A convention for episodes for SMOD, Based on the SMOD Elite and SMOD 2013 ====<FEATURES>==== Gibs Based off SMOD and SMOD:Elite SMOD Weapons with 8 new ones Projectile Bullets SlowMotion Recovered Combine Assassin NPCs 3D scope System Utilizes custom .vpk files Custom Zombie models (Fast Zombies and normal Zombies) with new AI additions Better Alyx Vance combate behavior based of the Episode 1 one Upscaled Face Textures and new shaders (disabled by default) Custom particles based on episodes Uses EP1/EP2 content needed (for full campaign) Easy to install (most mods usually install in sourcemods) Should appear in Steam games sourcemods after relogging.

Post feature Report RSS A small sneak peak about updates from ours Team

t's been a while, and I hope this message finds you well as we step into a new year. I'm excited to share some positive updates on the progress.

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A mod for Half-Life 2 Episodes

It's been a while, and I hope this message finds you well as we step into a new year. I'm excited to share some positive updates on the progress of our mod. We've made great strides, indeed major strides and we are every step close to post the first release of the mod soon.

Our overarching vision is to create a dynamic and customizable SMOD-like experience for both new players or the old ones who loved the original SMOD. While our initial plan involved porting the entire SMOD to the latest Source Branch, our approach has evolved to focus on adding more customizable content. This includes beta-inspired NPCs that haven't appeared in previous SMOD titles, such as Combine assassins and EP2 NPCs like the Hunter.

My way is to make balanced mix of nostalgia of old SMOD community with a fresh layer of paint.
While we could post some videos of the guns in actions most of the stuff are still Work-In-Progress and still may be subject to chance. So stay tuned for more future updates that might happen soon.

in-game VGUI panel to change the Custom SMOD options easilt (NPC models, time limit of spawn npcs etc.) Requires map restart.

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