The mod you are trying to view has ceased development and consequently been archived. If you are a member of this mod, can demonstrate that it is being actively developed and will be able to keep this profile up to date with the latest news, images, videos and downloads, please contact us with all details and we will consider its re-activation.

This mod has been superceded by Orion 

It was Earths last days. What was once a living, breathing, and very ambitious world is now on its last breath. The year is 2172. Earth has run its course with resources, leaving little to none.

There are three major powers in the world at this time. The NAF (North America Faction) which owns the majority of the lands, as well as the EUF (European United Faction) as well as the Government in the Far East. During these times the three major powers have formed treaties and agreements and act as one large world power. Resources have become so bare that the Government has taken it upon themselves to ration out the foods to the citizens. In order to do this they established the City of Cera located off the coast of Africa as the major city. Forcing major businesses and companies to re-located into Cera causing many of the workers to move there as well. They had also established reasonably priced housing in Cera in order to move the poor in. Doing so made it easier to ration out food, water, and clothing at a faster pace. But doing so also caused problems. People of Cera had formed rebel alliance groups. These groups became well-trained as well as very organized. Their families were dieing of starvation, dehydration as well as illnesses from malnutrition. The Rebels were only fighting to survive. Having all of the companies, businesses and government offices located in Cera made it very easy for the Rebel Alliances to do bombings as well as raids. This caused the Government to begin the Carrier Project as well as the more extreme, Phoenix Project.

Civil War lasted for 5 years on Earth. Many died, resources were lost. This put the Government in a terrible dilemma. In the year 2174 the Government began researching and searching for a suitable environment to ?start over?. After 10 years of looking they had found exactly what they were hoping for in the Dawn Galaxy. They code named the planet ?Orion?. In the next 5 years they began getting ready for a landing on Orion.

While scientists were studying Orion they saw signs of life. It had puzzled them as it was a very rare breed of life, beasts. In the year 2192 the first batch of scientists and military soldiers had landed on Orion and began setting up communication bases in order to contact Earth. They set up communication towers, bunkers, and bases in order to conduct their tests. Every week more scientists and marines arrived.

They studied the planet and began tests on the environment. Once realizing that the planet was suitable, and surprisingly nearly an exact copy of Earth, the Government had to make people aware of the situation. This had caused more rebel outbreaks since the poor would have a hard time affording living there, or even affording to get there.
Civil war continued for another 4 years.

The year is 2220. The Carrier Project has been completed and the Phoenix Project will be done within the next 10 years. The first batch of Carrier Marines were sent to Orion in order to preserve the safety of the Scientists.

The year is 2232. The Phoenix Project is being finalized and the first batches of Phoenix Warriors are sent through out the City of Cera to maintain peace and order. Over the course of 2232 to 2240 only one Phoenix Warrior died in a war in Cera.

2240. The citizens of Orion notice strange marks in the sky over Orion. Blue streaks of light during the day time with loud sounds that would howl. They couldn?t figure out what they were, but a team of scientists were ordered to stop working on Orion and focus on the mysterious streaks of light.

2241. One of the Military Communication bases located in the Tera region in the snow covered mountains loses signal.

2242. The War starts.

Features of Incoming Source (the first playable beta):

-18 Weapons (11 human / 7 alien)
-4 Drivable Vehicles (with usable turrets)
-5 maps
-1 game mode (Vital)
-Iron Sight aiming
-Weapon fire modes
-Melee Attacks
-Recoil / Bullet Spread
-Radio Commands
-2 Player models (1 human / 1 alien)
-Team Selection
-Spectator Mode
-Weapon Selection Sytem
-Point Based System
-and more

But thats not it, no, not it at all!
Over the course of time, we'll be adding new patches to fix bugs and errors (if they occur) as well as 'Content Updates'. Content Updates will include new weapons, new maps, new game modes, new player models, and even new features such as Flyable Vehicles and DInosaur AI.
Stay tuned!

Quck FAQ before anyone asks:

Is this Halo for Source?

No I'm afraid this is not a Halo mod. This is a mod that will feature elements from the extremely popular Halo game as a token of appreciation. And what's wrong with a thing that won several awards.
Some of the elements from the Halo Universe can fit in the Incoming Universe. (Two to be exact. Spartan Armor and the Warthog Attack Vehicle

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RSS Articles

Incoming - Re-birth

News 2 comments

Birth of a New Life

We will make this quick and beautiful,
Our clouds got a bit of that ‘artistic electricity’ rather recently.
To the point then.

To say that we changed a few aspects would be quite an understatement.
To start off with this celebration, today officially announces the removal of all modern weaponry. This includes the following:
01. Colt M4a1 Assault Rifle
02. H&K MP5 A4 SMG
03. SPAS-12 Shotgun
04. Sako TRG-22 Sniper Rifle

A glimpse at some of the new weaponry:
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Now, to not let content go to waste, as talented developers put great effort into the creation of the art above, they will be made available for download in our files section on our website for players that wish to use them and replace their newer counterparts.

