E. T. F. is yet another 'what if...' single player episode for Half-Life. It features three action packed maps for you to explore. I hope you enjoy it!

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 30)

Gripping from the beginning. Excellent sound design (when it wasn't glitching and not playing after loads) and quick, but varied pacing between different enemy types to set the scene combat-wise.

I love those chair zombies that are just freaking out. Always looks like they're grabbing onto armrests and just losing their minds. I love that E.T.F. lets you observe one without it attacking you. Just gaze into that writhing chest maw and see the headcrab dance upon this poor soul's head. A double barrel to the face is the ultimate mercy.

Ranges from survival horror to outright badassery. A short mod that accomplishes a lot. Well worth a play.

Really well made short episode.

The map design is very pleasant to look at, every section feels nicely detailed and every room looks lived in. The brushwork is imaginative too, from the largest ones like a bus to the smallest objects like a trashcan looks good. There are some fun scripted sequences here and there too.

The entire adventure feels like some sections taken from "On a Rail" and "Office Complex" blended together with good pacing and action combined. The playtime isn't long, the mappack can be finished in 20 minutes, though it's a 20 minutes well spent.

Play it if you're looking for a good old Black Mesa adventure.

E.T.F. is another fine What If mod that doesn't use new weapon gimmicks or any new sounds.. It gets straight to the point.

It has a short length but the action and the mapping are impressive for 2007 and this mod is what got me to become a Gamefront user as this mod was on that site's original format.


Great looking levels but this is mod is very, very short.


kellyX says

Agree Disagree

more grat man


Very interesing Black Mesa episode!

This is one of those mods you love to play but are once again disappointed at its length. It goes through a series of good fire fights, and many doors that don’t open or even make any sound when you try to open them, no puzzles, but some good level design and intense firefights, great pacing… it also ends in a unique way.

There are some areas that hint at action that took place just awhile ago. I don’t know why, but I loved the mod even though it was short which is very unlike me.


SemicaL says


andrea89 says


SkaarjElite says