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Revision's 8 Year Anniversary, Update 1.7.3


  • Fixed missing Helios ending effects and screen shake.
  • Gibbing Lebedev closes the goal to assassinate him.
  • Improved performance in Lucky Money.
  • Improved performance on Ocean Lab surface.
  • Improved camera angles for M2 UNATCOGrenade1Meet.


  • Fixed health display breaking in multiplayer.
  • Fixed potential for scopes to have a scaling size of 0 on 4k monitors.


  • Added ability to use backspace/delete to erase a digit in a keypad input.
  • Added Trestkon as a playable skin.
  • Fixed softlock when trying to do the Dark Age ending without legs.


  • Augs that don't drain any energy are now usable without energy.
  • Fixed power recirculator getting stuck in a loop if the amount of energy saved is equal to recirculator's drain during high FPS.
  • NPCs can now use 20mm ammo.
  • Player greasel spit now sticks to walls to provide light.
  • Power recirculator no longer cares about frame rate.
  • Prioritized arm health over leg.
  • Added support for adding vector/rotator flags via Legend.
  • DL_ShipView, DL_VentOpening, DL_BuildingEntrySewer check for DL_ShipEntry_Played being false.
  • Fixed "item received" message for datavaultimages from conversations.
  • Fixed issue frobbing credits.
  • Fixed the hack option disappearing if logging in and out.
  • Fixed the save path being erased when switching to vanilla maps.
  • Ignored item refusal for transfer of items in convos.
  • Pressing the hotkey to open the inventory/goals now closes it while on that menu.
  • Reconfigured enlarged belt immediately when enabled so it appears in the correct place.


Chapter 2:
  • Re-entering Paul's room after listening to the answering machine no longer makes it keep beeping.
Chapter 8:
  • Allowed players to kill Smuggler and enter his room.
Chapter 10:
  • An explosion sound no longer plays when entering the catacombs.
Chapter 11:
  • Jock is now level at Everett's.
Chapter 14:
  • Shortened the Ocean Lab surface outro cutscene.
  • Fixed the silo skybox.
  • Added an option to save during infolinks (Settings > Revision > Page 2).
  • Allowed grenades to go through windows in Biomod/Shifter and ported achievement for it.
  • Aqualung no longer makes you drown when playing as a greasel in HR mode.
  • Bullet penetration and ricochet should no longer happen to skyboxes.
  • Fixed crate contents sometimes spawning in the void.
  • Made heavy items mode ignore aug upgrades in HR mode.
  • Reset energy bonus from collectibles back to default when starting a new game.
  • Spider bot weapons work as intended in Forceful Repossession mode.
  • Better looking mini-crossbow equip positions for NPCs.
  • Fixed ammocrates not working for weapons with only one ammo type.
  • Fixed Biomod/Shifter datacube gendered text.
  • Fixed old costume taking priority if starting a new game while having one enabled.
  • Fixed softlock when leaving the ocean lab too fast due to infolink flags.
  • Item refusal is now ignored during conversations.
  • Non-HDTP small security bots have animated treads while moving.
  • Redesigned "Heavy Duty" to also apply to military bots.
  • Weapon lasers in Forceful Repossession mode no longer stick around.
  • "Arms Race" now heals per loop and realistic ends when it's meant to.
  • Added a bind to retry a challenge immediately.
  • Challenges now display their descriptions as a goal.
  • Fixed "Inconspicuous Intrusion" challenge sometimes restarting with no health.
  • Fixed being unable to save after loading a game during a challenge.
  • Fixed challenges bleeding into the intro and training.
  • Fixed crash if dying in a challenge while wearing an item.
  • Ignored item refusal for challenge items.
  • Improved pathing for HK Helipad arena map.
  • Made Page mute during "Stamina".


  • Prevented semi-colons in save names.
  • Improved inventory UX when using real-time UI.
  • Increased CacheSizeMegs to improve performance.
  • Potential improvements for mouse sensitivity.
  • Removed an arbitrary limit allowing only 16 digits to be entered into a keypad.


