This is an updated version of the current open source build of Duke Nukem Forever 2001 by Mighty Foot Productions, updated by the DNF 2001 Mapping and Modding team with new additions and updates. This includes brand new and updated levels such as the Countdown to Destruction map pack, EDF Base Attack map pack, Screenshot Series maps, Stratosfear Mall Shootout map and more! This download includes new textures, music, updates to code, completed levels and more! As it continues to be updated these new additions are available for you to use in your DNF 2001 mods!

RSS Reviews  (0 - 10 of 13)

rjsxz says

Early access review Agree (6) Disagree (1)

i dont know why this mod has a 2.3 rate, it is great and it improves a lot an unfinished games.


GamerResignation says

Early access review Agree (5) Disagree (2)

Better than nothing within the waiting time up to slice 2 of the restoration project release.
Way to many atomic health, okay Items get stacked up at the beginning of every half remade map which is quite understandable but that's it.
Feels a bit Frankenstein'd together upon the Restoration Project basic.


markomladenovic312 says

Early access review may contain spoilers Agree (11) Disagree (8)

Thanks, go ahead and can't wait to play it, duke nukem big fan and you have my big support....


LiquidOtacon says

Early access review Agree (8) Disagree (10)

Looking at any of the other mods this "Team" member has worked on shows a history of abuse of the rating systems on Moddb and harassment of other developers over low review scores. Creating sock puppet accounts to boost his own mods (As can be seen here if you click on some of the reviewers, all created same day, all gave high ratings for this and specifically Half Life Alyx No VR) EDIT: Moddb Staff removed these reviews which is awesome! But it also goes to show you the lengths this developer is willing to go to. EDIT2: The Developer is back at it again with fake reviews! It's pretty wild the lengths he will go to try to hide the truth.

I know what you are thinking, so how is the "mod" then? Maps are uninspired placements of enemies and items that have become an inside joke within the community at this point. None of the maps have the logic issues fixed or adjusted, none of the code of the build has been changed even though the "Team" involved boasts major changes over renaming their file structure to not have spaces. And the changes that have been made are not telegraphed at all. In order to find out what he changed the door code to you have to watch a YouTube trailer he made with the code in it. Otherwise the email in the map tells you the same old code it was before he changed it. Bare bones lazy to pump out "content". Or as he has put it in the past a "fart in the wind" which is a phrase he used to describe the very update he is using from our mod to run.

He boasts on social media that he has the #1 mod for Duke Nukem forever with work that can barely pass as his own.


sebi5 says

Early access review Agree (6) Disagree (9)

It's the restoration project, but with 6 terribly designed "new" maps (maps from the leak with enemies, items, atomic healths, fire, atomic healths and more atomic healths added. the unpatched maps genuinely feel better to play than this and are more playable too). The "new" screenshot series is literally just the previous screenshot series but with a different spawn point. Not even the EDF soldier and the car are new.

The "update" done a few days ago is just embarassing. All that was changed was that the folder's name no longer has spaces. This was done because UE1 has problems with long file paths. There were no changes to the code done to ACTUALLY fix that problem, and considering most people will probably store the game inside another folder (like their desktop or a games folder) they will still experience problems with saves and crashes.

Some people even thought this was the restoration project with a new name, but that's wrong. They have pretty much nothing to do with this, other than Spider-Man copying their build and adding his own maps (made by him during his time with the RP team, countdown to destruction was even shown in the youtube channel in a deleted video). It pretty much seems to only exist because the creator of this got kicked out of their team for reasons that are understandable if you decide to try this.

Stay away from this. Just wait for the Restoration Project or Director's Cut if you want DNF 2001.


DevilMasterVR says

Early access review Agree (2) Disagree (10)


This individual has taken the latest release of the Restoration Project, and just modified maps by randomly adding a ton of enemies, weapons and atomic healths, and called it his own mod.
No code has been changed from the actual Restoration Project release he downloaded and falsely claimed as his own.



Early access review Agree (4) Disagree (8)

This mod takes the hard work and content from the DNFRP mod and packages it with some lazy and poorly made "new maps". The fact ModDB lets this stay up is truly disappointing.


babbygremlin says

Early access review Agree (5) Disagree (9)

'That spiderman level patch has some serious issues with AI spawns'

seriously, i made better levels for mario world rom hacks when i was 5 lol


idhleb1986 says

Early access review Agree (5) Disagree (9)

Try again with a new project. This is literally an add-on for Restoration Project with 6 weak new maps.


Oktoberbot says

Early access review Agree (3) Disagree (9)

When you're 40, look like 30, have a beautiful Bombshell and you're gonna retire in Las Vegas by 50, you don't give a **** at how bad the map packs you're being packaged in are.

Should have heeded your advice when you said "Red means stop".