This mod continues the story where Half-Life 2 finished and offers one possible scenario. After the big explosion you fall to the ground and are very badly injured. Some people find you and take you home to a small village outside the city where the citadel was built. After 3 months you’re strong again and want to fight on. You have never seen Alyx or any of the others since the explosion. But you try to find new people that will fight with you against Breen. Nobody wants to help, some are afraid, others think that Breen has learned his lesson and won’t start again. It also seems that most of his organisation was lost in the explosion. Then you hear that along the coast Breen is starting again and trying to take control again. So you decide to go to the coast. There you take a little boat and go along the coast so the Combine won’t notice you coming.

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This teaser only shows a very small part of 2 maps this large Half Life 2 Sp-mod
that has a total of 15 very large sp-maps. The total mod will give at least 8 to 10
hours of game play. And please don't forget to change the notepad called Gameinfo inside this mod and change the SteamAppld 220 to 215 and save it. Otherwise you could experience trouble due to the valve update that was released after the release of this mod.
When you have any questions concerning this sp-mod or any of our many other sp-mods and sp-mappacks
then please mail me on

Check all the other sp-mods and sp-mappacks here;