Rise of the Reds – or ROTR for short – improves upon the C&C Generals formula while also adding its own distinct elements to it. Most notably, the mod adds two completely new factions, the tank-heavy Russian Federation and the defence-oriented European Continental Alliance. In addition, the three original factions China, USA and GLA have been greatly expanded and redesigned in a variety of ways, with several new units, buildings, powers and abilities to explore and combine in your in-game tactics.

Report RSS Rise of the Reds 1.87 Update 9

And this weeks update we will be showcasing you the new ECA Munitions Bunker.

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And this weeks update we will be showcasing you the new ECA Munitions Bunker:

ECA forces had previously relied on ad hoc fortified bunkers to store ammunition on defensive lines, yet it soon became apparent that a more effective solution was needed. A new reinforced concrete bunker design was rolled out on the European front, serving as both a firing position for up to three ECA troops as well as a more resilient forward ammunition depot. The Munitions Bunker is also capable of deploying Munitions Tracks to resupply defensive divisions closer to the front. Due to its usual presence in hostile territory as well as the volatile materials being stored within, the Munitions Bunker can lock itself down to improve the bunker's resistance to enemy fire. It should be noted that doing so prevents the doors from being opened to supply defenses with ammunition, and disallows access to the garage. The commander of the bunker is authorized to call in mine artillery strikes around the bunker; these are specially designed to fire Mole Mines at long ranges, equipped with parachutes allowing them to deploy safely without damage. Due to the fact that the bunker stores a large amount of explosive materials however, the commander is not authorized to call a "Danger Close" strike in-case of nearby incursion. In the worst case scenario of a forward position being completely overrun however, the staff of the bunker can easily rig the munitions stockpile to detonate in order to prevent capture of materiel.

And a friendly reminder that this upcoming Sunday, we will be doing another live stream of the newly released public build.
The stream will as usually be hosted by Hecthor Doomhammer on his channel: Twitch.tv

Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 197)
MrKindCat - - 90 comments

its got an updater now or 1.86 is still the only version available to public?

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Guest - - 700,173 comments

bro i need help how to download 1.87 Rise of the red

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bassie10 - - 93 comments

It;s Awesome that you guys still working on this mod. Can't wait for the generals for the factions :D

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Realistic1 - - 147 comments


btw ECA is the only faction that has a big problem with missiles because it cant destroy them (as efficiently as Americans and Russians), except using Munitions Truck to disperse chaff countermeasures but that's ruled out because you have to click on the truck all the time every 2 seconds when e.g. BM-21 Grad starts flooding your defense with missiles.

ECA Air Force:
Speaking of RotR upgrades, ECA needs Eurofighter Typhon as the main aircraft, not that Harrier ... which is outdated and even retired aircraft, that i also have encountered firstly in some patch 4. or 5. or something idk.
Even the GLA has Airstrip but ECA.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-8 votes
Mizo_ROTR - - 150 comments

In lore ECA airfields got destroyed and the only ones remaining are The Royal airforce and very few Spanish and frensh air assets.
This is reflected in game by the limited production capabilities you have on them. As for Eurofighters, they are so much of a luxury unit that you can only field it via GPs similar to A-10s.

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Realistic1 - - 147 comments


you are probably talking about some campaign story but idk anything about it because i cant play it.

Eurofighter Typhoon luxury unit? Then what about F-35 and F-22? They are more expensive than ET (especially F-22) and also they are 5th generation fighters, whilst ET is 4th generation fighter.
I know i know, they are American.

Even RAF retired Harrier years ago.
But alright, lets see as of what Spanish, French, and RAF also use and can offer:
-Dassault Rafale by French;
-Eurofighter Typhoon and Panavia Tornado by British;
-Eurofighter Typhoon and McDonnell Douglas F/A-18 Hornet by Spanish;
-Saab JAS 39 Gripen by Swedish.
Eurofighter Typhon is one of the greatest examples of European cooperation and unity.
At least include some of these if not Eurofighter Typhon.

There is this thing "assisted take-off" and its usually on aircraft carriers but if there is such thing as land-based then thats how these aircrafts could take off in the game without changing ECA's Deployment Zone to a typical airfield.
Even the GLA have that Airstrip.

Yes, the track does that but only when you repeatedly click on it.
No time for that in the middle of a war.

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Mizo_ROTR - - 150 comments

Okay how about this :

Eurofighters being a luxury meaning they are not avaliable in high number to be used by any commander , only high ranking ones ( represented by it being only avaliable as a rank 3 GP).

