1.New single mission 15 games, and restored a large number of official unused voice dialogue. 2.Three new generals:US-Landforce General, China Flame General, GLA JunkSalvage General 3.China→General Leang USA→Ironside GLA→Mohmar"deathstrike" 4.Complete recovery of 12 general challenges 5.Add NavalArmy


[Installation method] 1.Delete the Data folder(Zero HourV1.04),Or simply copy all files to the game directory and replace the files with the same name 2.Copy all the files and Folder to the game directory (Note: You need a working ZH1.04 as a carrier!NOT any version for Continue Mod as a carrier!) How to play Navy mode? First you need to choose a map with the suffix of [naval battle],Then train the ShipyardMCV in the war factory(All generals can build it),Take the MCV to sea for deployment.

Continue V3.52 Patch
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