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RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 25)

Eliososa says

Early access review Agree (1) Disagree

best cs 1.6 mod ever


LuciFerFallen says

Early access review Agree Disagree

Quite well done, it needs some polish with sliding and aiming, but I quite like it


gamingraden017 says

Early access review Agree Disagree

A wonderful mod for CS 1.6, even in the current early access state.


tommacool says

Early access review Agree Disagree

Very immersive and good tactical game.
It only needs some servers to play on now.
Kind of boring with bots.
Also if it had some better muzzle flash and smoke sprites it would be awesome
The developer also needs to ease on the slide side to side and jump slide.
I can see how players will abuse this in combat when getting shot at


[SFOD-D]Sandman says

Early access review Agree Disagree

Great friggin' mod.


berrу says

Early access review Agree Disagree

holy **** that's amazing


Johnsen290 says

Early access review Agree Disagree

Hellstrike: Modified Combat mod review.

Welcome to Hellstrike Modified Combat, a total conversion mod for CS 1.6.
Unlike most mods for CS 1.6, which are just HD reskins/file replacements or just CS:GO ports, this one turns out to be one of the most interesting/unique mod out there, too bad it doesn't have that much recognition in which this mod very much deserves it.

Let's start with the basics, model changes, every single thing is replaced with a new model and some are even modified to have a completely different behavior/purpose and even enhanced further by having tons of different animations, the new models are also high poly as well so they're very appealing, the animations are so awesome looking too.

Second, factions/teams, instead of being for purely cosmetics like the original CS, it has been changed to a class system, every class type has now a unique purpose/function instead of being just cosmetics, with advantages/disadvantages to balance the game as well, so every class are essential to win, you must utilize its own abilities to your team's advantage or just for yourself if you feel like it, your choice.

Third, gameplay, it has been changed massively, it's not your typical CS anymore, it is now mostly like Insurgency and based on realism, you have stamina now to limit actions like jumping/sprinting. There's also more movement options like sprinting/sidestepping (dodging)/leaning/diving/crawling/etc. You can even roll out of the way if you're proning, you can also now aim down sights (you do should this, there's no crosshair here) or lean, or recover quickly from a dive by rolling, there's so much options and it's so versatile.
Typical damage system has been changed to advanced anatomy system,
every part can be shot and has different effects based on what body part you shot, headshots of course takes massive damage, damaged arms may affect your recoil negatively if it took critical damage, you might even drop your gun on
some chances, if you legs are damaged, it will slow down your movement speed or even begin limping, and if it took critical damage, you will be forced to prone and will be unable to stand up anymore and bleed to death.
Taking critical damage may also bleed you to death if not treated by a medic (class) immediately. So many ways to get shot and/or die.
You can now also buy attachments for your weapons to make it a bit quiet, extended mags, have reflex sights/scopes/LAMs to fire more accurately, destroy armors faster or kill people faster. There's no ammo count display as well,
you have to manually check your ammo yourself
to know how much ammo you have in your mag, reloads are also changed, no auto reloads, ammunition don't stack anymore, and once you reload, leftover ammo will not go back to your inventory so plan your reloads wisely and make your shots count.
There's also an advanced battlefield sound design and so much details that went into this mod.
Bullet whizzes/near misses/suppression/player reactions/bullet tracers/debris effects/ricochet/fire modes/anatomy/team skins/etc.

Even if it is early access and it's not perfect, still pretty rough, it's still fun to play and even with tons of these stuff crammed into an old engine, it's pretty stable.



ChrystaL says

Early access review Agree Disagree

This is very fun to play


nekyo-ko says

Early access review Agree Disagree

Overly Good! I love the new mechanics!


Lucifer~ says

Early access review Agree Disagree

Gives me some tarkov vibes