C&C: ShockWave is an enhancement mod for C&C Generals: Zero Hour. The main goal of this mod is to make Zero Hour a more interesting game with more diversity between the generals, making you think twice before you select a certain general, and overall provide more choices, diversity, and strategic freedom than in Zero Hour - while keeping the spirit and design direction of the original Generals game and storyline.


This patch fixes some of the issues that occured in Shockwave 0.95. This also adds various new goodies, such as new maps, abilities and units. This REQUIRES Shockwave Version 0.95. Note: A clean install always helps if your having issues. Just remember, install Generals, ZH, ZH 1.04, SW 0.95, SW 0.951 in that order. If the problem persists, visit the forum for support

Shockwave 0.951 Patch for PC
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sturmstroppe - - 27 comments


there isnt any virus in this patch, right?

Reply Good karma Bad karma-6 votes
NergiZed Author
NergiZed - - 1,608 comments

There shouldn't be, I installed this version onto my other comp, and my anti-virus software didn't find anything. Works fine on my comp at the moment.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
DevBoyz - - 5 comments

Guys...i got a problem...when i was challenging Prince Kassad using Dr.Thrax, i destroyed all of his buildings including the 3 Stinger Sites on the Lake...but the game just doesn't end...is this a bug?

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KBraid - - 259 comments

use a radar scan! scan the entire map. he has buildings everywhere! (he has a palace on a rocky area in the southern area of the top base. I never found it till 5 min. after wasting him)

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atacanak - - 1 comments

look for demo traps

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freakybunnies - - 93 comments

No.... xD Who will believe that!?

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D4nyi - - 27 comments

there isn't virus... I have this patch and work fully.

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Harrier_Jumpjet - - 939 comments

Come on take a long think about it xD

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SBPA - - 1 comments

I click the patch DL button but can't get anythig to happen?

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sturmstroppe - - 27 comments

I tried it, cool patch. I like the buggies and the EXECUTIONER!

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Horror92 - - 33 comments

It could because you have other or old mod(s) file(s) installed? That happend to me a couple of times....

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
jjjsoc - - 36 comments

every time i play shockwave, with the patch, it always crashes and says serious error. i have shockwave mod installed and its shockwave .95 i even used the maps created for shockwave mod and it still crashes!!!!!!!!! plz help!!!! i love the shockwave mod and plz help

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sebb150392 - - 43 comments

Try asking for help on their forums, like they tell you to in the summary

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jjjsoc - - 36 comments


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jjjsoc - - 36 comments

wheres the forum?

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NergiZed Author
NergiZed - - 1,608 comments Reply Good karma+2 votes
dead_avengers - - 3 comments

it actually happened to me and i found out that my game can't be patched to 1.4 because the "game.dat" file on the the zero hour folder was a crack. Try reinstalling zero hour and don't copy the "game.dat" on the cd/dvd but copy the "game.exe". Patch the game to 1.4 then install shockwave... it should work but you should have the cd 1/dvd on your cd/dvd drive.

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jjjsoc - - 36 comments

you mean deleting everything?

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jjjsoc - - 36 comments

and how do i do that?

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jjjsoc - - 36 comments

wat do u mean game.exe? where do i get it?

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deathparadeNL - - 2,061 comments

not working i have first decade and there is no game.dat so how do i fix it???

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Traslogan - - 244 comments

U need Version 1.04 for Generals ZH

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afiqhanifah - - 320 comments

sometime you game.dat is error....i play shockwave using game.dat (light of five star mod)....

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XAttus - - 229 comments

Yes... the patch is very cool! I like the new R.A.D tank model and the other things are good too. The EXECUTIONER is a perfect boss unit at the end of Army Defense / Tower Dfense. What I say is that this mod is the BEST of all!
Keep up the good work!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
jjjsoc - - 36 comments

ugh im getting really frustrated plz help me!!!!

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deathparadeNL - - 2,061 comments

you talk too much lol

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Dr_Thrax - - 5 comments

do u need schockwave 0.95 installed??

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jjjsoc - - 36 comments

it is installed its just wen i play with patch and the mod installed it crashes

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Dr_Thrax - - 5 comments

try to install ur game in a new folder and then the mod. Maybe it will work.

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jjjsoc - - 36 comments

i really appreciate it Dr_Thrax and NergiZed and sebb 150392 for ur helps thanks :)

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
jjjsoc - - 36 comments

ugh not again Dr_thrax, NergiZed and sebb 150392, i did uninstall zero hour and the shockwave patch and shockwave mod, then i restarted computer and reinstalled everything (under administrator) then i played and it did the same thing. NOW WAT?!?!??!

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sebb150392 - - 43 comments

This time, did you patch zero hour to 1.04? Simple as it sounds, its easily forgotten.

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jjjsoc - - 36 comments

ok um i downloaded the patch, but was it an update from command conquer, or do u have to download it? because i downloaded the patch 1.04 and um it works now but every time i right click it shuts down with the stupid serious error

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jjjsoc - - 36 comments

i think i found the problem, i think its because the directx was deleted some how so i guess ill just install directx under administer

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Really28 - - 1 comments

Try What I did
I downloaded the patch from a different site

Reinstall the game
apply 1.04 patch
install shockwave into the zero hour folder

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jjjsoc - - 36 comments

which site really?

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jjjsoc - - 36 comments

ok i downloaded direct x 9 and i was ready to play wen it crashed..........again. stupid serious error

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jjjsoc - - 36 comments

the game played fine w/o the patch, so i think its the patch somehow

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jjjsoc - - 36 comments

just regular shockwave .95 was fine but now with the patch it causing frustration

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Dr_Thrax - - 5 comments

when does it crash?

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jjjsoc - - 36 comments

while im playing first like 5 minutes then it crashes

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jjjsoc - - 36 comments

on a game

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jjjsoc - - 36 comments

on a skirmish game

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Dr_Thrax - - 5 comments

Does it lag?

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jjjsoc - - 36 comments

not really

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jjjsoc - - 36 comments

it loads and wen i play it doesnt lag

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Dr_Thrax - - 5 comments

Because if u play and it lag a lot it sometimes crash

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jjjsoc - - 36 comments

but it wasnt so.......now wat

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AALeopold - - 9 comments

Well you have to delete all the game´s files,find those files. When you uninstall a game some files continues in your pc, for that delete all about the game and reinstall all(game,the path 1.40 and mod)and may be the game work.

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jjjsoc - - 36 comments

ok thx for ur advice

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