | Byss
Command Center | Financial Center

Death Star Battle Station - BT:3287 CV:784750(804759) TL:1
Research Center | Command Center | Weapons Factory | Production Center | Battle Station Cardan IV | Production Stage

Death Star II Battle Station - BT:4394 CV:1394032 TL:4 - WIP
Research Center | Command Center | Weapons Factory | Production Center | Battle Station Cardan V | Production Stage



TIE/ln Fighter - S:0 A:1 D:1 R: CP:10 SV:10 BT:1 CV:20(24) TL:1
Weapons Factory | Battle Station Cardan I

TIE/ln Interceptor - S:0 A:1 D:1 R: CP:11 SV:10 BT:2 CV:30(32) TL:2
Weapons Factory | Battle Station Cardan I
TIE/ln-lr Interceptor - S:0 A:1 D:1 R: CP:12 SV:10 BT:3 CV:40(48) TL:4 - WIP
Weapons Factory | Battle Station Cardan I
TIE/D-a Fighter Droid - S:0 A:1 D:1 R: CP:10 SV:10 BT:2 CV:30(31) TL:4
Weapons Factory | Battle Station Cardan I

TIE/sa Bomber - S:0 A2: D:1 R: CP:15 SV:15 BT:3 CV:50(55) TL:1
Weapons Factory | Battle Station Cardan I
TIE/sa-lr Bomber - S:1 A:2 D:1 R: CP:17 SV:16 BT:4 CV:60(68) TL:3 - WIP
Weapons Factory | Battle Station Cardan I
TIE/ad Advanced - S1 A:1 D:1 R: CP:13 SV:11 BT:6 CV:50(59) TL:3
Weapons Factory | Battle Station Cardan I 

TIE/D Defender - S:1 A:2 D:1 R: CP:17 SV:18 BT:8 CV:70(81) TL:5
Weapons Factory | Battle Station Cardan I


Carrack Cruiser - S:956 A:890 D:3 R:3560 SR:10 CP:150 SV:100 BT:72 CV:1640 TL:1
Coruscant | Mandalore
Weapons Factory | Space Station Cardan I

Strike Cruiser - S:1370 A:930 D:2 R: CP:210 SV:320 BT:110 CV:2930(3093) TL:1
Weapons Factory | Battle Station Cardan I 

Dreadnaught Cruiser - S:2850 A:1350 D:5 R: CP:300 SV:520 BT:163 CV:3410(3555) TL:1
Corellia | Coruscant | Mandalore
Weapons Factory | Battle Station Cardan I | Production Stage

Star Destroyer Imperator I - S:5140 A:2580 D:8 R: CP:520 SV:1110 BT:202 CV:6540(6451) TL:1
Corellia | Kuat
Weapons Factory | Battle Station Cardan I | Production Stage

Star Destroyer Imperator II - S:5140(5304) A:2580(2711) D:8 R: CP:550 SV:1150 BT:202(251) CV:6980(6988) TL:3
Corellia | Kuat
Weapons Factory | Battle Station Cardan I | Production Stage

Star Destroyer Imperator III - S:600(5721) A:520(2909) D:8 R: CP:600 SV:1220 BT:240 CV:8180 TL:5
Corellia | Kuat
Weapons Factory | Battle Station Cardan I | Production Stage

Star Destroyer Tector I - S:5140(5001) A:2580(2591) D:8 R: CP:500 SV:1000 BT:202(160) CV:5820(5825) TL:1
Corellia | Kuat
Weapons Factory | Battle Station Cardan I | Production Stage

Star Destroyer Tector II - S:900(5199) A:88(2692) D:8 R: CP:580 SV:1050 BT:159(184) CV:6210(6201) TL:3
Corellia | Kuat
Weapons Factory | Battle Station Cardan I | Production Stage

Star Destroyer Terminator - S:540(5101) A:450(2390) D:8 R: CP:510 SV:890 BT:137(147) CV:5240(5246) TL:4
Corellia | Kuat
Weapons Factory | Battle Station Cardan I | Production Stage

Super Star Destroyer Executor - S:21800 A:16350 D:9 R: CP:840 SV:10250 BT:720 CV:79560(80561) TL:4
Weapons Factory | Battle Station Cardan I | Production Stage

