What is Man in Black?
Deus Ex: Man in Black is a user-made single player modification for the original Deus Ex. It tells the story of two MJ12 MIB agents, Agent Q and Shadow. The mod is set approximately one month after the events of the original game and will allow the players to continue the story from the perspective of a Majestic 12 agent.

Alas, it does not have anything to do with Johnny Cash.

What makes this mod different from others?

Man in Black features two distinct protagonists. From the outset, the player will choose whether to play as Agent Q or Shadow. Agent Q is a nano-augmented MIB agent, the first of the Series Q agents, and will have access to nanoaugmentation canisters throughout the course of the game. Agent Shadow is an older model Series P agent; players will begin the game with any 5 augs installed, including combinations that were not possible in the original game. However, these augmentations are hard-wired; players can upgrade their augs and skills, but they cannot install new augmentations. Agent Shadow will also begin with more skill points available to the player.

What positions are available on the team?

MIB is looking for experienced team members to fill the following tasks:
-Mapper: Man in Black will feature at least 10 missions per storyline with multiple load zones. MIB will also feature several returning locations from the original game, which will need to be edited and rescripted.
-Coder: The mod will present several unique coding challenges, including mission scripting, a new character selection screen with options for two different protagonists, NPC coding, map transitions, etc.
-Character Skinner: MIB will feature dozens of new characters, including NPCs and major characters. Each of these will require new skins or combinations of previous character skins.

Is the mod accepting submissions for voice actors?

Not at this time. We will begin accepting voice acting submissions after all mission scripts are finalized and a designated sound editor is on board.

When will this mod be released?

The mod will be released in two-mission episodes. We do not currently have a release date goal; in my prior experience, these always end up getting pushed back over and over again. So we'll just go with the classic "when it's finished" approach for now. Apologies.

Do you have a website?

A public website will be in the works as we develop more media for release.

<!-- m -->Interested parties should contact me, WildcatPhoenix, at <!-- e -->WildcatPhoenix@gmail.com<!-- e --> or through PM on this forum.

IMPORTANT: Prospective team members should submit a sample of your previous work for consideration.

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RSS Articles

State of the mod

News 3 comments

Dear fans of MIB:

Several of you have reached out to me over the past year to inquire as to the status of the Man in Black mod for Deus Ex.

Unfortunately, there has been no tangible development on the mod for over 3 years now. Our development team was making significant progress over the course of several months, but a series of technical issues (such as loss of multiple servers and website hosts) eventually brought production to a halt. Real World Issues™ followed soon afterward, and everyone fell out of contact or moved on to other projects.

I am still 100% committed to bringing this story and concept to light in some form or fashion (I have written over 400 pages of storyline/dialogue/text and poured countless hours of my life into development of this mod, so there is simply no way I will give up on it!). However, the pool of available mod talent with interest in working on a game based upon the ancient Unreal 1 engine diminishes with each year, as does the audience for such a project. I will always have a fondness for the creaky old physics and graphics of the Unreal Engine, but its time has long since come and gone, and it has simply become too difficult to replace departing team members whenever the inevitable RWI above or personal disputes arise.

As of August 2015, the mod is on permanent hiatus until new mod tools are released for the Deus Ex IP. Currently, the best we can do is continue to pressure Square Enix and Eidos Montreal to give us, the loyal Deus Ex PC community, the tools we need to create the same outstanding user-made mods which DX1 has enjoyed for over a decade now. Should Square/EM see the light, or should the property pass into the hands of another developer who does, I assure you I will start assembling a new team the very second it happens.

Thank you all for your continued interest and support!



Putting the band back together

Putting the band back together

News 4 comments

Just announcing that almost the entire mod team is back in action and working on assignments. We are aiming for a July-August 2011 release of Chapter...

Man in Black lives!

Man in Black lives!

News 1 comment

Announcing the return of DX: MIB (now seeking experienced team members)!

Man in Black returns

Man in Black returns

News 5 comments

The Man in Black mod is being revived with a revamped storyline and new objectives. We are now seeking team members.

MIB Still Alive

MIB Still Alive

News 5 comments

Update on MIB Status: for those looking to see if MIB is still alive.

RSS Files

Illuminati Library Track


Check out fender2k1's gorgeous new track for the Illuminati Library map!

Music Sample


This is a sample of fender2k1's music.

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Gyilok - - 3 comments


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RodVeska - - 135 comments

Please finish this mod. I'm eager to review it on brandonchovey.net.

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LichKing - - 112 comments

I really wish that this mod would see the light again. Playing as a MiB would be just great, their story, their augmentations, their looks...everything!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
WildcatPhoenix Creator
WildcatPhoenix - - 93 comments

Thanks, LichKing!
Just so you know, I still work on the dialogue/mission text document for the MIB mod almost daily. While the mod is stuck in limbo for a while as we wait for new development tools, rest assured that work is continuing on it.

My best recommendation would be to join me in e-mailing or otherwise pressuring Eidos Montreal and/or Square Enix (by voicing your opinion on the Deus Ex forums, Twitter, facebook, etc) in support of a new suite of mod tools for the Dawn engine. If we get an updated SDK or mod kit, I promise I will revive the MIB project and get to work on real development immediately.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
omnitrix152 - - 120 comments

2 years since you said you would release it ..., i wish these mods wouldnt keep dying.

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WildcatPhoenix Creator
WildcatPhoenix - - 93 comments

Sadly, real life just got in the way of this one. On an interesting note: even though the team fell apart, I've never stopped working on the storyline/mission script since 2006.

Should we ever be fortunate enough to get mod tools with a future Deus Ex title, you have my promise that I'll immediately revive the project.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
omnitrix152 - - 120 comments

Sorry to hear that, you need help for voice acting just message me. This looks really good the shinjinku market picture makes me feel like it would be a whole new sequel or something. Yo have any news about it?

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Hornlein0 - - 24 comments

By late july early august? We're in October if you noticed it and i see you didn't posted something...

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TheUnbeholden - - 3,620 comments

Yeah me wants to know how its going to :D

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Benjimable - - 544 comments

How's it going guys?

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