As you understand, this is some kind of another sub-mod for Garrys mod 9, initially we did it just to make it more convenient for us to play with friends, then one of us said “let’s make a mod lol” There are things here that are broken, and we will fix them in the future, like texture error on additional maps, broken TF2 weapons and other sundry stuff Please don’t write any bullshit in the comments, if you have a problem, write it in more detail so that we can fix it in the future Have fun :D (p.s. - The "mod manager" has Russian voice acting) Guys who created mod: Kos95 - file master, and created some cool stuff, cool guy Ademich - mapper, file master, cool guy Fed, Gordon - camera man Vasya - face of mod lol (it real person btw) Snow cat - it cat


first early version of gmod9: vasya edition lol lmao cool good 2006 wow omg

Gmod9 vasya edition 0.1
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