Rise of the Reds – or ROTR for short – improves upon the C&C Generals formula while also adding its own distinct elements to it. Most notably, the mod adds two completely new factions, the tank-heavy Russian Federation and the defence-oriented European Continental Alliance. In addition, the three original factions China, USA and GLA have been greatly expanded and redesigned in a variety of ways, with several new units, buildings, powers and abilities to explore and combine in your in-game tactics.


Hello once again Generals! We are back with yet another update to your battle software. This patch contains graphical improvements, bug fixes and balancing. You can find more details on the description here!

ROTR 1.2 Patch PC
Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 58)
synysterkha18 - - 51 comments


im the first!!!!!

Reply Good karma Bad karma-8 votes
kingbond - - 140 comments

only post if you have some thing to say
no just for glory

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CommanderJRB - - 754 comments

Everything included in 1.1 is also included in 1.2 for your convenience, so this is all you need!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
LR01 - - 48 comments


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ZergLurker - - 28 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
purplepinkflame - - 617 comments

thanks i needed to know that!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
supjay - - 207 comments

since have already patched up to 1.1 do i have to remove the whole mod, re-install and apply 1.2 directly or will it install properly on top of 1.1? Don't have time to try this till get back home..that bout 12 more hours to go :(

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
WarCrime342 - - 105 comments

The installer patches over the existing files. You do not need to completely re-install the mod.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
CommanderJRB - - 754 comments

What the good man said is quite correct. Though you don't need 1.1 to have 1.2, it won't hurt either, it'll just overwrite what it needs to.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
amiga1 - - 38 comments

Hello I have the rotr beta 1.1
its the best mod I have ever seen and , I have seen about 10 so far including the top ones like destructive forces and contra, MEC, and Blitz Krieg

basically is there a way I can view the INi Files (if indeed there are any)
I love to play around with things on my own version, such as make plane formations large for huge air strikes,
by toggling stuff in the object creation list.

I tried using final big but it does not seem to show up,
have you used somthing else?
If indeed you don,t want people to edit your game I can respect that, but I just love to toggle values, and weapon power etc.

so if its ok, please let me know what file viewer i need to edit these things in rotr


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Fekete - - 12 comments

Its nice mod, i like it. But i cant see the new structures (patch 1.2) in game. I have first decade. What wuold i do?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
CommanderJRB - - 754 comments

Well, I guess I've posted it in just about every single other RotR comments section on Moddb, so why stop now?
You can't see the structures because they don't come with the patch. They happened to share the same update purely by chance. Check the changelog to see exactly what the patch adds.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Flotsam150 - - 479 comments

No new units at 1.2 or did I slack the whole description off?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
NergiZed - - 1,608 comments

This patch is to fix some issues that 1.1 missed and some that 1.1 caused. This isn't a content patch, it's a bug patch.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
omponggosong - - 2 comments

nice work bro...

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
meyermaggot - - 8 comments

when i install 1.2 patch it installs in like 2 seconds (which is unusual for my PC) and it dosent show up on the new programs tab and, when i run zero hour it dosent show up in the game. help me please (i have vista)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Zeke_Dlyoung - - 4,486 comments

the ROTR launcher is in the start menu

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Drakojin - - 17 comments

I've installed RotR, but there's no shortcut for it and when I run it a command prompt box opens then closes a second later and never opens the game. Help please?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
c40000 - - 63 comments

i have this problem with the command prompt as well

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
godpein - - 323 comments

drakojin, it's you to create a ROTR shorcut in your deskop in your file has been istalled ???

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
brunome262 - - 1 comments

very good

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
sdg200 - - 2 comments

I have a problem getting even the original mod on to my game
I have first decade and installed the mod to the correct the directory but it doesn't work can anyone please help me

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
storms - - 45 comments

Wish to have the full mod before General II comes out.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
13 - - 9 comments

when can we expect a new patch!? With new buildings at least!?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
CommanderJRB - - 754 comments

It'll be released when it's done. SWR is not in the business of issuing release dates, has never been and will not be.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
13 - - 9 comments

alright then... thanks...
the EU Superweapon is very similar to the particle cannon, I believe more powerfull!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
CommanderJRB - - 754 comments

The Solar Blast's big difference is that it is a pulse and not a beam that can be moved around, plus the effects will be considerably updated from what you see in the video. It will have its strengths and weaknesses just as every other superweapon - or any other game element for that matter - does.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
13 - - 9 comments

besides GLA BM 21 GRAD there is no other new vehicle from GLA that we have knowledge , right!?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
CommanderJRB - - 754 comments

Correct. While the GLA will obviously get (a lot) more, it hasn't been revealed yet. The current demand (and supply) has been mostly for and of ECA and Russian units, and there's heaps in storage just waiting to see the light of day. But we do have to fill the large gaps between the releases, so I'm afraid you'll only get a trickle of renders.

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13 - - 9 comments

From what I understand so far, ECA don't have a airfield, it's final or later an update !?
It's related to history right!?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
CommanderJRB - - 754 comments

The ECA do not have an airfield with runways, but I expect them to get a structure for building and maintaining their Tiger II helicopters and, in the case of General Charles, VTOL assets. Think of it as a helipad if you must, though I don't believe that it will work quite this way. It hasn't been officially announced, and will probably be so in a later update, and should arrive at the same time as the rest of the ECA if that is the case. But it's fairly easy to interpolate its existence.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
13 - - 9 comments

allright then... thanks

from what we know so far and what we can expect from ECA and GLA, wich seems to be the most powerfull!?