Lambda Shuttle - S:102 A:83 D:1 R: CP:20 SV:20

Sentinel Shuttle - S:143 A:102 D:1 R: CP:25 SV:30

Y-4 Raptor Transport - S:129 A:99 D:1 R:17 CP: SV:40 - WIP
Theta Barge - S:221 A:121 D:1 R: CP:15 SV:90
ComScan Array - BT:52 CV:3260(3261) TL:1
Battle Station Cardan I
Production Stage - BT:250 CV:8820 TL:1
Battle Station Cardan I
Trading Port - BT:230 CV:7630(7633) TL:1
Anaxes | Byss | Chandrila | Corellia | Coruscant | Fondor | Gall | Mandalore | Naboo | Tanaab | Taris | Wayland
Production Center | Battle Station Cardan I
Moon Mines - BT:340 CV:5588 TL:1 - WIP
Battle Station Cardan I | Production Stage
Asteroid Mines - BT:260 CV:5420(5428) TL:1
Alderaan | Corellia | Coruscant | Geonosis | Hoth | Ithor | Kessel | Polis Massa
Battle Station Cardan I | Production Stage
Gas Mines - BT:340 CV:5588 TL:1 - WIP
Bespin | Endor | Gall | Taloraan | Yavin IV
Battle Station Cardan I | Production Stage
Esseles Space Station - BT:390 CV:12610(39082) TL:1
Anaxes | Byss | Chandrila | Corellia | Coruscant | Fondor | Mandalore | Naboo | Tanaab | Taris | Wayland
Battle Station Cardan I | Production Stage
Planetary Torus - BT:521 CV:98201 TL:1
Battle Station Cardan I | Production Stage
XQ2 Platform - S:1343 A:1099 D:1 R: CP:420 SV:3500 BT:190 CV:5343 TL:1 - WIP
Battle Station Cardan I | Weapons Factory | Production Stage
Battle Station Cardan I - S:3119 A:1969 D:2 BT:460 CV:15690 TL:1
Command Center | Weapons Factory | Production Center
Battle Station Cardan II - S:4000(5488) A:3000(2023) D:2 BT:240 CV:12560(12506) TL:1
Battle Station Cardan I | Weapons Factory
Battle Station Cardan III - S:5400(7850) A:4800(2999) D:2 BT:150 CV:10890(10809) TL:1
Battle Station Cardan II | Weapons Factory
Battle Station Cardan IV - S:6000(8829) A:9800(3546) D:2 BT:140 CV:9680 TL:2
Battle Station Cardan III | Weapons Factory
Battle Station Cardan V - S:9000(9788) A:12000(4190) D:2 BT:100 CV:8990(8989) TL:3
Battle Station Cardan IV | Weapons Factory

Infiltrator - TL:1 BT: CV:
Cantina | Trading Port
Mercenary - TL:1 BT: CV:
Hutt Palace | Trading Port
Guard - A:1 D:7 R:1242 CP:5 SV:1 BT:2 CV:31 TL:1 - WIP
Military Academy | Military Prison | Weapons Factory
Elite Guard - A:1 D:11 R:1489 CP:7 SV:2 BT:39 CV:64 TL:1 - WIP
Command Center | Security Center | Military Academy | Military Prison | Weapons Factory
Navy Trooper - A: D: R:2460 CP:8 SV:4 BT: CV:43 TL:1 - WIP
Military Academy | Battle Station Cardan I | Weapons Factory
Scout Trooper - A:1 D:9 R:2981 CP:6 SV:1 BT:4 CV:11 TL:2
Military Academy | Weapons Factory

Stormtrooper - A:1 D:9 R:2711 CP:9 SV:5 BT:9 CV:80(87) TL:1
Military Academy | Weapons Factory
Elite Trooper - A:1 D:18 R:2792 CP:11 SV:6 BT:22 CV:110(111) TL:1
Command Center | Security Center | Military Academy | Weapons Factory
Shocktrooper - A:1 D:30 R:2880 CP:14 SV:8 BT:15 CV:130(136) TL:2
 Command Center | Military Academy | Weapons Factory
E-Web Cannon - A:2 D:50 R:2780 CP:10 SV:5 BT:18 CV:90(98) TL:2
Weapons Factory


74-Z Speeder Bike - A:5 D:15 R:1320 CP:12 SV:7 BT:31 CV:180(182) TL:1
Weapons Factory | Vehicle Factory

AT-PT Walker - A:280 D:110 R:2780 CP:14 SV:15 BT:31 CV:341 TL:2 - WIP
Vehicle Factory | Walker Factory
L-AT-PT Walker - A:226 D:107 R:2788 CP:18 SV:15 BT:24 CV:330 TL:3 - WIP
Weapons Factory | Walker Factory | Walker Factory
AT-ST Type I Walker - A:92700(486) D:9900(220) R:2765 CP:25 SV:20 BT:39 CV:420 TL:1
Balmorra | Kuat
Weapons Factory | Walker Factory | Walker Factory

 AT-ST Type II Walker - A:495 D:232 R:2788 CP:29 SV:19 BT:40 CV:490(475) TL:3
Balmorra | Kuat
Weapons Factory | Walker Factory | Walker Factory

