The mod you are trying to view has ceased development and consequently been archived. If you are a member of this mod, can demonstrate that it is being actively developed and will be able to keep this profile up to date with the latest news, images, videos and downloads, please contact us with all details and we will consider its re-activation.

Version Right now: 1.0.9

This Mod is A Multiplayer mod
created for Fun by "CoDiEx" or "JustCoDiEx"

there is no base buildings.
User Posted Image

User Posted Image

is where you should click to get into the buildings

win conditions:
Timer: annihilate your opponent on time(55 minutes)
Commando: Keep your own commander safe while trying to kill the enemy commander

when a game start the first thing you will notice is that there are no squads start producing by clicking on one of the buttons from above. you might find it effective to get infantry first as they are more cheap and wont slow down you progress that much. after that it's normal VCoH but the strategic points are auto captured(no need for standing at a flag to secure a area)

Day Night System:
A Day Night System is also included, it doesnt only change time of day but also the Weather.

- added assault squad
- gave assault squad fire up ability
- added American commander
- added American commando squad (for the commando wincondition)
- added an upgrade to add an extra squad member for Assault riflemen and Rifleman
- added retreat to commander ability (not for the commando wincondition)
- added the M4A2 Sherman Tank
- added the M4 105mm Sherman Tank
- replaced the doctrinal M2A1 Howitzer with M7 Priest
- Medic station does now heal nearby troops
- aid stations can now heal and reinforce
- the Halftrack is now used by the AI
- the Halftrack spawns with a MG gunner
- made the Engineer unit a 4 man squad
- M2A1 Howitzer is Non-Doctrinal and buildable

- added British commando squad (for the commando wincondition)
- added 75mm Autocar as the British AT gun
- added barrage ability for 75mm Autocar
- casualty clearing center can now reinforce units
- removed the Bofors emplacement(bofors can still be produced)
- removed infantry section
- added rifleman squad
- added mortar team
- added sniper
- added Heavy Machine Gun Team
- added scottish squad
- added Canadian Squad
- added Boys AT Rifle
- added c15ta truck

- added Wehrmacht commando squad (for the commando wincondition)
- removed officer's supervise ability
- Faster panzer production ability does now work properly
- replaced panzer commands with Enable panzer 1
- added panzer 1
- medic bunkers can now reinforce
- fixed veterancy positions
- fixed self repair ability by removing it
- added panzer repair
- added three more panzer doctrine upgrades: camouflage, Panzer health bonus and StuH
- added three more Artillery doctrine upgrades: 18m Howitzer, Health bonus and 88 Gun
- added Lefh 18 m Howitzer Emplacement
- added 88 Flak gun Emplacement
- added Ostruppen veteran squad
- the Halftrack spawns with all gunners
- increased Volksgrenadier cost to 340 manpower
- added Field promoted officer (available at secret weapons doctrine)
- added a more interesting description of the doctrines
- a "field promoted officer" can only be called in from a vet 1-3 Ostruppen squads
- the pioneer squad is a 5 man squad
- added pak 36 for wehrmacht
- added stug III for wehrmacht

- added PE commando squad (for the commando wincondition)
- added Sturm Tiger
- added Ferdinand/Elephant
- lowered cost on the sturmtigers Rocket shot ability
- increased damage taken from the sturmtiger
- increased damage taken from the Ferdinand
- added sniper team
- added SS ShockTroopers
- added SS Grenadiers
- added Grenadiers
- added SS Support Upgrade
- redesigned the PE Tier Unit UI Position
- added Tiger

bug fixes and some other stuff:
- removed unnecessary files
- fixed a bug that disabled British vehicles when a reward unit was deactivated in vCoh
- a pilot squad will now spawn every time a plane crashes
- improved AI
- added wooden bunker for all factions
- added scout unit for all factions
- Tank may be abandoned half a minute after a critical have been applied

- added commando squad wincondition
- added Timer wincondition

- added Train Assault
- added Village Assault (4)

I need someone who can translate from English to French.