As for why ECA doesn't have it from a gameplay prespective, it's due to variety and making the faction more unique ( the howitzers are their fixed-wing airforce replacement).

If we would listen to every fan's idea to do this and that ect.., this Mod would quickly turn sour and generic. We have everything planned , so I'd kindly ask you to refrain from suggestions, unless its a clear issue.

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Realistic1 - - 147 comments



I listed aircraft other than Eurofighter Typhon.
Dassault Rafale, Panavia Tornado, Saab JAS 39 Gripen.
Assisted take-off.
8 out of 10 players would pick ET over Claymore Howitzer.

What about Chengdu J-20 and Sukhoi/HAL FGFA (which i strongly believe is used as a model for Sokol)?
Will we ever see this Chinese aircraft? That MiG 1.44 was just a project that never went into production and we are using it from 2003. China progressed and should the mod.

As of AI, Frank Jaeger should always have infantry as his priority targets.


Great! Now dealing with the GLA with the ECA finally will be much easier.

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Mizo_ROTR - - 150 comments

Simple answer : No.

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MaelstromX103 Creator
MaelstromX103 - - 2,189 comments

Please, please, PLEASE stop making suggestions. PLEASE.
None of them will be considered. EVER.
All the upcoming content is planned. The team has detailed info about what they want to put in future versions. All the stuff you suggest will fall into deaf ears.

Reply Good karma+4 votes
Realistic1 - - 147 comments



How far have you planned into the future? This mod version or a version after this version?

btw you never know, some team member may on its own come up with some of the ideas as mine.
It looks like campaign story you made prevents you from taking suggestions.

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MaelstromX103 Creator
MaelstromX103 - - 2,189 comments

It's planned until version 2.0. And there is a lot of content coming. More isn't needed.

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Realistic1 - - 147 comments


We hope Europe will earn its proper dogfighter multirole aircraft by then to deal with the GLA

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Guest - - 700,173 comments

hello,its 2019

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MaelstromX103 Creator
MaelstromX103 - - 2,189 comments

in 1.87, munition tracks launch chaffs automatically.

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MaelstromX103 Creator
MaelstromX103 - - 2,189 comments

I told you in another topic, but I'll repeat it just for you.
Eurofighter is used as a Generals Power plane (Bomblet Strike). It will NEVER be implemented as a controllable planefor ECA. Harrier will stay.

As for missile destruction, in 1.87, ECA recieved the Bloddhound which automatically sends chaff to missiles. And Munition tracks do it automatically as well.

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Guest - - 700,173 comments

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MARS2588 Creator
MARS2588 - - 1,000 comments

The reason why the ECA is so limited on fixed-wing aircraft isn't because of story reasons, but because we originally -intended and designed- them to be a faction that doesn't need/have controllable fixed-wing aircraft, aside from Charles' Harriers and Goshawks. The story justification of all their major air bases having been bombed was engineered to explain that in-lore, in other words, the story aspect came out of a conscious design decision, -not- the other way around.

The idea behind this all was to make the ECA different from the other factions. USA and China have air forces as default elements, GLA and Russia have fixed-wing aircraft that are optional (hence being unlockables), and ECA has even less focus on them and only features two VTOL aircraft for one of its generals. As such, the Eurofighter is not and will not ever be a buildable unit and only serves for call-in abilities.

Another reason for the limitation is the fact that we wanted ECA aircraft to behave differently in terms of gameplay: Their aircraft are VTOL-based, combining the speed of aircraft with the rearming-in-air feature of helicopters. As such, the Harrier presents itself as a natural choice, as does our very own fictional Goshawk. Eurofighters, Rafales, Tornados, Gripens and other European aircraft however are all CTOL designs, so you would naturally expect them to have no different from other aircraft in-game, which would thus dilute the theme and be counter-intuitive, as the inclusion of these aircraft would call for a conventional airfield structure that the planes would have to return to.

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Realistic1 - - 147 comments



That's exactly what i just wanted to say - one creator recently mentioned Goshawk. For ECA.
I haven't seen the unit, but lets see, thats CTOL aircraft, and its exclusively American because i believe McDonnell Douglas T-45 Goshawk is used as a model and now thats shows a bit of inconsistency of the idea.
You will pick exclusively American aircraft for the ECA and its CTOL-designed despite you pointing out that the ECA is designed as with VTOL-designed aircraft only, but you cant include any of this other European planes i listed (excluding Eurofighter Typhoon).
I might be wrong about the model plane for Goshawk.

So instead of making the GLA having fixed-wing CTOL-designed aircraft as looking something diluted and counter-intuitive, you made Europe as such and the result, in this specific case, is counterproductive.
You could make the ECA's aircraft to be unlockable too.

