Lucium total war is a mod that takes place in the year 1700, and goes all the way to 1850, with technologies and warfare progressing as you play. There are 2 main campaigns to play, both being completely unique, taking place in an expanded Europe that goes from Swedish-Finland to Persia, and an original and totally unique South America. The Europe campaign beginning in 1700 (around the Spanish Succession Crisis and the Great Northern War), and the South American campaign beginning in 1819 (around the revolutions of Simon Bolivar). The 1.0 version of the Europe campaign of Lucium Total War, was released officially on April 20th 2020, with the 2.0 version being released shortly afterwards on the 14th of June 2020, and then also a 2.5 version on the 4th of July 2020. This began a short break for the team as we worked on the 2.6 version, as well as the South Americas campaign: Bolivars Revolution, having those release on the 12th of November 2020. We adore 3.0, and hope you do also!

Report RSS The Release of Lucium Total War 3.0/1.1!

Thank you all for following us for over a year and a half while we worked on the update. But we are happy to say that it is finally released for all of you to play, and hopefully enjoy!

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Lucium Image

The Lucium Total War mod team released the first Definitive Edition of the mod, including a South Americas campaign, on the 12th of November 2020. Since then the team has been totally dedicated to working on an update we have colloquially called "Lucium 3.0" for the sake of brevity. This update, which initially was simply about bringing the Europe campaign up to the level of the South American one, turned into a total overall of almost every aspect of gameplay. From the main menu, to the faction select, to the map, to the factions, to the units, to the events, to the scripts, to the formable nations, and to the emergent factions, Lucium Europe went from playable and vaguely fun in 2.6, to far exceeding the quality of the already great South American campaign in Europe 3.0.

Lucium Total War began work in August 2019, and has been worked on every single day since then, through global pandemics and wars, we've worked on Lucium haha. And all that, with releases and updates coming roughly every 6 months. Here is a run-down of the releases previously to this, as I assume almost none of you have been following the mod from the beginning haha:

1.0 - 20th of April 2020

1.2 - 21st of April 2020

2.0 - 12th of June 2020

2.5 - 4th of July 2020

2.6/1.0 - 12th of November 2020 (Now including the South America campaign in version 1.0)

Now something you might notice when looking at these release dates, is that we have gone a very, very long time since our last release. This just goes to show, how much time and effort we have put into this update. If you played 2.6 and have downloaded the newly released 3.0 now that it is finally out, then you can most definitely see the difference. A full list of changes exists in the install itself within the same directory as the launch file if you'd like a list of that also.

3.0 MenuMain Menu

Due to this update being so large in scale, we added things such as a new menu, nationality traits, new borders for building cards, new artillery pieces, etc, which needed to be put into the South America campaign now also. This is where the update 1.1 comes in for that campaign, and despite it not being the massive update to South America, featuring its very own map extension and new factions like in Europe, it still has changes that make playing it more enjoyable, and we hope you agree with us on this.

Faction Select MenuBolivar'sFactionSelect

The team would like to thank you all wholeheartedly for following us along the way. And if you have only just found out about the mod, or have only been here a few weeks or months, we thank you as well. As if we didn't get the kind words you all say, as well as the constructive criticisms, we wouldn't have been able to make a product that anywhere near as many of you enjoy. The fact that we have made something that you all feel so positive about makes us all happy, and we simply cannot thank you enough. I will end this with a list of the members of the team who worked on the mod, who all hope you enjoy your time playing the update that we spent so long working on.

Thank you for following the development of Lucium Total War.

- Lead Developer
- Head of the Mod Team
- Scripter
- Creative designer

Lord Ayedren/Mithyc:
- Creator of all events (Historical)
- Creative Consultant
- Historical-Accuracy Consultant
- Worked on some unit cards

- Head Scripter
E.G, Hungarian revolution and French revolution scripts
- Creator of most custom buildings
E.G, Policy Buildings, Protestant Churches, Police Buildings, ETC

- Worked on some building cards
- Worked on unit cards

Athaeus (Retired on the 11th of August 2021):
- Creator of most faction's flags
- Creator of most of non-painting custom building images
- E.G, the policy buildings

- Worked on unit info cards
- Worked on some building cards
- Worked on loading screen quotes

Freelance7 (Joined on the 14th of August 2021):
- Lead writer
- Writer of all in-game descriptions of non-script buildings
- Writer of all in-game descriptions of units


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