So, quite obviously, this means new content. And we are completely stoked to give you a glimpse at the new and re-born Incoming for the Source engine.

During the most recent developer meeting which a vast number of important topics were brought up and discussed over for a near two hours straight.

For starters; Story.
I was proud, personally, when I developed the idea of Incoming, including the story. I was ignorant while explaining it though. And one of our 3D Artists, ‘Box’, drew up a story board proposal to help better explain the ‘reasoning’ and the ‘why’ to our story line.
He sent it to me and I instantly loved it and so I digitally colored it.
Here is the story board, view here:

Incoming has also changed game play wise, somewhat. The actual game-mode ViTAL remains intact and pretty much un-touched.
So then what’s different?
Incoming will now be class-based.
There will be five (5) classes for each team;
Carrier Marine Forces and Altair Warriors

Here is a quick and easy run down to give you a quick idea.
There are limitations for each class, allowing for:
-Two (2) Primary Weapons
-One (1) Side-arm pistol
-Grenade slot (depending)

Depending on the class you select you will have different equipment that you can select your LOAD-OUT from.

This is your straight forward warrior class. Skilled all-around.
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Heavy weapons support / slower movement / expanded explosive capacity.
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Increased accuracy and movement speed / prone to heavier amount of damage.
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Increased disabling and restoring time / access to OSOR KIT v2 / access to Sonic Grenades (EMP)
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Access to the Spear of Orion device as well as the Flamethrower weapon.
Also has access to the OSOR Kit Version 2.0.
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Our lovely German developer, DeCoY, who I’ve known for quite a few years, will be showing even more of his amazing 3D art and 2D art talents by creating the new player models for these newly designed classes.

So since you will no longer be purchasing or 'selecting' your weapons with your acquired points that you earn during the game, what will the points be used for you are wondering?
Well, we are keeping the Points System, except that it will now be used for Upgrades for your class. There are (as of now) two (2) upgrades specific to classes and then a wide variety of Upgrades that are available to all of the classes.

More details will arise as the tide dies down.
For now, enjoy the select few glimpse at our new world.
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And a glimpse at the new Human 'Assault Class' Player model in game. Texture is not finished.
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And a great big thanks to ViPER and the gang over at for the providing of a dedicated server allowing us to test updated game builds of Incoming.

Also, I am pleased to announce that I will no longer be doing a majority of the Public Relations. I admit, it was never my greatest quality, at all, so the new man on the spot is Evan Goncalo. I know everyone will be disappointed with me no longer the heavy-honcho behind PR, especially my adoring fans at (god bless you all), and hopefully this allows for a much better over-all presentation of something I think is very special.

My talents remain my absolute integrity and discipline, and that’s going no where. Sure, we've had some hard times, due to bad PR and a wide variety of other things, but this announcement is my attempt at fixing the wrong and making the right... and making it a very kick ass right at that.
So hopefully you can look past some faults and when we release, I am eager to have my ass kicked by all of you.

I am very pleased to welcome Evan to the Public Relations and Marketing Director and am eager to present a new way of showing off the re-born Incoming.

Level Designers
Player Modelers
Texture Artists
Assistant Programmer (to work alongside our Lead, amogan).

Contact Details:
AIM: praz1187
ICQ: 54157633


Incoming Source - Gameplay Media

News 4 comments

Well, here is probably our biggest media update...uhm..ever? So everyone always wondered "where are the actual gameplay images"...or "stop...

Incoming Source - Near

News 3 comments

Seven years almost. Wow, crazy to think about. Doing one thing for seven years of your life. But it's good that I enjoy this more than most things...

Incoming Source - Bare and Desolate

News 2 comments

Here is yet another but hopefully amazing update for all of you fans =) I figured since I've been recently showing alot of vt_strike, that I'd...

Incoming Source - July Update

News 3 comments

And to kick of July, we are back with another development update. My life has been pretty hectic and crazy lately, alot of personal stuff blowing up all...

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SourHyperion1 - - 860 comments

This looked way better then Orion, Orion is good, but this is just way more awesome

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THElastNINJA - - 920 comments


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THElastNINJA - - 920 comments

This is the homepage and it's now called Orion.I don't know why moddb added the old mod profile and not the new one

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GrayInvisible - - 43 comments

It's Orion now

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geewhiz - - 12 comments

im 99.9% sure this mod is dead b/c it has been in the 90% stage for almost a year now and not one media update,trailer,etc has come out since then.this is mod is most likely dead so go play insurgency or something :)

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LordEinar - - 36 comments

Can't wait till this is out!


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wicked_bad_kid - - 51 comments

sorry, didn't read the namechange

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wicked_bad_kid - - 51 comments

looks good, i'll be watching this

btw. i think you missed the realese

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Stoney_McWood - - 46 comments

O.K. so the games name is ORION i assume, so wats happening with this page? Are you guys discontinuing this page and working solely on the other? I'd like to know because this is the best looking mod around and i'm concerned. So for now i'll watch the ORION page.

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