AT-ST Type III Walker - A:510 D:236 R:2822 CP:32 SV:23 BT:46 CV:510(512) TL:5
Balmorra | Kuat
Weapons Factory | Walker Factory | Walker Factory
XR-85 Tank Droid - A:713 D:410 R:2848 CP:30 SV:18 BT:59 CV:671 TL:3 - WIP
Coruscant | Mechis III
Droid Factory | Weapons Factory | Vehicle Factory 

AT-AT Walker - A:138975(1192) D:21500(488) R:2850(2965) CP:55 SV:120 BT:84 CV:1320(1234) TL:1
Weapons Factory | Walker Factory

MSE-6 Repair Droid - BT:8 CV:132 - WIP
Droid Factory
ITO Interrogator Droid - A:1 D:3 R:102 BT: CV: - WIP
Droid Factory
 RA-7 Protocol Droid - BT:12 CV:194 - WIP
Droid Factory
Bp.2 Turret - A:520 D:14 R:2856 CP:70 BT:21 CV:112
Bp.4 Turret - A:520 D:42 R:2910 CP:76 BT:25 CV:121
Bp.5 Turret - A:393 D:28 R:1988 CP:62 BT:20 CV:109 - WIP
Production Center - BT:182 CV:7250(7052)
Cantina - BT:30 CV:1100(1199)
Bothawaui | Chandrila | Dantooine | Eriadu | Malastare | Ord Mantell | Ryloth | Saleucami | Tanaab | Taris | Tatooine
Hutt Palace - BT:110 CV:2100(2199)
Saleucami | Tatooine
Mining Facility - BT:169 CV:4720
Alzoc III | Anoat | Balmorra | Barkhesh | Bothawui | Boz Pity | Eriadu | Fest | Gall | Gentes | Geonosis | Gerrard V | Hoth | Ilum | Kessel | Kile II | Loronar | Malastare | Mustafar | Mygeeto | Ryloth | Saleucami | Sullust | Thyferra
Production Center
Power Generator - BT:25(52) CV:200(2588) - WIP
ComScan Array - BT:89 CV:4350(3085)
Production Center
Command Center - BT:170 CV:6630
Production Center
Research Center - BT:320 CV:9960
Production Center
Security Center - BT:184 CV:5982 - WIP
Anaxes | Balmorra | Byss | Carida | Chandrila | Corellia | Coruscant | Dantooine | Fondor | Kessel | Kuat | Mandalore | Naboo | Tanaab | Taris
Command Center
Financial Center - BT:110 CV:4930(4947)
Anaxes | Balmorra | Byss | Carida | Chandrila | Corellia | Coruscant | Dantooine | Fondor | Kuat | Mandalore | Mon Calamari | Naboo | Tanaab | Taris
Military Academy - BT:125 CV:3260(3206)
Production Center
Military Prison - BT:198 CV:4381 - WIP
Production Center
Droid Factory - BT:256 CV:6870 - WIP
Production Center
Weapons Factory - BT:180(161) CV:5840
Production Center
Vehicle Factory - BT:194 CV:6984 - WIP
Carida | Coruscant | Balmorra | Kuat
Production Center
Walker Factory - BT:215 CV:8450(8455)
Production Center
Shield Generator - BT:131 CV:3828 - WIP
Power Generator | Production Center
v-150 Ion Cannon - BT:99 CV:3390 - WIP
Power Generator | Production Center
HVs-2 Hypervelocity Gun - BT:88 CV:4150 - WIP
Power Generator | Production Center
XX-9 Turbolaser Tower - R: BT:72 CV:2960
Power Generator | Production Center

Senator Mon Mothma - TL:1
Senator Leia Organa - TL:1
Admiral Gial Ackbar / Home One (MC80 Home One) - TL:4
Admiral Toka / Reef Home (MC80 Reef Home) - TL:4 - WIP
Captain Raymus Antilles / Tantive IV (CR90 Corvette) - TL:2
Commander Luke Skywalker - TL:3 - WIP
General Lando Calrissian - TL:4 - WIP
General Jan Dodonna - TL:1 - WIP
General Vanden Willard - TL:2 - WIP
General Carlist Rieekan - TL:2 - WIP
General Bob Hudsol - TL:1 - WIP
General Crix Madine - TL:4 - WIP
Han Solo & Chewbacca / Millennium Falcon (YT-1300 Freighter) - TL:2
Dash Rendar / Outrider (YT-2400 Freighter) - TL:2 - WIP
R2-D2 & C-3PO - TL:1
K-3PO - TL:3
R-3PO - TL:3
U-3PO - TL:2
Senator - TL:1 BT: CV:
Command Center
Spy - TL:1 BT:9 CV:150
Command Center
Admiral - TL:1 BT:60 CV:1000
Military Academy | Command Center | Battle Station
General - TL:1 BT: CV:
Military Academy | Command Center

