Full-ish List of Changes:

Event Changes:
-changed the immortality event to use random chance instead of pulling the character birth seed
-Added event that fires when potion effect wears off asking if you want more potion
-changed the age of the thieves guild recruited thief from 50 to 20. (Aspiring thief, will probably die in less than 5 years)
-changed the mtth for the province infestation event(spam) from 48 to 480, so it should happen 1/10th as often as it did before
-removed all but one of the negative modifiers, which i think stacked, from the province infestation event(spam) for being over demesne size. These would cause the event to fire 4 and ~6 times more often if they didn't stack. If they did it'd cause the mtth to to be ~0.5.
-dropped the province infestation event(spam) chance of vampires or werewolves from 10 to 5
-changed the Dark Brotherhood recruitment event to have a single kill as a trigger as well as changed the mtth from 180 to 30
-changed the chance of failure in the ruin degradation event from 50% to 25%
-changed the mtth for the ruin degradation event from 100 to 300
-changed the mtth for the random slave raid event from 120 to 360
-changed the mtth for the random slave pirate event from 600 to 1200
-changed the mtth for the make friend/rival/lover in guild event from 240 to 480 (really feels like it happens more than every 20 years)
-changed the hermaeus mora black book event reward to be +3 to an attribute instead of +2/1
-Added effect to the septim spawn event that destroyed most of the tribunal's tools and dropped their power level if it was maxed out

Trait Changes:
-toned down or removed the general_opinion malice from some of the traits, why did gluttony cause everyone to hate you?
-changed the same opinion buff to the necromancer trait so it should overcome all the opinion malices
-changed the lich trait to give you 2 necromantic charges
-changed the gardener trait to no longer be a lifestyle trait
-changed the undead trait to allow marriage, should allow the undead horde government to grant land to their subjects(alternative fix to this would have been to change the government type(its currently reskinned tribal) to either theocracy or merchant republic)

Decision Changes:
-Added Restore Magicka Potion to the alchemy decision screen, which causes the magicka refill event to happen more often. It adds a 0.75 factor which is the same as the dragonborn trait.
-Added Skooma to the alchemy decision screen, which gives you a bit more martial at the expense of learning. It also has a chance of permanently increasing martial, decreasing learning/health, or giving the skooma_addiction trait.
-Added trainer decisions, found in the employment decision screen(same place you hire chancellors and present debutantes), that let you hire a trainer to increase an attribute by 1 every few years. Up to a max 15 in an attribute.
-Added expert trainer decisions, available by being second rank in a related guild, that let you hire a trainer to increase an attribute by 1 every few years. Up to a max 25 in an attribute.
-Added take class decisions, available by being third rank in a related guild, that let you spend society points to increase an attribute by 1 every few years. Up to a max of 35 in an attribute.
-Added guild resources decisions, available by being second rank in a related guild, that let you spend society points to get a positive related modifier for a few years.
-Added decision for the guild master of the mages guild to get an enchanted chest modifier that gives them +1 monthly gold.
-Changed the "commune with hist" decision to tone down the negative effects
-Upped the province spell range from 400 to 1500(should be enough to have range over most of the continent)
-Added 50 piety cost to the jade dragon dlc offmap tribunal call defensive crusader army boon
-Added new decisions for the Merchant's guild:
trade society points for county modifier that boosts tax rate
trade society points for gold
trade a lot of society points and gold to add a holding slot to a province
-Added new decisions for the Mage's guild:
trade society points for increased magicka restoration, which causes the magicka refill event to happen more often. It adds a 0.9 factor
trade society points for a small amount of culture tech
-Lowered the cost of most of the jade dragon dlc offmap daedric boons
bound dremora(summon martial courtier): 750 to 500
daedric protection(slight boost to plot power): 750 to 250
wealth of oblivion(random artifact): 750 to 500
daedric training(increase stat by 1): 5000 to 1000
lesser daedric horde(spawns army of 1000 daedra): 2500 to 1500 -they aren't even improved by military techs
reverse lich decay(removes lich decay modifier): 1500 to 1000 -classic mages guild propaganda
-Lowered the cost of the convert_tribal_to_castle/city/temple from 500 to 200
-Added holding level decisions that let you "buy" all of the no tech buildings(around 30+) for a holding. Costs between 4500 to 6500 depending on the holding.