I now it's still early, still the question remain =P

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
CommanderJRB - - 754 comments

They'll be different, just as all factions are different. Ideally we will balance them so that no-one is more powerful than anyone else. This is unlikely to happen in the first release but will be accomplished in the final patched versions of 0.2. We'll do our best in the mean time but balancing things to a fine point while development is still ongoing is, as AaronAsh once said, a rather Sisyphean task, so don't expect balance miracles until we get to the destination.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
13 - - 9 comments

About ECA, the pandur! amphibious maybe!? anyone agree|?

And the cobra-neutron tank, what kind of fire weapon is it? I dont understand the neutron thing very well!

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NergiZed - - 1,608 comments

We don't take any suggestions at the moment, as well have everything very well planned out.

The inclusion of the cobra into RotR is currently undecided.

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Aro - - 1,971 comments

Hmm... Can I just simply download RotR and this patch or do I have to install 1.1 first then install 1.2?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
CommanderJRB - - 754 comments

1.2 is all you need - everything in 1.1 is also included in 1.2 by default.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Aro - - 1,971 comments

Ahh good stuff. Though I've encountered an unusual error.
I Follow the readme and install RotR correctly, when I run RotR from the start menu however (All of the options, Quick Start Windowed Mode etc.) an error message comes up on the RotR loading screen, something like "A Serious error has been detected". Any ideas on what the problem is?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
CommanderJRB - - 754 comments

Serious errors will usually occur because the game hasn't been installed or patched right. Are you sure that Zero Hour is patched to 1.04, Generals is patched to 1.08, you have the SWR beta of Rise of the Reds installed, and that you have no other mods (save ShockWave, Generals Classic or WarGames) installed in your Zero Hour folder?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Aro - - 1,971 comments

Unpatched may be what's causing the problem then, I've not long reinstalled Zero hour and I don't really play any mods (However, I'm willing to make an exception for this one). Thanks.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
13 - - 9 comments

news news news, we need more =P

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
dwayneski - - 3 comments

i dont have the ECA, why is that? i only have the ussr, usa and china please help... thanks

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
CommanderJRB - - 754 comments

Read the documentation. It isn't written for fun or because we have nothing better to do. The ECA and GLA are not finished yet. The current release is a work-in-progress beta release, not the finished product. They will be added in at an undefined future stage when GLA has been brushed up to a state where it fits in along the other sides and when ECA has been sufficiently completed to be a functional side.
Also, it might seem like nit-picking, but the Russian side in the mod is the Russian Federation, and they are distinctly not Soviet or in any way communist.

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nukeu - - 110 comments

i am getting board w/ skirmish MAKE CAMPAIGNS

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CommanderJRB - - 754 comments

Of course, we exist to serve your every whim. Expect them tomorrow...

Be patient.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
saso3454 - - 111 comments

CommanderJRB one word sums up your work...........Brilliant the idea, the units, the inclusion of old favorites such as Telsa Technology but not being over the top with stupid shenanigans like dogs with sonic voices. excellent just excellent.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
CommanderJRB - - 754 comments

Glad you like it! However, I personally do no work on the mod itself save testing; I'm just the PR guy, who has been given access to the internal forums to better answer your questions. All compliments for the mod should be addressed to Hunter, Comr4de, AaronAsh, Rade, Nem, Failure, Vidar, Mylo, Rayburn and all the other members of the RotR team, who can all be found on the forums. However, I'll pass on the compliments, and thank you for them indeed - they're what keeps the team motivated to keep on going.

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nick5969 - - 1 comments

Hello , I have installed patch but I get message not a Win32 application ? Any Help ?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
CommanderJRB - - 754 comments

Hi nick5969,
If you haven't tried it already, go through a complete clean out and reinstall of Zero Hour and Rise of the Reds on your computer, following exactly the directions here:
Most issues with the mod are caused by conflicts with other things in the Zero Hour folder or closing the command prompt window that pops up - when you play the game, don't touch the black screen, as it's what makes the mod work (by activating and deactivating it) and if you stop it while it's busy there's a good chance you'll break the mod!
If the problem persists I suggest that our official support forums:
Will provide you much better technical help than I can.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
tdawg - - 53 comments

Two questions:
1. How do you make an icon for the mod?
2. Can I have both Shockwave and RotR at the same time?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
alax - - 107 comments

you can have both installed at the same time

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crizyz - - 84 comments

I think you mean a shortcut? Easiest way is to go to C: (or whatever drive you use)\Program Files\EA Games\Generals Zero Hour or \The firtst decade\Generals(tm) Zero Hour, something like that and look for a executable called rotr or something (haven't ROTR installed here, so can't give the exact name right now) then right mouse click, copy to, desktop (create shortcut)...
Oh and read teh manuals and stuff, I personally get annoyed by how many times I read how I have to install this mod and Shockwave (both from SWR), so I can't really imgine so many people missed that out!
BTW SWR team, you guys really doing a great job on your Generals ZH mod's!!!!

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