Underground Resistance - TL:1 BT:64 CV:1000
Command Center | Recruitment Center



RZ-1 A-wing - S:0 A:1 D:1 TL:3 BT:4 CV:90
Weapons Factory | Battle Station I

(A/SF-01) B-wing - S:2 A:3 D:1 TL:4 BT:2 CV:110
Weapons Factory | Battle Station I
(A/SF-02) B-wing/E - S:3 A:3 D:1 TL:5 BT:2 CV:110 - WIP
Weapons Factory | Battle Station I

T-65 X-wing - S:1 A:2 D:1 TL:1 BT:1 CV:80
Military Academy | Weapons Factory | Battle Station I
T-65B X-wing - S:2 A:2 D:1 TL:3 BT:1 CV:80 - WIP
Military Academy | Weapons Factory | Battle Station I

BTL-S2 Y-wing - S:3 A:4 D:1 TL:1 BT:0 CV:70
Trading Port
BTL-S3 Y-wing - S:4 A:4 D:1 TL:2 BT:0 CV:70 - WIP
Trading Port

Z-95 Headhunter - S:1 A:2 D:1 TL:1 BT:0 CV:70
Military Academy | Weapons Factory | Battle Station I


CR70 Corvette - S:580 A:390 D:1 TL:1 BT:90 CV:1250
Trading Port

CR90 Corvette - S:410 A:240 D:1 TL:1 BT:100 CV:1490
Trading Port

Lancer Frigate - S:980 A:790 D:1 TL:1 BT:120 CV:1900
Trading Port
Quasar Carrier - S:1120 A:480 D:1 TL:1 BT:288 CV:2400
Trading Port
ROJ BG Gunship - S:830 A:724 D:1 TL:3 BT:174 CV:1092 - WIP
Trading Port
Hammer Frigate - S:851 A:262 D:1 TL:1 BT:48 CV:1243 - WIP
Weapons Factory | Production Center | Battle Station I

EF76 Nebulon-B Frigate - S:760 A:350 D:2 TL:1 BT:230 CV:1950
Trading Port
Mk I Assault Frigate - S:1170 A:880 D:3 TL:1 BT:360 CV:2420 - WIP
Weapons Factory | Production Center | Battle Station I

Mk II Assault Frigate - S:2030 A:920 D:4 TL:1 BT:420 CV:2200
Weapons Factory | Production Center | Battle Station II

MC30c Frigate - S:1990 A:970 D:2 TL:1 BT:5 CV:4000
Mon Calamari | Weapons Factory | Battle Station III

MC40a Cruiser - S:930 A:540 D:3 TL:1 BT:280 CV:1110
Mon Calamari | Weapons Factory | Battle Station III

MC80a Cruiser - S:1302 A:859 D:3 TL:1 BT:84 CV:2309 - WIP
Mon Calamari | Weapons Factory | Battle Station IV

MC80 Liberty Cruiser - S:5310 A:2015 D:7 TL:1 BT:620 CV:6850
Mon Calamari | Weapons Factory | Battle Station V | Production Stage

MC80 Wingless Cruiser - S:6190 A:3970 D:7 TL:1 BT:620 CV:5550
Mon Calamari | Weapons Factory | Battle Station V | Production Stage
MCs Cruiser - S:6402 A:3779 D:8 TL:1 BT:231 CV:6923 - WIP
Mon Calamari | Weapons Factory | Battle Station V | Production Stage

GR-75 Gallofree Transport

RM-09 Shuttle
ComScan Sensor Array
Battle Station I
Production Stage
Battle Station I
Trading Port
Battle Station I
Asteroid Mines
Battle Station I
Esseles Space Station
Battle Station I
Planetary Torus
Battle Station I | Production Stage


Militia Force - TL:1 BT: CV:
Recruitment Center

Guerrilla Fighter - TL:1 BT: CV:
Military Academy | Recruitment Center

Fleet Trooper - TL:1 BT: CV:
Military Academy | Battle Station I

Elite Force Commando - TL:1 BT: CV:
Military Academy | Command Center

Special Force Ranger - TL:1 BT: CV:
Military Academy | Command Center

Mark II Cannon - TL:1 BT: CV: - WIP
Weapons Factory
Hz4-CV Combat Vehicle - TL:1 BT: CV: - WIP
Weapons Factory | Vehicle Factory
Hz6-AT Armed Transport - TL:1 BT: CV: - WIP
Weapons Factory | Vehicle Factory 

