MidEast Crisis is a total conversion for the EA game Command and Conquer Generals : Zero Hour. It is a mod featuring Israel and Syria in a hypothetical modern war setting.

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 179)

A solid one, it's a total conversion so it introduces some pretty original features instead of enhancing the vanilla gameplay.

It adds two brand new factions - Israel and Syria, significantly more realistic than vanilla factions, but unfortunately there are just two of them, and the specializations you can unlock mid-game (instead of picking a general before the game starts) are rather disappointing. As for factions themselves, Israel sports more modern western equipment and relies on mobility, meanwhile Syria sticks to soviet-era weaponry and is somewhat more sturdy. Income systems are altered heavily - the dropped supplies were rendered more scarce and only good for early game, with captureable indestructible structures being the main income source. Each faction got a new secondary income source, strongly differing from vanilla ones - Israel can train journalists that apart from periodic income can photograph enemy units for extra funds, which is risky but rewarding, meanwhile Syria trains civilians and makes them occupy structures.

One problem is that, while it introduces some new factions that are really interesting, it still lags behind the vanilla Zero Hour in diversity of units, and you don't get anything crazy awesome like modular supertanks or toxin sprays, that's the price of realism.

It has a good multiplayer potential, but I can't imagine it remaining attractive for long while.

This mod has potential. You did well... But a little TOO well. Few defense options with little HP (Especially Israel The GLA, like Israel relies on speed and cunning, but they're defenses obviously outmatch these ones.

Killable superweapons? As in missiles you can SHOOT DOWN?! Come on guys you can do better than that. The cruise missiles I get but the NUCLEAR?! That's just pure Hollywood!

And of course few unit options.

This mod satisfies, yet it leaves a player wanting more

I really love this mod, but i would like that there was some way of usinf the other factions of generals in this mod like USA and the GLA would be great if you can play with all of them but out of that the game its really well made and worth even buying ; D

great mod for ZH and CnC 3, 10 of 10


asddib says

Agree Disagree

Good gameplay but not much balance and realism.

Ouch!!! This mod are not playable and I must give this ****** 1/10. Very strange title and tons of bugs. This bugs prevent to do some progress in this mod.

Great mod. Can play it for hours, but there are still a couple bugs that could probably be fixed.

this mod has got some very nice models with some good textures to go withy them, they have made it a completly new game with new forces and stratagies, i must say they have done well with the ballencing and the AI workswell with all the new units, however to make it that bit better they could have more poly on their units just to reduce that boxy look. overall this is a good mod which gives a different aspect to the game

nice mod


A good mod with divirsity in factions.
Nice maps,indistructibe tech building and a fully function AI

But feels a bit incomplete with only two factions
but overal a good mod

try MidEast Crisis 2 for cnc3 if you liked this one