Loran Korn

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RSS Articles

2014 News

News 6 comments

Company of Heroes: Operation Europe Mod

I have decided to trash this mod, because it has become impossible to mod.
all the files are a mess, I can hardly find anything.
That is why I have decided to trash it.
I would love to finish this mod, but I can't

I'll downgrade my current version, to the one available, then I'll start fixing bugs from there.
I'll also do some balancing and other stuff. But I wont add anything new.

as for the campaign, its 40-60% finished.
so I'll not release it, until I can convert it to a vCoH campaign

October 2013 News

October 2013 News


The news for the mod. This time we will be looking at how 3 of the 4 factions doctrines will work in a winter match and some other stuff

Campaign Announcement

Campaign Announcement

News 2 comments

Announcement of the OEM Campaign with the name of: "Operation Europe" and the revealing of the "something cold"

September News

September News


news for September 2013, about whats goind on right now.

August News

August News


Operation Europe Related news For Company of Heroes: Operation Europe(OEM) news for August 2013.

RSS Files
Operation Europe v1.0.9

Operation Europe v1.0.9

Full Version 4 comments

A little update, small demo version of the campaign included.

Operation Europe v1.0.8 [OLD]

Operation Europe v1.0.8 [OLD]

Full Version 26 comments

OEM V1.0.8 is here! 3 new Winconditions and some bugfixes. click on read more for install instructions

Operation Europe v1.0.7.5[OLD]

Operation Europe v1.0.7.5[OLD]


OEM Version - adds spanish language support - fixes the non healing medic stations. click on read-more for install instructions

Operation Europe v1.0.7 [OLD]

Operation Europe v1.0.7 [OLD]

Full Version

its finally here! OEM Version 1.0.7 is here ready yo get enjoyed. click on readmore to get the full change-log... BTW! all translated stuff may not be...

Operation Europe v1.0.6 (HotFix) [OLD]

Operation Europe v1.0.6 (HotFix) [OLD]


this is a little fix for some things DO NOT UNINSTALL previous version 1.0.5 as this only adds files simply just drop the file and folder into Steam Location\SteamApps\common\Company...

Operation Europe v1.0.5 [OLD]

Operation Europe v1.0.5 [OLD]

Full Version 7 comments

so here it is, the final version of the mod is here! enjoy, and a tutorial on how to install is included

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 104)
Irishman215 - - 156 comments

when can we expect a new version?

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OffizierTompson - - 6 comments

If i play with AI and save the game i can't continue it. Every time i load the game i get an error message, that there is a fatal AI-error and my units dont move.

(sry for my bad english)

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JustCoDiEx Creator
JustCoDiEx - - 86 comments

weird, can you tell the wincondition you played with?

Reply Good karma+1 vote
OffizierTompson - - 6 comments

I got another really weird bug -.-.
I got into their base with 20 tanks when i played extinguish.
But then 3 guys from a mortar were there and i could not attack them. When i moved the cursor over the enemy unit it showed just what unit it is.

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OffizierTompson - - 6 comments

I played Attack.

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JustCoDiEx Creator
JustCoDiEx - - 86 comments

Attack? I take that as annihilation
the British mortar guys will be fixed next version.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
OffizierTompson - - 6 comments

thx and again sorry for my english :)

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Dompsu - - 150 comments

Hay JustCoDiEx!

Here is problem with US Navy Commander tree...
When I chose that ability to product navy engineers, I don't get any productive choise for them, instead I even lose ability to product normal engineers...

Long time I played mod so you may be aware of that problem?
Normal way I love to play is using another 2 command trees when play with US but this time tried Navy...

And how it is going with mod and when we can wait new patch/version?
Oh and I think that damage system is good enough for me...

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JustCoDiEx Creator
JustCoDiEx - - 86 comments

I werent aware of the navy engineers. Will once more look into it. Thanks for reporting.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
tylerhope71 - - 17 comments

any where i can get a instruction on how to instal this I am having troubles

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