Old World Blues

This ModDB listing for Old World Blues serves as both an official download and archive for past versions of the mod. Check out the Steam or PDXMods releases for auto updating versions of the mod!

These past versions are the best way to play old save files, as it is common that newer patches break save files and prevent or hinder you from playing your ongoing games.

Use old patches at your own risk! They invariably contain bugs (hence us releasing more up-to-date patches), and we therefore won't offer bug-fixing or support for past versions.

We won't be actively responding to comments on here, so if you want to let us know about something wrong please hop on our Discord and let us know.

Otherwise, enjoy!

- The Old World Blues Team

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RSS Articles

The newest expansion, By Blood Alone, for Paradox Interactive’s critically acclaimed strategy game, Hearts of Iron IV, has just been announced. To celebrate, here’s five great community mods for the latest entry in the series!

NOTE: Major updates for HOI IV tend to break mods like those in this list until they're updated. Some are already updated to the previous expansion, No Step Back, but if not, you can rollback to 1.10.5 "Collie" or 1.10.8 "Collie Anniversary." Steam users can rollback by right clicking the game in the library, selecting "Properties" and selecting the desired version under the "Betas" menu. Thanks to Neverhoodian on our last HOI IV mod editorial for the tip!

VF's Brazil

By vilenerd


Between 1930-1945 Brazil suffered one of it's most troubled political times and it's second biggest economical and industrial boom of the 20st Century. In light of this historical setting and the importance that such decades represents of Brazilian history, it's nothing but fitting for it to have a focus tree, complete with a plethora of decisions, military and civil leaders, ideas, songs, sounds, resources, manufactories, advisors and flavour, in both English and Portuguese.

Old World Blues

By Old World Blues Developers

OWB Custom Map

Old World Blues is a Fallout total conversion mod for HOI4, featuring a brand new map, entirely new technology, massive focus trees and many other new features. Total conversions putting this game into different eras or focusing on particular countries are quite common, but fictional universes are rarer, and even rarer still are tight, laser-focused conversions putting scale to the comparatively small segment of the world seen in Fallout: New Vegas.

Victorian Age

By Hearts of Iron IV Mod Group

Weekly Update #7 Images

This will be a total conversion to the Victorian Age for Hearts of Iron IV. The year is 1850. The world is changing rapidly as technologies develop faster than ever. New empires will rise. Old ones shall crumble.
Which nations will succeed and stand the test of time? Lead your nation to victory!

The Epic War

By Novout


'The Epic War' brings an innovative experience to the player in exploring other, alternative historical events and their impact on World War II, such as with the effect of a hypothesised American withdrawal. PAX ends up bringing new alternatives of histories and variations of government, which will prove very interesting for players as they determine which new branches are worth pursuing.

Belgium: A World Major

By Prime Workshop

Bel 1

With this mod you can now play with Belgium, join the allies, the axis or the Soviet Union. Create your own alliance and become a master of Europe and the world. Revive old Burgundy or build a new empire. Replay the story or change it with the destiny of Belgium in your hands. The final goal has evolved beyond Belgium, being to make the game more immersive and with new possibilities for the so-called minor countries in the game.

Thicker Than Water

Hearts of Iron is a grand strategy franchise where players are required to plan great strategic moves on a global scale to claim victory for their faction. The games are traditionally set in the World War II period, placing players into the conflict in control of one of the major (or minor) nations that took part.

Hearts of Iron IV: By Blood Alone Screens

By Blood Alone continues the tradition of expansions focusing on alternate storylines
and the potential to shape a different kind of world history

A Different History

The fourth entry in the series, also the newest, has received a handful of expansions so far such as No Step Back (which we covered back in November). The newest, By Blood Alone, explores alternate histories regarding Italy, Ethiopia, and the Swiss, and introduces an aircraft designer for particularly invested tacticians. 12 new music tracks will also feature to set atmosphere and scene, as well as peace conferences, embargoes, and new units that all diversify the systems available to players.

Hearts of Iron IV: By Blood Alone Screens

Player choice and strategy play a large part in success within HOI IV's sandbox; the
right or wrong tactical play can cause domino effects hours later

Flying Solo

Hearts of Iron IV: By Blood Alone is expected to release later this year, and will come with "a major update, free for all Hearts of Iron IV players." What form this update takes is not currently revealed, but it's safe to say devoted players and modders alike will have plenty more to dig into in the upcoming expansion.

RSS Files
Release Version 5.0.8

Release Version 5.0.8

Full Version

Release Version 5.0.7a HOI4 Version 1.14.*. Click 'Read More' for patchnotes / installation instructions.

Release Version 5.0.7a

Release Version 5.0.7a

Full Version

Release Version 5.0.7a HOI4 Version 1.14.*. Click 'Read More' for patchnotes / installation instructions.

Release Version 5.0.7

Release Version 5.0.7

Full Version

Release Version 5.0.7 HOI4 Version 1.14.*. Click 'Read More' for patchnotes / installation instructions.

Release Version 5.0.6

Release Version 5.0.6

Full Version

Release Version 5.0.6 HOI4 Version 1.14.*. Click 'Read More' for patchnotes / installation instructions.

Release Version 5.0.5

Release Version 5.0.5

Full Version 1 comment

Release Version 5.0.5 HOI4 Version 1.14.*. Click 'Read More' for patchnotes / installation instructions.

Release Version 5.0.4a

Release Version 5.0.4a

Full Version

Release Version 5.0.4a HOI4 Version 1.14.*. Click 'Read More' for patchnotes / installation instructions.

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