Desolated - The Crying Fate is a Total Conversion based on Doom 3. It comes with a complete new storyline about the shade between good and evil plus two other gamemodes. A quest-, rpg- and moneysystem are just a few of the many new game mechanics that will await you. If you want to see everything you'll need at least 7-8 hours... but let the game speak for itself, download and have fun playing!

RSS Reviews

downlode says

Agree (1) Disagree

Something different, well done technically. Slower paced {at least in the beginning}. Nice change from the square rooms + teleporting monsters + massive firepower that a lot of user mods consist of.


ValCacer says

Agree Disagree

This is amazing


uac2145 says

May contain spoilers Agree Disagree

I didn't like the story. It makes no sense for me. Why should boss guardian could appear in the supermarket in the middle of some city? LOL.
Otherwise it's just a reskinned DOOM 3 with some gamedesign elements.


Soldier96 says

Agree Disagree

probably the biggest mod with biggest story ever,good job on your efford dave ^^


DaveLaMuerta says

Agree Disagree (1)

Old graphics, much Doom 3 assets used but it was a lot of fun playing through (especially the Arena Mode).


gamehacker says


Argoon says


medve says


SweetRamona says