This patch is now outdated and is for archive and testing purposes only. Please download the latest version of HellStrike.


EDIT: This patch is now outdated and is for archive and testing purposes only. Please download the latest version of HellStrike. [ORIGINAL TEXT] "First patch of HellStrike's Alpha client. IMPORTANT: Always check for newer patches. Patches will be cumulative, the newest ones will include all of the past patches for that version of the client."

HellStrike - Patch #1 for Alpha v1.0 [OUTDATED]
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Johnsen290 Creator
Johnsen290 - - 81 comments

hell yeah!

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diokara34 - - 14 comments

How You Doing Brother great work and i see you have improved a lot of things even myself didnt notice we need to fix just one thing ive noticed a bug where in the 1.0 version it didnt exist.When you play as rifleman and you want to give ammo to yourself i noticed that the animation is there but the ammo count is still the same (you didnt receive ammo) if i notice anything more i will post thank you excellent work.

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diokara34 - - 14 comments

i forgot to mention that i think the problem persist even when you try to get ammo from another rifleman even though getting health from a medic or getting armor works flawlessly the ammo strangely appears to be the bug you should check these two things one when giving yourself ammo
and two when getting ammo from another rifleman

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hellmonja Author
hellmonja - - 215 comments

Thanks man! Yeah that ammo pack bug is really annoying. I've fixed it on my end but I don't want to flood the site with little hotfixes, I want each patch to be as substantial as possible.

Unfortunately holiday season is the busiest for our business, especially since things have normalized. And I can't get any time to mod so we'll have to wait a while for the next patch...

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Guest - - 700,147 comments

Totally understandable take your time.

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diokara34 - - 14 comments

much appreciated take as much time as you need you already reached perfection with your creation

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Guest - - 700,147 comments

Hello, First of all thank you for the work you guys have put on this mod, i like it so much and i want to share some thoughts/suggestions and report some bugs :
- The ammo bag is a bit buggy sometimes it disappears under the map
- When you slide the player stays in prone position, i wish you could make it so he stands up after releasing the slide
- I wish you can make the show hud as a toggle , when capslock is on the hud appears and when its off it disappears
- I wish you could replace the syringe with a medic bag just like in bf3 since you cannot revive dead players and show a bar of health progress when healing
- I wish you could make the weapons and attachements for free in game and make it like in insurgency where you have a number that limits the attachments stuff you can get
- Flashlight for night maps ?
- The blood decals on screen when the player gets hit is a bit annoying if you can choose something more simple

Finally i was wondering if you can add a zombie mod where you have waves of zombies attacking you that would be coul for online/lan play

Thanks alot <3

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hellmonja Author
hellmonja - - 215 comments

Sorry for the very late reply, Moddb doesn't have notifications for new messages, not that I know of at least.

Copy pasted what you said here for the future. Truthfully speaking, I've stopped modding entirely for now and I don't know when I'll come back. Free time has been harder and harder to come by now that the kids are growing up.

I'll just be quick and address some of the items you mentioned:

- About slide, that was by design. Not only is it used to pass thru low clearance passages, it is also used to slide into cover on low walls. Also since the slide is belly down it's more realistic to not automatically have the player stand up after.

- HUD mechanic was designed for players to not depend on the HUD so much. Originally we were going to remove the HUD altogether but-- well you could say we took a bit of pity on the players (also on us when we were testing it). It's one of our way of simulating reality since in real life there's no HUD. Part of the fun (personally I think it's fun) is to learn to play around these limitations. To master "feeling it out" rather than looking at numbers and stats.

"Yeah right! What about the C4 icon that can be seen thru walls when the bomb is dropped???" I figured Resistance would have put a transmitter on an important item to them. Plus it helps make the game less cumbersome I think.

- Regarding attachments, again that's by design. Attachments give stat boosts to your weapon and we want to add that as incentive to earning more money. We also want resources to be more scarce (ammo & money) to force players into some tough decisions so having the attachments priced helps with that. Of course if you set mp_startmoney 16000 that ruins everything. =D

- Regarding zombie mod, sorry that's not something we intend to do. Although there's someone in Youtube who "accidentally" merged both HS and zombie mod client and still got it to work. But regarding a zombie mod specifically for HS, I think that's the job of other modders once I release the codes in a few years.

- "Flashlight for night maps ?" Yeah sorry. My bad.

Again I'm so sorry for being so late to reply. Like I said I've copy-pasted these kinds of stuff for now in case I get back to modding. Even those items I've addressed here in this comment I'll still consider them, though no promises. And thanks for playing our mod and enjoying it...