T-47 Airspeeder - TL:2 BT: CV:
Trading Port 

2-1B Surgical Droid - TL:1 BT: CV: - WIP
Droid Factory

3PO Protocol Droid - TL:1 BT: CV:
Droid Factory
CZ Protocol Droid - TL:1 BT: CV: - WIP
Droid Factory
GNK Power Droid - TL:1 BT: CV: - WIP
Droid Factory
GoNK Power Droid - TL:2 BT: CV: - WIP
Droid Factory
GoNK-super Power Droid - TL:3 BT: CV: - WIP
Droid Factory
KPS Security Droid - TL:1 BT: CV: - WIP
Droid Factory
LOM Protocol Droid - TL:1 BT: CV: - WIP
Droid Factory
R1 Astromech Droid - TL:1 BT: CV: - WIP
Droid Factory
EG-6 Power Droid - TL:1 BT: CV: - WIP
Droid Factory
FX-7 Medical Droid - TL:1 BT: CV: - WIP
Droid Factory 

HK-47 Assassin Droid - A:3 D:16 R:2147 TL:1 BT:16 CV:92
Trading Port

HK-50 Assassin Droid - A:6 D:16 R:2147 TL:1 BT:11 CV:140 - WIP
Trading Port

HK-51 Assassin Droid - A:7 D:20 R:2151 TL:1 BT:9 CV: 168 - WIP
Trading Port

IG-86 Sentinel Droid - A:6 D:28 R:2286 TL:1 BT:48 CV:188 - WIP
Weapons Factory | Droid Factory

IG-97 Assassin Droid - A:8 D:21 R:2197 TL:1 BT:40 CV:192 - WIP
Weapons Factory | Droid Factory
KPR Security Droid - TL:1 BT: CV: - WIP
Droid Factory
LIN Demolition Droid - TL:1 BT: CV: - WIP
Droid Factory
R2 Astromech Droid - TL:1 BT: CV:
Droid Factory

R3 Astromech Droid - TL:1 BT: CV:
Droid Factory

R4 Astromech Droid - TL:1 BT: CV:
Droid Factory
R5 Astromech Droid - TL:1 BT: CV:
Droid Factory
WED Repair Droid - TL:1 BT: CV: - WIP
Droid Factory

WED-15 Repair Droid - TL:2 BT: CV: - WIP
Droid Factory
DF.9 Turret
1.4 FD P-Tower Turret
FPC 6.7 Turret - WIP
Research Center
Command Center
Financial Center
Recruitment Center
Military Academy
Production Center
Droid Factory - WIP
Weapons Factory
Vehicle Factory
Walker Factory
v-150 Ion Cannon - WIP
HVs-2 Hypervelocity Gun - WIP
XX-9 Turbolaser Tower
ComScan Sensor Array
Power Generator
Mining Facility
Hutt Palace


EG-6 Power Droid - TL:1 BT: CV: - WIP
Droid Factory
FX-7 Medical Droid - TL:1 BT: CV: - WIP
Droid Factory 

HK-47 Assassin Droid - A:3 D:16 R:2147 TL:1 BT:16 CV:92
Trading Port

HK-50 Assassin Droid - A:6 D:16 R:2147 TL:1 BT:11 CV:140 - WIP
Trading Port

HK-51 Assassin Droid - A:7 D:20 R:2151 TL:1 BT:9 CV: 168 - WIP
Trading Port

IG-86 Sentinel Droid - A:6 D:28 R:2286 TL:1 BT:48 CV:188 - WIP
Weapons Factory | Droid Factory

IG-97 Assassin Droid - A:8 D:21 R:2197 TL:1 BT:40 CV:192 - WIP
Weapons Factory | Droid Factory
KPR Security Droid - TL:1 BT: CV: - WIP
Droid Factory
LIN Demolition Droid - TL:1 BT: CV: - WIP
Droid Factory
R2 Astromech Droid - TL:1 BT: CV:
Droid Factory

R3 Astromech Droid - TL:1 BT: CV:
Droid Factory

R4 Astromech Droid - TL:1 BT: CV:
Droid Factory
R5 Astromech Droid - TL:1 BT: CV:
Droid Factory
WED Repair Droid - TL:1 BT: CV: - WIP
Droid Factory

