Situation Outbreak is an Orange Box mod about the impending zombie apocalypse. Armed with nothing but a 9mm and a pair of brass knuckles, you must do whatever it takes to survive against the thousands of zombies that used to be your friends and neighbors. The cost of failure is nothing less than your free will. There are no heroes. No single person can save the world and there are not enough bullets to go around. The only thing left to do is to kill the damned, hoping that you don’t end up like them.

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Sethen - - 154 comments

I see gibs.:D

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jamespizzurro Author
jamespizzurro - - 1,678 comments

Nice find. Yeah, v1.52 has a brand-new gib system and gore effects. More blood all around, really. =D

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Nonsense - - 39 comments

I think that the gibbing needs way more blood, the particles effects go away way too fast so it just looks like bones falling. Needs some blood spatter and spray.

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Garfusa2 - - 281 comments

Good I liked it.

Nice ambience and the snow adds a nice touch.

But the sounds need some work and dont like how the ai just stood there and watched you when you were on the rock.

Plus nice chainsaw :)

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jamespizzurro Author
jamespizzurro - - 1,678 comments

Thanks for your specific comments. =)

As far as sounds, do you mean ambient sounds or weapon sounds? I can assure you that all of the weapon sounds are realistic.

The zombies standing by watching me on the rock cannot jump as they are creepers. Reapers are fully capable of jumping, so I'll be sure to add them to the map should it be included in either SO and/or SO:SP.

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Garfusa2 - - 281 comments

weapon sounds are fine.

I meant harsh winds, the sound of tree branches cracking maybe a wolf howling like once in a blue moon?

And i would make a full moon the only light source if poss that would rock. :)

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Aprch - - 327 comments

The moon thing is a great idea actually, so yeah, +1 :P

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jamespizzurro Author
jamespizzurro - - 1,678 comments

Sounds like something I can work on. Nice ideas there, thanks. =D

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Armageddon104 - - 3,128 comments

I really like it

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cW#Ravenblood - - 6,703 comments

looks awesome

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Third.Eye - - 160 comments

Hurray for gibblets!
and is it me or the shotgun-pump sound is more like a bolt-action sound?

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jamespizzurro Author
jamespizzurro - - 1,678 comments

We all love gibs. ^_^

Don't know, sounds like a shotgun in-game. Perhaps ModDB's compression did something to it, but I can assure you that all sounds are pretty much as realistic as it gets. =P

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General_McAyhem - - 50 comments

hmm... i like most of it but not the way the zombies act to the chainsaw they just....... disapear almost, yeah there is some blood and bones and such but the bode just disapears please change that it looks almost comical

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jamespizzurro Author
jamespizzurro - - 1,678 comments

They don't disappear mate, they fly backwards. Look closely. Granted the flying back is quite comical, but you can only imagine what would happen to a zombie should you stick a chainsaw in its torso.

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General_McAyhem - - 50 comments

ohh yeah now i see, anyway the way i think a zombie would happen if you stick a chainsaw in its torso, it would get a hole in its torso, the chainsaw ain't a clup or hammer it doesn't push you back. (i think, haven't tried)

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archkyrie - - 1,134 comments

very nice, i like how you handle using the chainsaw

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chris_sloany - - 2,830 comments

looks fun as hell! nice job!

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Dr.Goupyl - - 2,269 comments

Forest is a really good place for zombie hunting ;)
Good one!

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wazanator - - 761 comments

Nice looking map you did a good job :) (its hard to pull off a forest and still have good frames for a multiplayer game)

Honestly I'm not a fan of the zombie animations (looks like they want a hug)

The chainsaw seems to throw zombies back way to far (they looked like they were going across the entire map in some points) I think a chainsaw would kind of just cut them and knock there body away a bit but not very far.

The gibs... Honestly I can't say I'm impressed.
They look like default HL2 bone models spawning where the zombie was standing a second ago and there seems to be to many spawning as well. One or two is fine but when you have 4-5 it seems a bit over done. Also it seemed gibs were spawning even when you shot them with the pistol :O that must be quite a pistol to rip someones shoulder bone out!

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jamespizzurro Author
jamespizzurro - - 1,678 comments

Thanks for your comments about the map. I worked hard to get the atmosphere just right in the time I was alloted, so I'm glad to hear it paid off and that you noticed.

As far as the creeper animations, they're really a play on the classic zombie films - and I'm not talking about the more recent ones, but the oldies, where the zombies walk with their hands in the air as they move, etc. Whether or not you agree with my choice here since it's really a matter of opinion, but I know what you're getting at and they could do with a few improvements.

The chainsaw is by no means a finished product. Eventually, we want to rework the entire weapon so that you can hold down left-click to continuously spin the chain, but at the moment we have some other things to worry about so that little project is on hold. Once we're ready to start implementing the new changes, I can have a look at the throwback and try to reduce it a bit. I agree the way it is now is a little comical and overdone, but in v1.52 it is going to almost guarantee an instant kill, which is why I kept that effect in there to begin with.

The gibs...indeed, they aren't perfect. The entire system needs reworking, but I'd rather have a ****** up gib system for the next release rather than no gib system at all judging by the demand for one. Again, if I have the time, I'll be sure to have a look and see what I can do.

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StoneCrowUK - - 308 comments

makes me think of evil dead 2, in the snow,
another version with a cute little ED2 cabin would be cool. also the boss thats a big gass cloud would be scary here

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Clonest - - 413 comments

MAN this is awesome!..who ever is still working on this left for 4 dead like mod I WANT TO JOIN THE TEAM! do I start?

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QuadX - - 116 comments

Looked pretty cool... I know this is getting nitpicky, but "cover me while I reload"? Come on... Is that necessary? 1 it's annoying after a while, 2 it's pointless because you're the only one in the video.

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stefen99 - - 31 comments

well heres my 2 cents its a fun map pretty playable the lightings a someone said moonlight i think that would benifit quite a bit now in a spot where the main barrier wall thing is it bends in one spot, that can be jumped and you can get out of the map, the cabin should have a few breakables to barricade with or have less openings its just useless in there the trees should be a little more dence (unless that will mess up the ai :\) and there hsould be more than one kind of tree maby some bushy parts, the snow should have a handfull of dirt patches and trails and perhaps you could have a good handfull of props scattered through the forest you can pick up to make a barricade and some fire or something outside the house so you can see a little bit in some places.

overall i like this map and its quite fun 4/5 as it is, 5/5 with a few of my suggestions

on a side note ive worked on a handfull of mods and maps (layouts and some mapping) and was wondering if i could have an interview to join the team

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stefen99 - - 31 comments

also i like the gib system with some improvments it could be really good

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Maxen1416 - - 5,557 comments


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cheesyattack - - 165 comments

The chainsaw is ****, You hit with it. Do you really ******* think a survivor is gonna try and hit the zombie with it like a baseball bat? No, Unrealistic, Pathetic waste of time, and **** baiscally over all. In l4d2 , it is amazing compared to this ****, that is why it is a real game and not a cheap mod. Survivors are gonna wanna just turn the thing on and put it up against a zombie. Unrealistic, You might as well shut this mod down for good, its horrible

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This is a quick forest concept £cho threw together in a few hours. It may or may not be turned into a playable map for either Situation Outbreak or Situation Outbreak: SP, I just thought you guys might want to check this out. It came out pretty well, don't you think?