You NEED a copy of Entropy Zero: 2 to use this mod unfinished demo of entropy zero: 2 RTX im aiming to get C3 to completion and fix all the bugs *most things are subject to change. Read file description for tutorial

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Hello again

we recently hit 1k downloads which is alot for this small scale mod

ill be working on a new update soon but atm im very busy

im planning on adding quality preset s to give more people a good fps in the game

Thank you for the support of this project

Entropy : Zero 2 RTX Install instructions

Starting a mod Tutorial

DO NOT PLAY if you are epileptic


Go to the main directory of the game steamapps/common/EntropyZero2

or click browse file location in steam


1.backup bin and autoexec located in EntropyZero2/entropyzero2/cfg

2.delete bin from mapbase/episodic


3.extract files 2.5GB ish

4.launch EZ2RTX.bat

the game is slow on first load you may need to change certain settings if you need help you can comment

there are many things that can go wrong here is a list:

  • the game crashes on launch with an error like this just keep starting the game

Desktop Screenshot 2024 02 18

  • crashes in-game* these are not preventable atm sorry
  • sometimes a purple texture starts to flash the screen this is also not fixable atm(may not be a bug anymore)

Thank you for reading hopefully this answers your questions

hello again

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this will be a list of stuff i hope to do within the year in this mod:

finish all materials

fix major bugs

fix most minor bugs

fix flashlight

start working on replacing meshes(remaking assets like weapons ect.)

thank you for reading

this doesnt mean development will be completely stopped but it will be slowed down alot

I will stop posting blogs as often and the next demo will probably not release for a while

the demos that are out now are mostly for me to gain info on bugs and share this thing i wanted to make
for a game i really enjoyed

Thank you for reading see you another time

Progress update 2

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Hello since the last time i posted i have made some progress on C1 and C0

its all still in beta so nothing is final

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progress has staggered recently but i should be able to focus more on the project soon

Thank you for reading