No Jump | A Portal mod:

No Jump is a Portal mod which tries to change from the usual by making you think with or without Portal and most of all without jumping.
You also change of location! Say goodbye to your favorite Aperture Lab and visit a new location before the GlaDOS incident.
Also, play with new gameplay mechanic and unusual tests chambers.

No jump tries to change from the usual Portal mods by changing the location, the character, the puzzles... Yet, it keeps what makes Aperture, Aperture just without an evil A.I! As the Portal Prelude mod, humans will be the main character as antagonist and protagonist.

Also, the game takes place before the Portal AND the Half-Life 2 events.

If you want to contact me about the mod you can:

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  • You can send me private messages on ModDB (Ttiki)

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No Jump is back

News 1 comment


Sorry sorry and sorry about this sudden disappearance of mine. I've been waiting a long time to write this post but I couldn't find the time. I've started this project approximately 3 years ago. I was in High school; didn't have a car, and was a bit crush by work and other personal time-consuming things. I now have my own company making websites and video games, I'm studying at university, have a car, and is much freer.

That's why I reappear. I'm going to resume the development of No Jump and all the other secret projects I've been keeping inside my head or in a drawer in my desks. Of course, I won't be able to dedicate all of my free time to No Jump. I need to write papers for university, I need to work on my games for my company, but I have free time now. And thanks to a new way of life, I'm much organizing with my time.

I will need some time to get back on tracks and some things will need to be changed. Now that I have "professional" tools and much more knowledge on how to make a game, I will be more organize and I will definitely be happier with the result than how it turned out before.

Also, some important news, No Jump's blog is out (a long time ago...) and my personal blog as well, or is it? I've just launched a new blog that I'm not hosting or coding... I use Blogger to do it, it's simpler for me because I really don't want to code website right now. You can find it by clicking here: Ttiki's blog.




Hello. I'm really sorry for this late INSIDE POST and for not publishing anything last month. As you will see in this INSIDE POST, I won't give you any...




Hello everyone and welcome to this new INSIDE POST! This inside post will be different from the other ones as I don't have a lot of news for you.

No Jump needs your help!

No Jump needs your help!


Hello everyone. I've talked about it in the last INSIDE POST, I need your help to make No Jump! If you are working with Hammer and the Source engine...




We've got a little Inside Post this month. Yet, a very important one! So let's get to it! Summary: 1-I'm back for good!; 2-I need your help!

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 12)
EvilEMG - - 77 comments

You probably moved on by now, but it was an interesting mod idea.

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Secret_Coming - - 1,057 comments

any news?

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Superfech - - 75 comments

Still alive?

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FranZeviN - - 15 comments

The idea that you cannot jump looks interesting. Sorry for finding it late. I wonder if you're still working on it.
If so, I think I can provide some little help in the closecaption's translation. Contact me if you're interested.
Hope that the mod can finally be released.

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Secret_Coming - - 1,057 comments

Here's a bit off feedback:

Don't call your mod no jump. Come up with something more creative, not necessarely having to be related to the mechanic of your mod, but has to look cool. Else Dark souls would be called "Dying Simulator"

Second, how exactly are you gonna make the no jump mechanic all that interesting? Hell, I'm pretty sure the intended solution on most maps I played to this day didn't involve jumping. Not only that it seems pretty useless, just no jumping? You could easily make a death fizzler if you didn't want the player to get in a certain area.

Third, if you get a moddb page up, you need at least to have the main general idea of what your mod is supposed to be. "Bring your custom elements if you want to, or port them from portal 2", "But I'm not forcing you to use the same assets as the original game. If you want your test to take place in a forest, you can. Just make the landscape look like a movie set! And make sure it's not too disorienting for the player" what is that even supposed to mean???!!!

Now I get it, you might be making a sandbox mod... then just make a mappack! Why even bother with the story if your mod is gonna be inconsistent. You need to address your general aim with your mod before you even start making content for it. And yeah, you also need at least 1 or 2 (very polished!) maps up if you want to make a moddb page, else nobody will join your team.

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Ttiki Creator
Ttiki - - 21 comments


I understand your points about the mod and I would like to answer most of them.

I understand for the name of the mod, yet I prefer using a simple name which already set every card on the table rather than a name which makes reference to the original game or a name with a name that doesn't explain the main gameplay of the game. Yet, as I like to say, if you have any ideas, you can suggest them here.

It's true, Portal doesn't use the jump mechanic quite often. But we can always use this at our advantage, by making the player want to jump to the end, yet, forcing it to solve the chamber.
I made this mod to experiment a bit with players and to get feedback. I could have made a simple Portal mod, but I wanted to make the mod original.

I've already got everything wrote down in a book. Where I've started this community help thing, I wanted to see how people would come up with interesting ideas with this "no jump" mechanic. I also wanted them to experiment a bit and not only play with the original portal assets. If people want to experiment with lasers, they can.
Also, as Aperture tag did, I wanted to add landscape to the chambers. If people want their tests to take place in a forest, well, they can!

And no, it's not a sandbox game. As Portal, you'll get through multiple tests. In the end, the player will have to fight a "boss". That's it. The only sandbox elements of this mod are the freedom for mappers, that's it.

Yet, thank you for your comment, it helped me. I hope I have answered your question.

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Secret_Coming - - 1,057 comments

I think Portal: Osteogenesis (Or just Osteogenesis, like Rexaura) would work perfectly.

There are a ton of ways to make your mod original. If new elements tend to make degrate the overall quality of the mod, you should try and avoid them. Nintendo games tend to make the story adapt to their mechanics, and not the other way around. A good example of how this is poorly implemented is on the Tomb Raider reboot, where Lara constantly kills people (mechanics) and constantly cries to her father of how she is so miserable to have to kill people (story).

If you have everything you need for the mod, then that's good. I think what you did is a poor word selection instead. You need to writte the description of your mod as if you already have the main idea settled but is open to change.

Maybe I used the wrong wording. Basically, look at the Portal 2 chambers where you take an specific aesthetic (like Wheatley and Clean) and make a chamber on it. They include stock Wheatley/Glados line, what they are doing is taking the already existing story to improve the ambience and verisimilitude of their chamber, but it's not a "custom story" chamber like other map packs have. What I'm saying is your mod might have a story but if you're developing more mechanics it shouldn't be a priority. Just look at Rexaura and Aperture Tag, there is a story but you notice how it's mostly about the puzzles. Hell, the Co-op campaign of Portal 2 also puts puzzles first rather than story (there isn't a huge focus on it until the last chapter). So if you want to name your mod after a mechanic you're sure you want a huge focus on story? This doesn't mean however you can't have BTS and a Boss Fight, just that maybe you don't need whole BTS maps to explain an aspect of your story.

Hope it clears it up what I meant earlier. Thanks for reading and taking the feedback! Wish this helps.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Ttiki Creator
Ttiki - - 21 comments

Thank you really much for your advice.
I've taken some notes to improve the mod.

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Ttiki Creator
Ttiki - - 21 comments

I'm sorry I didn't post any news lately. As the end approaches, I need to study my final exam and make my choice for next year. And I can't find time to work on projects anymore.
But don't worry, as soon as I've got time, I will be on working again!
Thanks for your patience! Don't forget I can be reached at or on the forum or in this comment section or in PM!

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Ttiki Creator
Ttiki - - 21 comments

It's been a really long time since I made any post here or on my Steam Group about No Jump...
So stay tuned, I'll post something today!

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