Revision 1.7 - TALON
Chapter 5:
  • Fixed missing infolink from Daedalus about the nanotech lab if you go via the bathroom vent.
Chapter 6:
  • Tong's painting can no longer be right clicked to close it.
Chapter 10:
  • Gunther's feet no longer clip into the ground.
Chapter 15:
  • Fixed a carcass with a mass of 5000.
  • Fixed the assault heartgun.
  • Knocking out a burning MiB/WiB now makes them explode.
  • Now move at normal speed in ninja mode with aug off.
  • Robots in Quiet Enemies mode no longer play loud human footstep sounds.
  • ILAWs no longer come with a scope by default.
  • Disabled HDTP animals for new players by default.
  • Non-HDTP greasels can now turn their heads and lipsync.
  • Fixed JC/Paul height difference.
  • Manhunt mode no longer spawns Secret Service during end-game cutscenes.
  • Fixed Gunther floating.
  • JC now uses white subtitles during the endings like he does in game.


Revision v1.6.3
  • Ammo - Halved
    • Ammo pickups will give half as much ammo.
  • Ammo - Lethal Bias
    • Lethal ammo pickups give 50% more, but non-lethal pickups give half as much.
  • Ammo - Non-lethal Bias
    • Non-lethal ammo pickups give 50% more, but lethal pickups give half as much.
  • Augmentations - Allow Replacing
    • Like in Shifter, augmentations can be swapped out for another.
  • Augmentations - Duplicate Upgrades
    • Like in Shifter, duplicate augmentations can be used as upgrades.
  • Smaller DTS
    • DTS is reduced to a realistic, unbalanced, 1x1 item.
  • Weapon Kill Stats
    • Weapons show their total kills/knock-outs in their stats.

See v0.5 section.

  • Lowered the reload time for the railgun when used by Simons.

  • Increased lip tween time.
  • Fixed a broken chapter 8 achievement.
  • Fixed Biomod 'On Site Procurement' challenge.
  • Fixed Jonas Wæver's name being misspelled in credits.
  • Fixed some options being broken when not using English.
  • Fixed the railgun not showing the correct damage in its info.
  • The text for skill names/descriptions when starting a new game now uses the color theme's proper text color, instead of button colors.


  • Fixed the NYC skyline not appearing during the Statue of Liberty segment.
Chapter 4:
  • Paul no longer complains about having a gun pointed at him.
Chapter 5:
  • Manderley is now fearless.
Chapter 6:
  • The canal acoustic gunfire sensors now work.
Chapter 15:
  • Fixed typos in an email.
  • BoxSmall mass: 20 -> 10.
  • Fixed AI reactions not working while playing their futz line.
  • Fixed additional items for commandos spawning on the ground in Biomod/Shifter.
  • Plant1 mass: 10 -> 30.
  • Redesigned Ninja Mode modifier to work in Human Revolution gameplay style.
  • Shocked damage can now detonate explosive objects. Prevents electricity hitting explosive barrels creating infinite steam.
  • Utility carts now block AI sight.
  • Added bullet penetration modifier courtesy of the 'Vanilla? Madder' mod.
  • Added bullet ricochet modifier courtesy of the 'Vanilla? Madder' mod.
  • Added permanent decals modifier.
  • Added permanent fragments modifier.
  • Redesigned collectables mode HUD. Now splits collectable here/missed message onto two lines. Now also tells you how many collectables are in the chapter and how many of those you have.
  • Added default bind for mantling for new Biomod/Shifter players.
  • AllAmmo cheat now instantly reloads the equipped weapon.
  • Cats no longer purr while dying.
  • Changed default controls to be more modern.
  • Color UI now larger to accommodate longer names.
  • Fixed a crash when trying to run a dedicated server.
  • Fixed a glitchy message if buying grenades.
  • Fixed collectables not appearing correctly at long distances.
  • Fixed mini-crossbow hands not cloaking properly.
  • Fixed names when looking at a carcass through binoculars.
  • Fixed robot rockets spawning above the rocket pods.
  • Fixed spiderbot electricity sometimes facing 0,0,0.
  • Fixed the player looking at the wrong actor in 3+ actor conversations where it starts with two NPCs talking to each other.
  • Improved performance when some weapons are equipped.
  • Made custom difficulty available for NG+.
  • New Game Plus modifiers menu now uses the new version.
  • NPC heads no longer morph when looking to the side and rubbing their eyes or dying.
  • Players are now given an option to go to the main menu instead of directly to NG+.
  • Pressing space on the medbot health screen will now heal the player instead of opening the augmentations menu.
  • Retinal scanners no longer say "bypassed".
  • Shells and tracers now come from the correct place for robot weapons.

Patch 1.6.1 is live!

Patch 1.6.1 is live!


