Contra is a freeware modification for Command and Conquer Generals: Zero Hour real-time strategy game and one of the first mods for this game. It adds many new units as well as numerous new upgrades, new general's powers and buildings. It also adds new sounds, maps, bug fixes, enhanced graphics, and other effects, as well as three new generals.

Report RSS Players Choice - Mod of the Year 2018

The voting period for the Top 100 mods has closed, and it’s now time to announce the winners of the 2018 Mod of the Year Awards, as chosen by you!

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Mod of the Year Awards


Welcome to the 2018 Mod of the Year results! With top 100 voting having taken place over the last 20 days, the results have now been tallied and we are ready to announce the winners! Below you will find the Top 10 Mods of 2018.

While you're at it, you can also check out the Top 10 Indie Games of 2018, or join the site in anticipation for next year's awards to register a mod of your own or vote for those you think deserve recognition in 2019.

Honourable Mentions

With so many fantastic mods posting major updates and leveraging their passionate communities, we'd like to direct your praise and attention to these honourable mentions. A honorable mention is given for polling strongly in the awards, but being ineligible due to placing higher in a previous year, or if a significant update was not released in 2018:

Mod of the Year Top 10


Total Chaos

For: Doom II

Total Chaos is a total conversion mod for Doom 2 that runs on the GZDoom source port. The mod is a survival horror set on a remote island known as Fort Oasis. The island was once run by a community of coal miners which one day suddenly disappeared, leaving behind the abandoned concrete jungle to waste away. Something, clearly, has gone very wrong with this place. Upon your arrival at Fort Oasis, you receive a strange radio transmission. Someone wants to be found. Survive in 6 chapters, against over 8 horrifying fiends with a large assortment of weapons. The mod with the assistance of the source ports introduces many new graphical features, including 3D models and high resolution textures.

Anomaly is a standalone S.T.A.L.K.E.R. mod powered by an x64 version of Open X-Ray. Built upon Last Day, the mod continues its way on expanding and adding new features while maintaining a high level of quality and replay value.

The purpose of this mod is to recreate the Star Wars universe through various mythical epochs and places of the saga. "Battlefront Ultimate commander" is a a total conversion modification that adds new eras, new game-modes, new units and many more!

Awakening of the Rebellion 2.7 is the upcoming Version and its a massive Update and Improvement then the actual release Version 2.6. The AI is almost rewritten and will be a challenge as ever before There are new Story Events and reworked existing ones. All Space and Ground-Units are updated and/or replaced with new Models/Textures. New Soundeffects and Music-Tracks, a New Galaxy Map that is almost Canon and new Space and Groundmaps.

Contra is a freeware modification for Command and Conquer Generals: Zero Hour real-time strategy game. It's a big project started in 2004. It adds many new units as well as numerous new upgrades, new general's powers and buildings. It also adds new sounds, maps, bug fixes, enhanced graphics, and other effects, as well as three new generals.

From the Founding of Pendor - the year is 354 A King has not ruled the shattered land of Pendor for many generations. What was once a proud accomplishment of man now is steeped in the myths of folklore and told as children’s bedtime stories. Yet, the legends live on of a prophesy of hope. A tale of a champion who comes from a distant shore and unites the lords of Pendor under a single Ruler and brings peace and prosperity once again to this ravaged war-torn land. All is not as it seems as there are many powers who have their own ends in mind and an epic struggle is about to unfold. Strap on your sword, and buckle your imagination. Prepare to enter the world of Pendor and accept the challenge of the Prophesy - if you dare.

Thrawn's Revenge: Imperial Civil War is a total conversion mod for Forces of Corruption which brings the game into the Post-Endor period. The mod features a new era-based story progression system covering the timeline betwen the Battle of Endor and up until the start of the Yuuzhan Vong War. The mod includes hundreds of new planets accross almost 20 Galactic Conquest scenarios, hundreds of units and heroes, new particle and other graphic effects, and several new gameplay mechanics.


Half-Life : Echoes

For: Half-Life

After 15 years of enjoying Half-Life and endless user created content still being released to this day, I decided I wished to give back to the community and create my own take on the Black Mesa Incident. Being the massive Half-Life fan that I am, I wished to create something that would fit into the existing mythos as well as staying true to the fiction. All I can give away is that this storyline begins with you playing the part of Candidate #12. You arrive at the Black Mesa Complex for another day of work - on the day that everything changed forever!

Warsword Conquest is a total conversion of warbands mount and blade 1.153 based on the Warhammer Fantasy world by Games workshop and is single player only at moment.

Fallout: New California adds an all new story around a new player character, an adopted resident of Vault 18, embarking on a journey through the wastelands of the New California Republic's Cajon Pass. An unofficial prequel to New Vegas, FPB adds hours of new gameplay and a fully voiced stand alone campaign.

You will face the New California Republic under president Wendell Peterson, the New Reno Mob's Bishop Family, the remnant Shi Clans, The Enclave Leonidas Squadron, the Super Mutant Army, and the bloodthirsty Raider Alliance that have banded together in the remote Athens-Tec Uranium Mine off the Long I-15.

Through them all you'll choose your path from SPECIAL dialog options, acquired PERKs, and travel with 8 possible companions depending on your choices. You'll enjoy two new radio stations with unique music, hours of voice acting, and professional grade presentation.

There is always another path to take in New California. But War? War never changes.

Congratulations to all the modders and community members who participated in the 2018 Mod of the Year awards! We wish you all the best for your continued modding efforts into the new year and beyond.

