Republic at War is a total conversion modification for Star Wars Empire at War Forces of Corruption. The mod replaces the Empire with the Galactic Republic and the Rebel Alliance with the Confederacy. Republic at War focuses heavily on the theatrical films but also contains content from the Clone Wars cartoon series as well as the expanded universe. Players can re-enact various Clone War campaigns such as the Outer Rim Sieges. Players will have the choice to fight as either the CIS or the Republic and wage war for control of the galaxy. Realism is key and players will have unprecedented control over how and where they fight. Push forward with an entire clone legion such as the 501st or 212th or overwhelm your opponent with a seemingly endless number of B1 battledroids. The choice is yours. There are also a number of expansions planned that will add new (as well as polish existing) content.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 2,296)

Looks really polished Z3r0x. I must say though, you've caught alot of flak today, and the fact that you kept your cool would make me give you a 10/10 in itself. Nice work.

I love what the team did with everything. in the manual alone I can already tell how well this mod has been planned and carefully lain out and the perfectly executed. I mean how many mods take 4 to make? and then those that do how many die during such a long period. The team kept at it. I can't wait to start playing the mod as soon as I can download it tomorrow. now everyone wants there to be something negative to complain about so I'll go ahead and say the complaint about the mods English but I really don't care my english isn't the best and it's my first language unlike the writer of the manual. I am most impressed with that alone. I mean english is his 2nd language and he made a manual with what was it like 150 pages or so That is amazing and applaudable by all. And on to what I read about the mod in the manual I love the having to choose what you want your forces to be focused on like choosing the different build pads like the secondary command post and such. I also love how they made clones more durable but longer to train and droids weaker but trained quickly. It really add some ideas of realatity to a nice science fiction game. I was also so happy when Z3r0x said they were postponing release date to fix bugs I mean they wanted us to have as good a version as we could get and I majorly appreciate that. So wrapping up the mod gets a 10 because so much work has been put into it and because of how well it has been executed. Now tomorrow I will finally get to play the mod and I applaud all the hard work Z and the Team have done perfect 10 no doubt about it.

I have been playing this mod since it's release and I have to say, it's simply amazing. The amount of work put into every unit and every map is stunning. This is a truly quality mod and I would HIGHLY recommend it.


CISftw says

May contain spoilers Agree (43) Disagree (8)

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One of the masterpieces in the modding-world.

This mod is simply put. AMAZING. It is everything you expect from a mod: Professional,awesomely made, good graphics,great gameplay. It's simply Outstanding.


This is the best mod that ever happened to FOC.


blargtroll says

May contain spoilers Agree (36) Disagree (10)

Manual was awesome, I serously like the idea that the type of planet limits the production types, so now you cant have AT-TEs being built on Kashyyyk.

This mod is porbably one of the greatest mods in Star Wars Empire at War History. The manual is great and I can't wait till the upload is finished