Generic updates and overall improvements to the game.

Celebrating 5 Years with Revision

Celebrating 5 Years with Revision

News 1 comment

We celebrate the 5th anniversary of Deus Ex: Revision with a new release, patch 1.6 - MAINCORE!

Patch 1.5 - FIVE-EYES is live

Patch 1.5 - FIVE-EYES is live

News 3 comments

New experimental gameplay style and various fixes.

Patch 1.4.2 is live!

Patch 1.4.2 is live!


Improved support for survival MP and overall improvements to the game.

RSS Files
Deus Ex: Revision Patch 1.6.3 (cumulative)

Deus Ex: Revision Patch 1.6.3 (cumulative)

Patch 30 comments

This is a cumulative patch that includes the previous patches for the mod Deus Ex: Revision. Install this in your Deus Ex directory and the files will...

Deus Ex: Revision

Deus Ex: Revision

Full Version 105 comments

This installer contains all of the files necessary to play Deus Ex: Revision 1.6.3 on your computer. However, it is intended for use with a copy of Deus...

Revision Goodie Bag

Revision Goodie Bag

Wallpaper 8 comments

The Revision Goodie Bag contains some screenshots, wallpapers and ringtones. Happy Holidays from Caustic Creative!

Post comment Comments  (30 - 40 of 4,447)
Verminator - - 86 comments

are some plans for other language support? for example german

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theabraxusentity - - 341 comments

"The items taken from the bodies of the terrorists killed during the mission end are now visible inside the armoury like the UNATCO troopers say" Very very clever, good job detectives! Plot friendly!

"Added a pistol at the start to make it a bit easier" No!! A real rpg like deus ex is not meant to be easy! At least do not put the pistol in hard or realistic difficulties...

"Added Helios' unused final infolink" I am willing to hear it after so many years! :)

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bfg666 - - 188 comments

"A real rpg like deus ex"

Seriously, Deus Ex is a fantastic game but have you ever played a real RPG? DX is nowhere near that! It's still primarily an FPS with only SOME rudimentary stealth and RPG elements.

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Hawkbird - - 24 comments

I found the level a bit too hard previously. In vanilla you'd be able to get a pistol from the guard but in Revision you'd just get a baton/knife. Adding a pistol makes it a bit more bearable. Since your ammo gets removed you only get 6 bullets, not the 150 you could have in vanilla.

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Delta-2 - - 36 comments

Well another year gone by. And with each update this mod just keeps getting better and better, like fine wine.

Revision consistently proves to us time and again that its the work of a professional, seasoned and highly talented development team, one who isn't afraid to show us a different interpretation -- a better interpretation over all the various 'vanilla' fluff mods polluting this site, of which I've regrettably wasted time playing the lot of them. Yet no longer any need for that.

The mod: This superior mod goes far beyond any other DX mod here, well in a class of its own. Graphics, new levels, new music (human revolution inspired), and plenty of awesome options. Collectibles are my new fave.. I had a heck of a time locating the hidden collectible in the Canal district. Too fun!

The team: As said above, however I also admire this team's penchant for humility. An oddity in this social media wasteland, in that they don't feel the need to report on every pixel change like some other popular mods here (hey look at this new skin I'm so talented look at meeeeee look at meeeee.. Ugh.) So refreshing to see. Enough. This team is ready for the big leagues -- produce their own title, write their own ticket. They need only take the step.

Once you go Revision, you never go back.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Epecb - - 135 comments

Well, though I agree that Revision is a Masterpiece of a mod, I can't agree with You that it is superior to ALL other mods. There are mods with original content - like TNM, Nihilum, Zodiac, 2027, Cassandra, Burden of 80s, Hotel Carone, RedSun 2020, Terminus Machina. Also, there are mods, that are part of Revision: New Vision, HDTP, Shifter + Biomod (unified Deus Ex system). But apart from all these mods, there really are a lot of mods, that claim to be "so true to the original, that we despise all other infidels". Those ones truly don't have a chance against Revision.

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Hawkbird - - 24 comments

No updates out this year yet but it's a WIP. Progress is slow because the team's been busy but is happening slowly but surely.

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ryuuou - - 16 comments

Installation instructions would be handy!
If there is instructions, thay are buried under junk comments.

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max-damage - - 257 comments

Are there any plans for Multiplayer?

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igo69 - - 55 comments

How to play this without steam?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
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