CR DescriptionBanner

Welcome back to Raven Brooks, probably for the last time.

"Curse Retold" is a fan-made reimagining of Hello Neighbor, remixing old & new Hello Neighbor Media altogether for the best experience possible.

Nicholas Roth moves back to his childhood household in Raven Brooks, but things don't go as planned:

His EX-ex-neighbor, Theodore Masters Peterson, is once again disturbing the quiet of Friendly Court.

It's up to you to find out what is going on in the creepy, uncanny, quiet house of the Petersons — but get it through your head that it won't be that easy

Ted's got no time for guests, you can bet he won't let you in nicely.

  • Casually walking in from the front door every damn time? Expect him to block your preferred ways into his mansion.
  • Enjoying strolling around that hallway? Think twice, for beartraps may await you next time you pass through.

  • Think you know Theo's house like your pockets? Expect some changes next time you play.
  • Peterson is not messing around... but neither are you: Distractions are your specialty! Messing with electrical appliences, making prank calls and more can help you keep your neighbor busy while you unveil the secret within. Just don't let him spot you on those video-cameras, will ya?

Dive deep into our take on the Hello Neighbor lore in Story Mode or challenge yourself with Escape Mode!

Randomized levels, fresh new mechanics, multiple endings, and an enhanced AI will be ready to welcome you back to the quiet town of Raven Brooks...

Just make sure to check on the weather first.




- WaneScottGames

Lead Programmer


- EKC_Dev





Main Animator



Custom Music

Level Coding


Custom Icons


- NicoDoff


Character Modelling


- Al3xGames



- Francesco's Toon

Character Modelling



Theodore Voicelines VA





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RSS Articles

Hello, Neighbors

We're almost done with the first Chapter out of 3 for Curse Retold, our personal Hello Neighbor 1 re-telling.

Since we really tend to go on radio silence, we've decided to show some early footage from time to time.

We'll be taking our time with this project: it could take months how it could take a year how it could take two -- we don't know when the mod will be complete.

We won't be sharing any release date until the mod is at least 98% complete, but we promise you a fleshed out polished story mode with all the previously promised mechanics.

An Early Access is now planned: Will feature chapter 1 and a good chunk of extra gamemode.


Thanks for your patience,

we'll be occasionally updating this Article, so keep an eye out!



The following footage is being shown very early

and is most likely subject to minor -- or even major -- change.


#1 - Teaser Trailer 2023

CR Promo1

#2 - Theodore's Basement

CR Promo2

#3 - Visions of Natural Disasters

CR Promo3

#4 - 'Escape Mode' Level 1 - Sneak Peek

66edaf0dc50c509c508afd5a6c272904 1

#5 - "Chapter 2 Theo" // face texture improvements

#6 - 'Phone Call' mechanic showcase

#7 - 'Theo's Gate' mechanic showcase

You shouldn't be here

#8 - ??? ?????????

#9 - 'Elevator Trap' & 'Rope Trap' mechanics showcase

(Fire Extinguisher holding animation is a placeholder)

CR Promo5 NoHD

#10 - 'Escape Mode' Level 4 - Sneak Peek

#11 - 'Secret Cassettes' - Sneak Peek

Each Act will have a secret cassette to find, containing footage of events that have happened in that specific area you've found them in.

(Crowbar animation is a placeholder)

#12 - 'Background Cultist' model - First Look

- (08/19/2023) Chapter 1 is almost finished. All its Endings have been made and the gameplay is complete. We're now polishing Chapter 1 (giving a few tweaks to its look and fixing bugs) to start making new preview screenshots for the ModDB page,
The page is finally about to get rebooted! We're not sure how much time it'll take, but it won't be much.
- (08/27/2023) 2 Chapters left to make.
Everything from Story to cutscenes and level design has been fully thought out.
We knew since ages what to do (we even have tons of animations and assets ready for it), but it took a while to make everything blend altogether nicely. We finally know how to make every level, cutscene, puzzle and ending while perfectly following the story we wrote for the mod. It will take a while to prepare everything, but it'll be worth it.
P.S. The Story will go beyond Theodore's House.

- (08/30/2023) Chapter 2 & 3 will have custom buildings.
We've been making sketches and planning out themes and puzzles for them for a while now, we can finally start modelling them. 1 of the most important ones has already been made.
P.S. A Devlog is planned to be made whenever we have enough things to show throughout the video.
- (09/08/2023) All custom mechanics have been polished up.
finishing to polish up Chapter 1, Chapter 2 is now in development.
ModDB page reboot soon.

- (09/17/2023) Early Access revealing Chapter 1 AND a good chunk of an extra gamemode is planned.
More news coming asap 👀
- (10/09/2023) According to "Welcome To Raven Brooks" Episode 3's Cemetery scene, we may or not may have predicted a few "origins" things. However, we do not plan on changing the lore of the mod!
If there are some similarities, you know why