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killernano - - 2 comments

Hello there.
Have been waiting and following this Banger of a project for years.
Im happy to see it being released and when I played it I had ****** of a joy with it.
However there is 3 things puzzling me right now with gained experience and I would like to ask/tell you about it:
1. while description said that minimum requirement is win10 64bit, I installed it on my 20 years old pc with only new part to it being win7 32bit and it ran flawlessly and only had framedrop when bot count was higher then 10 so I believe minimum req stats should be changed to not deter old-but-gold pc users for trying it;
2.I keybinded f1 to buy same equipment from previous round in case I died or lost or used it...and it buys those items...only thing is attachments of the guns. it is not bought on its own. I dont know whether thats intentional or not, but just wanted to tell you so it will be under the radar;
3. I see there is small number of maps and Im sure more are on their way to go, but I asked myself: since this is builted on cs 1.6, what if I just drag and drop old cs maps and play on those cause I really am looking forward on playing on maps like office, assault, prodigy, etc. I'll try to make this experiment be live when I get home. as for now I just wonder if it is not possible, will it or not be in the future.

In the end I just want to show my appreciation to your work once again and thank you for making this hollow soul excited for a new game (unlike those f&&&ers; AAA publishers).

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killernano - - 2 comments

I checked the map thingy and it doesn't work. only maps that came with it are playable. any other map has issues running either wad file of the map, some other file or something.

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hellmonja Author
hellmonja - - 215 comments

Oh gahd, I'm so sorry I took 2 months to reply. I merely just browse thru the HS main page and I often forget to check these pages for new comments.

1. I checked the main mod page and so far here's what's listed:
OS: Windows 7 64-bit Service Pack 1
Processor: Intel Celeron CPU N2840 2.16Ghz
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: Intel(R) HD Graphics
Storage: 600 MB
Still I'm glad it could run on your old rig. Man! You would not believe how much time it took to optimize everything without cutting out so much stuff. I actually think I developed paranoia that time.

2. Yeah, including the attachments in the autobuy functions properly is tricky. One time I got it to work then it broke, then I fixed it, then it broke again. When I get back to modding I'll add it to my list of stuff to fix.

3. Frankly, we messed up compatibility on other maps. We were trying to reduce the size by cutting out files we think we didn't need and ended up cutting too much. In the next update (God knows when) I'll built the client from the ground up and leave the files intact. For now, you can copy the files from another vanilla CS client. Some got the maps to work that way. Just make sure you don't overwrite anything.

"thank you for making this hollow soul excited for a new game"
It warms my heart to read that. Truly, thanks man. I'm sorry if updates are slow or if the project gets into a grinding halt. I've stopped modding for months now to attend to more important things like my family. I just hope one day I could find the time to get back to this and fix everything. Cheerio!...

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Guest - - 700,147 comments

Author, your work is very good. Although you are a small team, the game experience has crushed some games that claim to invest hundreds of millions of dollars (such as 20XX). But there are still some details to pay attention to. 1. Can you change the interface of purchasing gun accessories? I mean, it's a little troublesome to type numbers on the keyboard. You can use the mouse as well. 2. The workmanship of firearms looks very good, but some places are a little unnatural and rough. You can optimize the details. 3. Can you add a map in the next version? After all, the map is a little tired now. It would be even better if we could add guns.
Overall, this is the best CS1 I've ever seen 6 modules. Although your module is not very popular in China, many players, including me, are full of praise for your works. In addition, I hope the next version can be published in Chinese. Wish you good health!

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hellmonja Author
hellmonja - - 215 comments

Hello, fellow Asians! Greetings to everyone in China. Didn't think the mod would be popular with you guys since you have a ton of multiplayer shooters there like Point Blank and Crossfire. I actually expected only us devs would like it since we were trying some weird crap on it. Lol!

1. This was due to limitations and the details are a bit technical. But I'll try to explain it as brief as possible. The only possible way to make those menus where you can use the mouse is by taking an existing CS menu and editing it. There were some who used models and mouse tracking but it was beyond my skill. Anyway, a few years ago we were using the "O" equipment menu as the addons/accessories menu (you know, when you press O and buy grenades?). The problem is not every weapon has the same set of addons so the menu has to be dynamic, the items would change depending on what weapon you were holding. So that's how we ended up with that menu.

2. I'm glad you liked the weapons. Yes there's still more work to be done on them but sadly our animator has moved on to work in the games industry. Our compiler is now retired. We could try to get some new people but with me not modding now, it wouldn't make any sense if we did now since an update might not come any time soon.

3. Supposedly you could install any CS map and play it. But we messed the clients map compatibility and I'm really sorry for that. For now, you can take the files of a regular CS client and copy them over to the HS client. Just don't overwrite anything. It fixed the problem on some people.

As for new maps, a new map is being made. After that there aren't any plans for a new one yet. Good maps are hard to make. We wanted original maps for the mod and not clones. The only clone we really included was a clone of de_dust2 since it's a good starting map for new players.

Thank you for commenting and playing the mod! And I apologize if the next update takes forever. As I've said it's a lot harder to make time for modding now compared to last year. So I've stopped indefinitely for now. Hopefully I get back to it soon...

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CS.alone-12138 - - 3 comments

nice love you

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