WED-15 Repair Droid - TL:2 BT: CV: - WIP
Droid Factory



Independent Shipyard 

I-7 Howlrunner - WIP
Horizon Station

M3-A Scyk - WIP
Independent Shipyard 

Miy'Til - WIP
Star Home

R-41 Starchaser
Independent Shipyard 

Independent Shipyard 



Zebra - WIP
Hosk Station

Action VI Freighter - WIP
Independent Shipyard 

Action VI Frigate
Independent Shipyard 

B-7 Freighter - WIP
Independent Shipyard 

Barloz Freighter - WIP
Independent Shipyard 

GR-45 Transport - WIP
Independent Shipyard 

Mobquet Transport - WIP
Independent Shipyard 

Picon Freighter - WIP
Independent Shipyard 

TL-1200 Transport - WIP
Independent Shipyard 

YT-1250 Freighter - WIP
Independent Shipyard 

YT-1300 Freighter - WIP
Independent Shipyard 

YT-2000 Freighter - WIP
Independent Shipyard 

YT-2400 Freighter - WIP
Independent Shipyard 

YV-666 Freighter - WIP
Independent Shipyard 

Wayfarer Transport - WIP
Independent Shipyard 

Xiytiar Transport - WIP
Independent Shipyard
Horizon Station - WIP
The Wheel - WIP
Hosk Station - WIP
Star Home - WIP
Skyhook - WIP
Independent Shipyard - WIP
GR-75 Gallofree Transport - WIP
Sentinal Transport - WIP
Sandcrawler - WIP



BTL-S2 Y-wing

BTL-S3 Y-wing - WIP
CR70 Corvette
CR 90 Corvette
Star Destroyer Venator

Republic Soldier


Mechis III - WIP
Halowan - WIP
IG-88A - WIP
IG-88B - WIP
IG-88C - WIP
IG-88D - WIP
HK-47 Assassin Droid 

HK-50 Assassin Droid - WIP 

HK-51 Assassin Droid - WIP 

IG-86 Sentinel Droid - WIP 

IG-97 Assassin Droid - WIP
Tao-Ni Security Droid - WIP
Viper Probe Droid
XR-85 Tank Droid - WIP
Droid Factory



Hutt Crime Lord Jabba Desilijic Tiure - WIP
Rancor - WIP

M3-A Scyk - WIP


Z-95 Headhunter

Action VI Frigate

Action VI Freighter - WIP

Hutt Guard - WIP
Hutt Soldier - WIP

Sail Barge - WIP

Bantha-II Skiff - WIP
Hutt Palace

 Prince Xizor - WIP

G-2000 Gladiator Droid - WIP

BTL-S2 Y-wing

BTL-S3 Y-wing - WIP

M3-A Scyk - WIP

Rihkxyrk - WIP


Z-95 Headhunter

Action VI Frigate

Action VI Freighter - WIP

Mobquet Transport - WIP

Xiytiar Transport - WIP
Battle Station - WIP



Cato Neimoidia

BTL-S2 Y-wing

BTL-S3 Y-wing - WIP


I-7 Howlrunner - WIP

M3-A Scyk - WIP

R-41 Starchaser


Z-95 Headhunter

Action VI Frigate

Action VI Freighter - WIP

B-7 Freighter - WIP

Barloz Freighter - WIP

GR-45 Transport - WIP

Mobquet Transport - WIP

Picon Freighter - WIP

TL-1200 Transport - WIP
YT-1250 Freighter - WIP

YT-1300 Freighter - WIP

YT-2400 Freighter - WIP

YV-666 Freighter - WIP

Wayfarer Transport - WIP

Xiytiar Transport - WIP
Insurgent Soldier - WIP

Hz4-CV Combat Vehicle - WIP
Hz6-AT Armed Transport - WIP
Storm IV - WIP

T-16 Shykopper

S - Shield
A - Armor
D - Damage
E - Energy
R - Range
CP - Combat Power
SV - Size Value
BT - Build Time
CV - Credit Value
TL - Technology Level

TBD - To Be Determined
WIP - Work In Progress

- Frequent crash (please report in forum)
- Galactic Conquest: Galactic Civil War (test)
- Galactic Conquest: Shadow of the Empire (test)
- Galactic Conquest: A Rebellion Rising (test)
- Galactic Conquest: The Empire Strikes Back (test)-crash-
- Galactic Conquest: Fall of the Empire (test)
- Galactic Conquest: Dawn of a New Republic (test)
- Galactic Conquest: Galactic Civil War (alliance temporarily disabled)
- New Empire Space Heros on Land Tactical Maps (crash)
- Most New Units including Heros available are in functionality only (early phases)
- Alliance Hero: K-3po does not recycle after galactic ability: steal technology
- Alliance Hero: R-3po does not recycle after galactic ability: steal technology
- Alliance Hero: U-3po does not recycle after galactic ability: steal technology
- Space Units are in mid phase
-Fighter deploying Space Cruisers do not correspond to Tech Level
- Land Units are in later-mid phase
- Raid ability function crippled (must have a general)
- Land flying Units may cause instability
- Space Buildings are in early phase
- Land Buildings are in mid phase
- Galactic Conquest: Alliance Ion Cannon (tactical malfunction)
- Galactic Conquest: Empire Hyper Velocity Gun (tactical malfunction)
- Droid Factory is an early prototype
- Expect Tactical Map disfunctions (please report in forum)
- All Conquest and Skirmish Land and Space Tactical Maps are in mid phase
- Most Space Tactical Maps do not accommodate new construction (missing star bases)
- New Unit models are in super-early phase (availability)
- New Unit rigging 0% (check availability)
- New Unit animations 0% (check availability)
- New textures 0% (check availability)
- New particles 0% (check availability)
- New game Unit coding in early phase
- Boz Pity, Crash upon victory (as empire, Shadow of the Empire)
- Endor(Surface), Crash upon entry (Galactic Civil War)