The mod is made after real-life models, not the other way around and thus ECA should have its own proper dogfighters. It deserves.
Making the ECA "unique" in this specific case didn't make it better at all.
Even tho overall the Rise of the Reds is an amazing mod that i have recently found out.

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MARS2588 Creator
MARS2588 - - 1,000 comments

In the context of Rise of the Reds, the Goshawk isn't some obscure US Navy training jet which, indeed, would have no place in the ECA arsenal and contradict everything I just said. However, when people speak of the Goshawk around here, they mean this:


A fictional design that we have created for the mod, which has been established as a VTOL attack aircraft. As such, it will have the same basic characteristics as the Harrier - fast as a jet, re-arms in flight like a chopper - but with a different role.

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grandbrothers9 - - 9 comments

mate, I have some suggestions. Can you at least repair the Russian faction? They are really hard to control. Also the ECA and Russia they are both earn little income so please fix it.

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MaelstromX103 Creator
MaelstromX103 - - 2,189 comments

You have suggestions ? Good
Keep them for yourself, everything is already planned. Regards

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ZunZero97 - - 642 comments

ECA is about artillery than aircraft. Use more artillery to attack your opponent, and use frecuently the aircraft.

You are using bad the chaff's countermeasures.

Counter attack the Grads with Howitzer positions and Mortar positions, if is necessary use tigers or harriers.

Eurofighter is already in ECA in GP rank 3.

GLA needs GP rank 3 to unlock aircraft.

You should consider to play more.

NOTE: The team doesn't take suggestions, please do not waste time.

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Realistic1 - - 147 comments


GLA's artillery outmatches ECA's (i know, i know, but there is no time to wait) and if you send almost-useless Harriers they are easy to take them down. Tigers are good.
Thanks for the suggestion anyways.

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Realistic1 - - 147 comments


Hm, that looks like some modified version of General Atomics (MQ-1 Predator)...
Are there plans of the ECA having any stealth aircraft?

btw i wanna point out that the team did a very good job including Airbus Eurocopter Tiger. Thats exactly a helicopter which should represent the ECA.

Harrier is pretty much useless. The damage it does is something you can do with Tiger and there is this big problem with Harrier when it has to go fly around and thus always get shot down because it comes close to an enemy, unlike Tiger that stays in a place.
Its like Harrier is made just for the sake of it, to fill the gap.

Change for China Air Force? Any plans on that? Chengdu J-20 instead of old outdated never-went-into-production project plane 1.44 MiG? HIMARS for the USA?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-3 votes
MaelstromX103 Creator
MaelstromX103 - - 2,189 comments

You may not know, but the team doesn't like suggestions, nor people asking for what is planned (aka fishing). So please stop.

Harrier will replace Tiger for General Charles in 2.0. It is present in current version, so it may appear less useful for now, but in the future, they will be very useful.

"HIMARS for the USA?"
Seriously? AGAIN? I told you, it doesn't fit the USA theme of precision strikes. IT WON'T HAPPEN, GET OVER IT.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Realistic1 - - 147 comments


Ha, Harrier very useful... what a joke.
Only if you make Harrier resistant to bullets/rockets/missiles just kinda like Guardian Angel only then would be "very useful".
Don't touch Tiger.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-1 votes
MaelstromX103 Creator
MaelstromX103 - - 2,189 comments

Harrier will replace Tiger for General Charles in 2.0, whether you like it or not.

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Sancoban - - 2 comments

gee i know you are ****** of but..... Chill

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MaelstromX103 Creator
MaelstromX103 - - 2,189 comments

Says a guy stalking my messages 4 years after their publication...

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Sancoban - - 2 comments

ok. i gotta be honest but.... i got BUUURRRNNNEEEEED.
sorry dude.

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Guest - - 700,173 comments

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Guest - - 700,173 comments

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Realistic1 - - 147 comments


When you say replace it should mean to be something new, better and by something not already used. This is not that case.
Wait a minute, you actually wanna replace Tiger with Goshawk?!
Well then...
btw Berkut is also not much useful but oh well at least Sokol is good and its stealth.
Time for Chengdu

Reply Good karma Bad karma-4 votes
MaelstromX103 Creator
MaelstromX103 - - 2,189 comments

3rd try.
Harrier will replace Tiger for General Charles. It is set in stone. It will happen. Done.
The Goshawk is an entirely new unit that has an entirely different role. Details are not revealed yet, don't bother asking.

