This mod is for the music of Empire at War. It is aimed at changing music tracks that better fit the situation and/or sound better. How to install is in the readme. Enjoy!

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What really inspired this mod is when I learned how to do it. It all started when I installed another music mod called Empire at War: John WIlliams Edition. I got a music editor and started switching some files from it and kept the ones I liked too much to get rid of. Then one day, when I was trying to learn to mod by first looking at the XML files and figuring out what the do. Then, I found it. Musicevents. I opened the file with Windows Notepad, and I started looking. I found out the names of the music files that were played, and since I already knew how to change them, I started doing just that. I used a music editor called Audacity to start making some music by cutting and pasting with some of my already existing music files. When I was happy with the files I had made, I realized I could edit the XML files themselves and those changes would be manifested into the game. So, that's when I removed two music files from each side: REBELLION_ADVANTAGE and IMPERIAL_ATTACK_1 from the Empire, and VADERS_PRESENCE and EMPIRE_AT_WAR from the Rebels. Then, I made myself a ModDB account and posted this mod for everyone else.


I would just like to thank RageMaker on ModDB, the creator of Empire at War: John Williams edition, for inspiring me to make this mod. I really couldn't have done it without you. I would also like to thank God for creating me and sending His only begotten Son to die for my sins. I would also like to thank John Williams and all the others who have composed Star Wars music for providing such amazing music. I would also like to thank anyone who installs this Mod and/or provides feedback. Constructive criticism is really appreciated. And last but not least, I want to thank George Lucas for creating Star Wars to begin with. Whether it's the OT or the Prequels, all of the Saga was made incredible through your creative ingenuity. And just think, when you first wanted to release it, the guy you talked to was more in favor of a WWII romance! And I also thank everyone else who made Star Wars, whether you were a puppeteer in The Empire Strikes Back or in charge of Darth Vader, it couldn't have been done without you. May the Force be with you all, and have a great day!

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EAW Music Mod Version 2.5

EAW Music Mod Version 2.5

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A small update that fixes mistakes I made in the previous version, and also adds a few more Music Events.

EAW Music Mod Version 2

EAW Music Mod Version 2

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Hello, again! This update adds new music events to my previous music mod, incorporating music from more Star Wars soundtracks.

Empire at War Music Mod Version One

Empire at War Music Mod Version One

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This is the first version of this mod. If you would like any changes, please let me know in the comments below.

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