"Thank you"
Enceladus of Thrawn's Revenge - New Planetary Textures for:
Gerrard V
Kile II
Mon Calamari
Polis Massa
Yavin IV

Steiner Group - models, rigs, icons, and textures for:
TIE Advanced
TIE Interceptor
TIE Defender
TIE Droid
Strike Cruiser
Assault Frigate 2
R-41 Starchaser
Princess Leia

Evillejedi - models, rigs, icons, and textures for:
MC80 Wingless

Warb Null - models and textures for:
Sail Barge

Codeuser - models, rigs, and textures for:

The_Farseer - models and textures and:
Fido - Rig for:
T-16 Skyhopper

the_stag - textures for:
Rebel and Imperial Starbase Level I, II, III, IV, and V
Rebel and Imperial Command Center
Rebel and Imperial Fighter Factory
Rebel and Imperial Barracks
Rebel and Imperial Weapons Factory
Rebel and Imperial Speeder Factory
Rebel Recruitment Center
Imperial Walker Factory
Imperial Research Laboratory
Droid Factory
Sensor Array
Ion Cannon
Hypervelocity Gun
Turbolaser Tower
Power Generator
Mining Facility
Hutt Palace
Lambda Shuttle
AT-AT- Barge
Sentinel Shuttle
MC80 Liberty
Action V Frigate
Home One
Star Destroyer
Nebulon-B Frigate
Corellian Corvette
Assault Frigate II
TIE Fighter
TIE Bomber

RSS Files
Space Fighters Prototype

Space Fighters Prototype

Patch 9 comments

The Star Wars: Empire At War - Full Mod - Space Fighters Prototype. It is an attempt to appeal to an audience who prefers multiple Space Fighters per...

Star Wars: Empire At War - Full Mod - Beta 3 Plus

Star Wars: Empire At War - Full Mod - Beta 3 Plus

Full Version 56 comments

The Star Wars: Empire At War - Full Mod - Beta 3 Plus with revised scripts, naming conventions, gameplay, new and updated maps, and units. This version...

Star Wars: Empire At War - Full Mod - Super Beta 3

Star Wars: Empire At War - Full Mod - Super Beta 3

Patch 33 comments

The Star Wars: Empire At War - Full Mod - Super Beta 3 Plus, with revised scripts, naming conventions, structures, new and updated maps, and gameplay...

Star Wars: Empire At War - Full Mod - Beta 2

Star Wars: Empire At War - Full Mod - Beta 2

Full Version 28 comments

The Star Wars: Empire At War - Full Mod - Beta 2, with revised scripts, naming conventions, updated maps, and gameplay. Comment as you see fit.

Map Patch 1

Map Patch 1

Patch 1 comment

The new Surface Maps have been added and the old Surface Maps have been updated.

Star Wars: Empire At War - Full Mod - Beta 1

Star Wars: Empire At War - Full Mod - Beta 1

Full Version 16 comments

Comment as you see fit. Constructive criticism is welcome but do not complain.

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 170)
Selonian - - 46 comments

Hey dude, very nice mod.

May I can ask something about the possibility of in futures

updates, explore the option of an Endless Turret Mode?

In the game of cipsoft (Tibia), inside the dwarves mountain,

Kazordoom (it's it the name?), in some places, You can see

an small veil of magma, to, besides has been used (I think),

for forge new equipment, it's works like a sorts of pumping

machine, to deliver this fresh ore for the Forger or the Blacksmiths.

And besides, most players use as an mean of navigation, inside the mountain.

But, and about the possibility of using in an new (Endless Defense Mode),

where the liquid metal is pumped, by metal cylinders, inside the ground,

in Raxus Prime or Ord Mantell, to keeping recreating turrets?

And by coincidence or not, both planets, are at the Expanded Universe

scrap metal cover every single piece of (once beautiful) landscapes.