Magicka Changes:
-set the recharge magicka event to hide_window, so it no longer clogs up priority messages
-changed the recharge magicka event mtth from 6 to 3, so it should happen twice as often
-Removed daedra army summoning limit, now you can summon more than 1 daedric army/boat/skeleton
-Changed the first tier of the undead army summoning spell to no longer require at least rank 3 of the mage education, only requires necromancer trait
-Changed the undead army summoning spells to cost ~1/3rd less magicka down from 30 to 20 for the max spell
-Changed the dremora army summoning spells to cost ~1/3rd less piety down from 125 to 75 for the max spell
-Added 11 extra undead earmarked armies, that SHOULD allow you to use 21 necromantic charges
-Removed the piety requirement from summoning undead through necromantic charges. The decision still costs piety, so you can go way into the negative, as any good necromancer should.
-Removed kind and just traits preventing you from studying necromancy, typical mages guild revisionism
-Buffed most of the non character affecting spells. i.e. transmute, building, global TAX
-changed the necromancer summon undead courtier events to add the cannot_marry trait to make sure you can't grant titles to summoned mindless undead
-merged the effects of bless/curse army armor into bless/curse army weapons
-set the bless/curse army armor spell to always = no since the effects are merged in the weapon spell

Building Changes:
-changed most of the cost of merchant republic mansion buildings to make them slightly cheaper
-changed most of the cost of city/castle/temple buildings to make them slightly cheaper, dropping the most expensive building to around 500 down from over 1000
-Added missing effects that some of the merchant republic mansion buildings had in vanilla
-Added levy_size increase to the wall buildings for all holdings(castle/temple/town) to match the boost from vanilla
-Added levy_size increase to all stages of the barracks and keep buildings for the castle holding
-Added retinuesize increase, lower than vanilla, to the training ground building for the castle holding, giving a reason to build them
-Increased the base income of patrician palaces, city, castle, temple, and trading post
-Decreased the base cost of trading posts
-Increased the distance percent cost increase from 0.003 to 0.005 (should be more expensive to build trade posts further away, hopefully cut down on the amount of Akavir trade posts in Morrowind)

General Changes:
-Changed the starting tech in all of tameriel to be around +0.1 in the earliest start and increasing in later ones, Vivec and the Imperial City have slightly more starting tech overall
-Removed the -10% tax from having roads
-Added -10% tax to having recently built roads
-Added -10% tax to having damaged roads
-Changed the join condition for the Elder Council so that if there are less than 15 members the ai can join it regardless of law
-Added back most of the removed vanilla Great Works. Not including the religious temples, unique historical, and mausoleum/pyramids.
-Removed the employ character delay, which made you wait a few days between employing chancellors and presenting debutantes
-set a "reasonable" max to several of the scaled wealth decisions and events I could find
-Added ambitions to become legendary, job title, if you are level 4 of that job title. i.e. Master Mage. Fulfilling the ambition pays out an increase to the main attribute of the job and a bit of prestige.
-Made most of the relevant overlap ambitions that were disabled by DLC i.e. amass wealth, increase attribute available again
-Added paltry prestige or piety rewards to some of the ambitions that had no reward
-Changed the loc for the undead_government_desc, as well as a few other random missing _desc, to have text
-Changed COURT_SIZE_CHILD_PENALTY_THRESHOLD from 30 to 130 to stop mid sized, pretty dam easy to get to 30, courts from acting as birth control
-Changed CROWDED_THRESHOLD_MODIFIER from 25 to 50 to stop mid sized, some courts start with this many, courts from upping the disease chance
-Changed the undead horde government to have +4 free demense size, default tribe has +2
-Changed the undead horde government requirements so that a player lich that becomes undead doesn't change government
-Added a decision, same cost as becoming a lich, that allows a lich player to become an undead horde
-Added undead cultures, along with custom portraits for argonian and khajiit.
-Changed the Argonian Lukiul culture to use an imperialargoniangfx so they can wear Imperial clothing
-edited a bunch of files to make sure argoniangfx and imperialargoniangfx are compatible
-Added 3d unit models for argoniangfx and imperialargoniangfx
-Added 3d unit models for the various undead gfxs

*Undead argonian/cat are screenshots of models from: Armored Skeletons and The Walking Dead by lifestorock Nexusmods.com
*Elder Scrolls Argonian words: Imperial-library.info

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