Continue Reading: Editors Choice | Best Upcoming

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CT-5129 - - 294 comments

Congratulations Ultimate Commander and all mods!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+16 votes
CdtFox - - 1,500 comments

Thanks =)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
TiberiusOgden - - 2,061 comments

Congratulations for honourable mentions to BFME mods!
Edain, royal jewel between the mods, and AOTR, the most promising mod. :o)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+20 votes
Far-Offman - - 156 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Gunship_Mark_II - - 4,864 comments

Congrats to everyone! I'm happy that Half-Life : Echoes is in this list and Fallout: New California absolutely deserves first place, they put SO MUCH effort into it, congrats guys!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+19 votes
Ettenrocal - - 903 comments

Happy too the vote is fair ! Fallout New California will mark his time ! They deserve it so much !

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Sergeant_Mark_IV - - 440 comments

I'm glad to see Total Chaos being released and getting mentioned actually twice on the MOTY awards. I was hyped for it since it was announced for Skulltag one decade ago.
Wadaholic's previous works on Shotgun Frenzy were fundamental on showing me the true modding capacity of Doom's sourceports and I am glad to see him finally getting some praise for his work.

And also of course, congrats to all other mods too.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+12 votes
ReaperAA - - 123 comments

BTW Sarge, is BD21-RC4 going to be the final RC before the release? I am saying this because you said that you were going to release it at new years EVE (like in case of v20b). But currently there are quite a few small bugs in it and EDay has some bugs too (Eday30 IOS not appearing).

All i want to say is that take time and don't rush just for the sake of reaching the deadline. Don't stress out. I am willing to wait another 2-3 months if it means more polish.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
Kahvana - - 201 comments

Congratz to the honorable mentions to the STALKER CoC and Anomaly being 9th place, but also congratz to all other mods!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
MattTheLegoman - - 1,258 comments

Welp, there's next year. =D

A big congratulations to Contra, I certainly enjoy your mod and the art is wicked!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
Tronex - - 894 comments

Thanks, and congrats to all winners ^^

Reply Good karma Bad karma+11 votes
Tabajara77 - - 315 comments

Hooray to Half-Life: Echoes!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
Guest - - 698,138 comments

congrat to cnc contra mod. i really like your job.improve it more plis

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Guest - - 698,138 comments

Woohoo contra is hereee

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Burntstrobe - - 3,471 comments

Congrats to Thrawns Revenge and Awakening of the Rebellion, next year Yuuzhan Vong At War will be joining you!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
polloio - - 3,977 comments

2nd place isn't bad at all :D

Congratulations to the winner and to all the other mods!!

And many thanks to those who supported Warsword Conquest, both in the MOTY and through all these years.
Remember to HAVE FUN!!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+7 votes
EnZuLian - - 233 comments

Congratulations to Fallout: New California for winning and making a better Fallout game than Bethesda these days.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
Blue199 - - 6,971 comments

Congratulations to all the mods and devs!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
BAGMAN1792 - - 5 comments

CONTRAAAAAA!!!! OMG!!!! Ура!!!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Rush550 - - 128 comments


Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Schuchart - - 1,644 comments

Huzzah, congrats to everyone! Another fantastic year for the modding scene!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Gnomi - - 4,488 comments

Congratulations to all named mods! :D

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
OnyeNacho - - 1,346 comments

Total Chaos has high-res textures?!? HA!

The 2D UI? Sure.

The environment? Well personally I'd say it is comparable to Resident Evil 4 (a 6th gen game), with little new-gen polish.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-1 votes
foo_jam2002 - - 872 comments

Modders>AAA companies.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
DownloadMirror - - 489 comments

actual state of the industry

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Fredvil - - 18 comments

Impressive work by all ten.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Thanoshld - - 1,416 comments

Horray a GldSrc mod in the list! Congrats to HL:Echoes and to all other participants as well :). Keep it up, you awesome people of ModDB!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
Jancev™️️ - - 89 comments

Congratulations to all the mods expecially the Echoes one great job !

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Dr.Octavia-Pus - - 858 comments

Mental Omega in horonrable mentions :D

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Argoon - - 1,082 comments

Congrats for all the winners!

Btw petty that Doom3: Phobos didn't make it into top 10 or even deserved a honorable mention, is a fantastic AAA game/mod, i'm pretty sure if it was a mod for a game other than Doom 3 (non BFG) it would be on the top 10. :(

Reply Good karma Bad karma+5 votes
PMDLEADERSHINX - - 544 comments

Congrats Half-Life Echos on placing 3rd in 2018's MOTY you deserve it greatly

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
PowerMind - - 675 comments

Most impressive.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
OctaviaNocturnis - - 1,015 comments

Nice to see Warsword get 2nd place. It definitely deserved it. Congrats to all winners!

I plan on getting Battlefront II again and can't wait to try out ultimate commander. Any other good mods for it that are highly recommended?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
MrGnang - - 621 comments

Thank you so much for voting for Half Life echoes everyone, I am overjoyed at making the number 3 slot! I will make a proper update once I am back from holiday, but congratulations to everyone and have a great new year. There are definitely some amazing mods released this year!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+6 votes
GoodMan007 - - 8 comments

When Contra 009 final?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
John_Rises - - 99 comments

when we die of waiting xD

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Aro - - 1,971 comments

Half-Life Echoes absolutely deserved to be in the top three mods of this year. In my time with the modding community, it is one of the only projects I've sampled that I truly believe to earn and deserve it's place. If you're into the Half-Life series and haven't played it already, do yourself the favor and make it happen.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+3 votes
Sarlix - - 101 comments

Well done everybody.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
naryanrobinson - - 650 comments

Oh yeah, forgot about New California.
I guess that makes sense.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
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