Berkut is a dedicated anti-air jet. And it is pretty devastating. If you use it against ground targets, I agree, they suck.

Now I'm gonna give you a tip. The dev team is a group of people that have a very wide array of knowledge about weapons of all kind. Don't think for a second that any of the stuff you threw randomly in this chat isn't known by them. The fact is, some units are in the mod because the team likes them as is.
So maybe IRL there is a Sukhoi with any combination of digits and letters that is 352 times better than the Berkut. This is not Real life. This is a mod. If there is a plane that looks like a Berkut, sounds like a Berkut, is called a Berkut, and is the best AA jet in the mod, it is a design choice. Same for Mig. Done.


Reply Good karma+3 votes
Realistic1 - - 147 comments


Oh i am sure the dev team knows stuff, thats why i am a bit surprised they excluded aircraft for the ECA. Except that... Harrier... thing.

This is a bit annoying since release of the Generals,
but when you place a unit to guard some place and when an enemy unit come it will destroy it and then turn around waiting for the next enemy unit.
This should if possible be changed to stay facing towards the last encounter, not to turn around.
Whilst it turns around a unit is sometimes already done and gone.

This Berkut is Sukhoi Su-47, that's obvious.

What bunker addon for Solar Rector even is for??

Also, GLA units should be as they originally were - when you click on injured infantry unit to go to Barracks it should heal and come back, not to go directly to a tunnel that i have to click them back from, argh... same thing with vehicles. They should just repair around a structure as before.

Also, Warhound and Engineer do not repair structures as it says in Solar Reactor upgrade...


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MaelstromX103 Creator
MaelstromX103 - - 2,189 comments

"This is a bit annoying since release of the Generals,
but when you place a unit to guard some place and when an enemy unit come it will destroy it and then turn around waiting for the next enemy unit.
This should if possible be changed to stay facing towards the last encounter, not to turn around.
Whilst it turns around a unit is sometimes already done and gone."
Would be a nice addition, sadly uncodeable due to limited game engine.

"What bunker addon for Solar Rector even is for??"
Same as any other bunker. You put infantry in those bunkers, and they can shoot from it.

"Also, GLA units should be as they originally were - when you click on injured infantry unit to go to Barracks it should heal and come back, not to go directly to a tunnel that i have to click them back from, argh... same thing with vehicles. They should just repair around a structure as before."
Barracks and Arms dealers have been re-designed to act as part of GLA tunnel network. With that in mind, they can't have their standard healing ability (again, engine limitations). Instead, they heal at 100% instantly, but require to manually eject your troops.

"Also, Warhound and Engineer do not repair structures as it says in Solar Reactor upgrade..."
1. They do, but you need to deploy them first
2. That upgrade disappeared in 1.87, so now, they repair structures by default (still requires to deploy)

Reply Good karma+2 votes
the1viewer - - 73 comments

i wonder if there could be a map with the joke units lying around for funzies and a tech airport for the joke aircraft. Top hat Claymore with Top Gear with tea shot and Boiling water shells as 2nd and 3rd options,Persian flying Sentinel flanking the base and 'Merica Patriotic Raptor with freedom aura would be nice.

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Filip680 - - 2 comments

I wonder. Is ECA going to get an air transport? I kinda miss having one when I play ECA

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Filip680 - - 2 comments

66.media.tumblr.com the one on the low left would fit ECA nicely I think.

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Guest - - 700,173 comments

Maybe, who knows. For now they don't get one.

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ZunZero97 - - 642 comments

USA have Pavelow helicopter and Blackhawk, play with them if you like the helicopters.

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leknabis - - 3 comments


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samuel.clark2006 - - 1 comments

It doesn't work. When I run the 1.87, I get an error message saying I've encountered a serious error. That's it. I uninstalled ROTR, ZH and Generals. I reinstalled Generals, then ZH, then ROTR 1.85 then 1.86. Then installed the public build 1.87. I made sure they were all in the same directory. Still nothing. I'm running a parallels desktop emulator with windows 10. ZH and ROTR are working perfectly. Please help?

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Guest - - 700,173 comments

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walkure - - 34 comments

My first laptop has the version 1.0 realistic version, I've been playing it very much.I've played all versions and my second laptop has the 1.86 version. Where can I download the 1.87 since everybody here is talking about it and played it.When I go to forums.swr, it says the website is not working

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FOX025 - - 2 comments

where i can find link for direct download?

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Realistic1 - - 147 comments

FOX025 you cant download updates, only patches. search through the site

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Zyar - - 4 comments

Mod creater allow to give direct download?.caz i have link with mediafire but no permission from creator.

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