- (10/17/2023) We're taking a genuinely needed break, not sure for how long
- (11/20/2023) Done with our break, Phase 4 slowly but surely continues
- (12/03/2023) Currently polishing up Chapter 1: giving tweaks to cutscenes and puzzles.
We're almost done with all that. Once that is finished, we'll then rework the Menus, fix any bug left we see, and then finally focus on the Extra Gamemode's levels.
- (12/05/2023) Revealed a new Promo Image, we're now going to focus on finally updating the page.
- (12/11/2023) Preparing Promos for the page's upcoming revamp.
Work on the extra gamemode has also begun.
- (12/13/2023) ModDB Page has finally been updated.
Extra Gamemode Development -- "Escape Mode" -- is going smoothly.
4 Levels left to make for Early Access.
- (12/21/2023) Escape Mode Level 2 has been completed.
3 Levels left to go before Early Access.
‏‏‎ ‎
- (01/11/2024) Happy New Year.
Escape Mode Act 1 Level 3 is near completition, after that we'll be working on the 2 Final (yet most ambitious) levels of Act 1. We're taking our time with these few levels as they're quite big and full of surprises, we want them to be the best they can be.
No Early Access release date planned yet, however we are quite confident we can release it in early 2024.
- (01/19/2024) Due to some unexpected events irl, most of us will be busy for some time.
We're taking a little break from the project again; but it won't last as long as the last break we had, rest assured.
Curse Retold Early Access is near completition, and you can bet we'll get back to it as soon as possible!
We'll try our best to do some little progress when time will allow us to
- (02/23/2024) We'll be trying to slowly speed up development again, it seems like we're back on track completely.
We're not sure about "releasing it early this year" anymore, since this unavoidable break slowed us down more and longer than expected.
But it's safe to say Early Access will be released this year, absolutely zero doubts on that one.
- (02/27/2024) Some day ago, Escape Mode level 3 was finalized.
2 Levels left.
Level 4 Development has begun, core puzzle for it is ready.
- (03/27/2024) We've been focusing on bugs fixing and cutscenes improvement the past few days,
we're almost done with it. Once that is done, we'll get back to work on Level 4 of Escape Mode

- (05/03/2024) Sorry for the inactivity, we are still working on fixing bugs.

We are around 70% done with it. Early Access is closer than you think

Thank you for your patience!

- (07/01/2024) Page Update: tweaked Description + added new Escape Mode promos.

- (07/17/2024) We've finally figured out and prepared the base map for Level 4.

This is Escape Mode's most ambitious level so far and coming up with

a layout that blends well with the core puzzle has been a living hell.

However, the worst is now over, and we can finally continue Escape Mode's Development.

Once Level 4 is done, the final level of Act 1 will be developed.

- (07/18/2024) Escape Mode ACT 1 (featured in Early Access v1.0) is about the Basement and the infamous Amusement Park built in it by Theodore.

Escape Mode ACT 2 will be about a twisted version of Theodore's house, with level design heavily inspired from INTRUSIVE's concept.

ACTs have 5 levels each and they both take place in a Dream built off Nicky's memories.

-(07/21/2024) Another reason why Early Access v1.0 is taking so long to develop is because this is the very first version of the Mod. This is where we programmed everything and where we focus on fixing bugs besides working on the levels themselves. Future versions of the mod won't take as long to develop since we'll essentially only have to focus on making levels and cinematics.

More than 80% of the mechanics in this Mod are custom.

-(07/27/2024) Reworked Page Design.

In other news, Escape Mode Level 4 is 85% Complete.


- Fatal Peek Team

Reboot's First Trailer

Reboot's First Trailer


Introducing "Curse Retold": an Alphas Relocked Reboot, but also a Fatal Peek rework.

RSS Files
Old Experimental Version ('alphas relocked' - 2021)

Old Experimental Version ('alphas relocked' - 2021)

Other 4 comments

Soon to be replaced by the Reboot, which is way better in every single aspect. Waiting is recommended as this should NOT even be considered a teaser for...

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Kingcaseyman - - 55 comments

is mod gonna work on mod kit??

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Hnfan19 - - 5 comments

Like seriously, why some people want modkit so bad bruh. I know its free to download and all but if you have the game why bother modkit when packaged mods are so much easier to install??

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FatalPeekTeam Creator
FatalPeekTeam - - 130 comments

Hnfan19 I doubt this user had these intentions but usually when people ask it's because they crave custom assets/blueprints. It's just kids who want to have some fun, it's okay, but we really would rather not risk lol. There was this one time a shitpost mod of ours was edited and reuploaded as original content -- that was when we realized it was time to start packaging. I still don't get why most people don't package their mods when it comes to Hello Neighbor, weird trend

Reply Good karma+1 vote
FatalPeekTeam Creator
FatalPeekTeam - - 130 comments

Nuh uh, no modkit.
Constant crashes, unoptimized experience, but most importantly constant assets and coding theft. Mod will release packaged, so it can be played like a proper game, smoothly, and without blueprint thieves

Reply Good karma+1 vote
TheBlackMauro - - 43 comments

this will be played through steam? because i personally prefer to play mods in the Steam version.

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FatalPeekTeam Creator
FatalPeekTeam - - 130 comments

Yessir! You download the Mod from here and then manually move it to the Mods folder of your Hello Neighbor copy. It doesn't matter from where you bought it as long as it's the latest version

Reply Good karma+1 vote
TheBlackMauro - - 43 comments

Nice! There aren't a lot of mods for Steam that replicate the old style in a good way and this mod does that to the next level.

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FatalPeekTeam Creator
FatalPeekTeam - - 130 comments

Why thank you, glad you think that of our mod!

Reply Good karma+2 votes
PIayer456 - - 502 comments

FatalPeekTeam how many new mechanics and custom models will there be? (if you count by percentage)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
FatalPeekTeam Creator
FatalPeekTeam - - 130 comments

Ah, quite many, especially the mechanics.

I'd say 40% custom assets, 80% custom mechanics (more or less)
We've essentially reworked the base game, which is the main reason why the development is taking so long

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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