Overdose is a Doom 3 overhaul mod (for D3HDPv2) that aims to make Doom 3 more intense, bloody, brutal, violent & a more tactical-survival-horror-shooter. Enemies are faster, smarter, more aggressive & deal double to triple damage. The player's arsenal also deals double to triple damage. Player also moves faster. Still, Survival is not guaranteed. A quick trigger finger & planning your every move beforehand are essential if you want to survive.

RSS Reviews

LordGustav says

Agree Disagree

One of the most enjoyable times I've had playing a mod.

How do I sum up Overdose? That's a tough cookie of a question. It's not something that's easy to describe. It's one of those mods you really have to play for yourself to truly appreciate what it brings to the table.

I can say this: It delivers very satisfying combat. Doom 3's combat was never its strong suite. Where the game truly excels is in its lighting and atmosphere. Overdose takes the combat and that atmosphere and cranks it all the way to max.

I love the added ambient soundscapes this mod adds. It takes a bunch of BFG Edition ambient sounds, not to mention many AlphaBuild ambient sounds, and uses them in the retail game.

The running HellKnight, running Pinky, jetpack Revenant, ShadowWraith, and that bloody 3-ball firing Caco, who spits blue plasma at you, are all pretty cool. I also love the BFG plasma shooting Mancubi. It looks cool, and kinda gives me some Doom Eternal Mancubi vibes.

The heightened feel of realism and rich immersion this mod delivers really add up to make for an exhilarating and unforgettable experience. At many times, during my play sessions with this mod, I felt like I was really there. Like I was actually living in Doom 3. That's pretty impressive that a mod for a game from 2004 can make me feel like this.

And yes, I know this mod is for the Essential HD Pack. And while that mod looks incredible, Overdose goes the extra mile and, dare I say it, adds even more eye candy to the visuals. A bunch of particle effects from Phrozo Mod, that weren't included in D3HDP, are present here. And, I gotta say, they really should have been included in D3HDP. Not to say anything against D3HDP, mind you. They are both fantastic mods. But I'm a guy who really digs atmosphere and immersion/realism. And if it's those things you're looking for in your Doom 3, Overdose definitely delivers in these regards.

It isn't perfect. There are some flaws, here and there. Biggest one I can think of being that the player shadow effect doesn't work in this mod: so don't even bother turning it on, or your view is gonna be glitched with black silhouette reflections from the player model and stuff in the environment. One other minor complaint I have is the fact the twohand pistol model this mod uses is a tad buggy. When you shoot the pistol, the player's left hand constantly lets go of the gun. Don't know if this was a bug in the original twohands pistol mod or not, but it can be distracting to the player's view when using the pistol. But these are very small complaints I have for, what is actually, an amazing, one of a kind mod.

Overall, If you want satisfying combat, great atmosphere, rich immersion, and nerve racking intensity in your Doom 3, look no further than Overdose.

Verdict - 10/10 masterpiece


JjForcebreaker says

Agree Disagree

Riley97 says

Agree Disagree

One of the best Doom3 mods ever! Comes very close to Overthinked for me! An absolute blast!


the_vm says

Agree (1) Disagree (1)

This mod turns the game into quite the quickload fest on the intended Veteran difficulty. You die from two hits on full health + armor, and unless you have memorized every single spawn from the OG, you're going to have a very bad time. The healthkits are now completely worthless, the real healing comes only from health stations, some enemies have increased HP out of nowhere, and the lack of crosshairs with no way to properly aim is rather questionable. It's ironic that the difficulty defaults to Nightmare, too. I appreciate the version without the move bob, it was way too distracting.
All in all, if you want balanced challenge that doesn't resemble OHKO mode while focusing on the survival aspect, you should play Overthinked instead.


rjsxz says

Agree (1) Disagree (1)



Dafama2k7 says