But in truth, this idea it's an Crossover of The Factory of starfox for N64 + the Turrets of Empire at War. In the mod, the player (You), needs to creates an giant projectile Super Weapon, and while You awaiting for (30:00) for it completion, the enemies aware of it, will send Raid Parties, to try to destroy the Factory and the giant cannon.

Because of the Cannon and the Factory complexity, the computer, can only fight on the ground, and more specific UNDERGROUND.

Trying to stop the liquid blood from begin pumped from the heart (The Factory), for the turrets.

And this open a new way of combat. One inside galleries, with lots of Battle Droids, even ancient ones. While above it, You need to disarm the turrets, instead of blowing up them.

And because of these two planets are of recycled metal scrap, every single enemy unit, after it destruction, will be converted into Credits, for

Have a Good Day Everyone.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Bernheard - - 21 comments

Unitss die too quickly. This mod sucks donkey ****. Good thing you abandoned it. It's too bad you didn't delete it off of Moddb's website so you'd stop wasting everyone's time on this piece of garbage.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-1 votes
Markvinc - - 122 comments

funny that you're the only one i've seen here going around old mods in moddb and making your spiels how they're all a waste of time to you like the narcissist that you are. this just goes to show that you don't have a life in the first place. you must be so miserable in real life that you need to infect your bitterness in all aspects of life. that's what you get when you waste your life being online 24/7 and dining on nothing but bottles of mountain dew and packs of doritos while sitting in your decrepit basement. i'm still waiting for your doom map "masterpiece" that you love to brag about, you dumbfu<k.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Guest - - 699,978 comments

Does this mod require Forces of Corruption expansion?

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
_Ulfhednar_ - - 631 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
kingdude89 - - 7 comments

I am going to be completely blunt... this mod is very unbalanced (as of beta 3 plus)and nigh unplayable. Some ships seem to have lasers that rip through shields while the executor class can barely damage a single mc30c capital ship before exploding after a 30 second fire fight against two mc30cs (whilst having a full complement of tie fighters and bombers to back it up). On land, the camera scroll rate is insane, darting half way across the map at the slightest flick of the mouse. The hero units are way underpowered, jedi and sith alike can be instantly cut down by a squadron of low level troops, the millennium falcon is reduced to rubble after one hit from a star destroyer. To top it all off, the credit income from planets is pathetic at best, a planet makes between 0 and 101 credits per month. The infantry units are way too op, often destroying structures from half a map away. Structures are also sometimes placed outside of the map, leaving you unable to determine where the heck the turbolaser towers are shooting you from.
Now, some suggestions to the creator(s), if this mod is not dead that is. First of all, reduce the firepower and range of the infantry and other lesser units, it is very annoying to watch obi-wan/darth vader get cut down by a few low level infantry or watch the executor die at the hands of two mc30cs. Second, make the heroes and epic units (ex. SSD) way more op, increase their health and attack damage, allow the jedi/sith to actually block and reflect blaster bolts, etc.. Third, please fix the maps, it gets rather annoying when the camera is flung across the map at the slightest movement of the mouse, also try to keep all the structures (turbolaser towers are the worst offenders) on the actual map area so I can see them. Finally, please increase the income of the planets so that we can actually afford to build structures and buy new units, I noticed that some campaigns started you out with large amounts of credits, but the credits should be earned not supplied.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Winsberg - - 206 comments

Totally awkward as hell. Why even making this mod when its not working and there´s no proper way to install it. The readme does not even fits what you download 10/10

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
kobejk - - 18 comments

It won't open open in game, I folowed everything to the max and it still won't work

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
Guest - - 699,978 comments

Hello again. I'm having problems installing your mod. I think that this is because I have the spanish version of the game. If you have any idea of what to do... Thank you very much.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
.Kaneda - - 33 comments

unfortunately, the small team working on this mod has fragmented, the leader ,Jawn Kwan, is lost. It is unlikely that there will be more progress made. As a close, personal friend of Jawn Kwan, I can say he is a storyteller, first and foremost, and has no knowledge of programming, or any other elements of game design for that matter; the fact that he has, essentially, singlehandedly moved this project forward, with little existing knowledge, and limited support; is a testament to his creativity, ability, and dedication. This mod all began with the intention to create an authentic Battle of Hoth experience, and unexpectedly grew into a total revision of how the game functioned, and it was hoped to gain enough support, and a strong team, and with these, to be eventually completed, but it seems that this will not happen. Jawn Kwan never wanted to share this project, but I was able to convince him, and I think that everyone is glad that he did, even though it remains unfinished, and rather barebones. I am proud that this mod has become relatively popular.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+8 votes
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