Catharsis Reborn is a total conversion mod for Postal 3 which picks up on the unfortunate tales of the Postal Dude, exactly where he left off in POSTAL 2: Apocalypse Weekend. The Dude this time faces a whole new set of miserable errands and temp jobs in the ironically named sister-city of his home town of Paradise; Catharsis, throughout 5 weekdays of mayhem just like in the previous instalment of POSTAL.

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Postal 3 Angel Announcement


Hello everyone! No CR news today (the latest devblog is in the works however, development news will come in our classic timely fashion) but we have a different announcement to make, today we are releasing a new mod for Postal 3 - Postal 3 Angel!

The idea behind the Postal 3 Angel mod is a simple one, in CR’s 6th devblog we explained that we had added a new scripting language called AngelScript to Catharsis Reborn, to help get around some weaknesses in the game’s stock language known as p3s (Postal3Script), Postal 3 Angel adds that same AngelScript to the vanilla game so any interested modders can use it as an extra set of tools for development.

The mod also adds several new console commands, a number of extra p3s attributes for certain entities, a new FGD (map entity list) with added AngelScript entities, as well as fixing some major vanilla game bugs like the crash that occurs when taking a human shield, a full list of these changes is available in the README file that comes with the mod, which also contains installation instructions.

It’s important to emphasise that this is a version of the game designed to give tools to modders, it is not intended to be a patch for the vanilla game, we haven’t brought over game mechanics from CR to the vanilla game for example, it's only value to a player not interested in modding is a somewhat more stable version of the game due to things like crash fixes, but please don’t download this expecting improved gameplay mechanics, you’ll be wasting your time.

We’ve worked on this project because we know that there is a wider community developing around Postal 3 modding and we’re in a uniquely privileged position when it comes to modding this game due to our possession of its source code, we’ve been asked many times to share the source code publicly but haven’t been able to because we don’t have permission to do so, as it’s not our property and we don’t want to go against the wishes of the person who gave it to us.

So while we can’t share the full set of tools we have, what we can do is share smaller scale tools like this one - giving to the community and enabling the creation of many more mods than would otherwise be impossible or extremely hard to pull off with the stock tools of P3 modding - the SDK and the highly clunky p3s language.

You can find Postal 3 Angel on its ModDB page here, we also recommend you check out our AngelScript and p3s documentation pages which contain more info on how these languages work in Postal 3 as well as a number of tutorials.

The mod can be used with any version of Postal 3, whether that’s the Steam version, the ZOOM Platform edition, some overpriced boxed copy you got at launch or a pirated version you got from some dodgy corner of the internet.

Lastly I’d like to say thank you to the members of the community who privately tested the mod and helped us catch several issues before launch, we appreciate the feedback!

That’s all for today, more news later down the track, goodbye for now!

Девблог CR №7: Новости “открытого” периода

Девблог CR №7: Новости “открытого” периода


Обновление Catharsis Reborn с марта по ноябрь 2023 года

Postal 3 возвращается в Steam

Postal 3 возвращается в Steam


Кое-какая инфа о возвращении Postal 3 в Steam

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CR Devblog #7: The Open Season Update

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Postal 3 Returns to Steam

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Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 96)
gadgetman1989 - - 1 comments

Hello, SixxtwoSixx_89 here, was wondering if I could use one of the trailers on my video/series on bad games that are actually amazing if you get past the bugs and glitches? I would make sure I note that the game devs over there at WJI get a fair 'THANK YOU SO MUCH' in my description of the video? Loving the mod so much!

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Guest - - 699,999 comments

This new update blog is mindblowing, my literal most hyped upcoming thing now that TImesplitters got cancelled for the fourth time

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Dhanus - - 124 comments

I'm might be that one person who likes the Design around Postal 3 but heavily dislike the bugs and error trough out the game... I don't know why I enjoyed Postal 3 in the first place, might be the architecture of the game, or the whole aesthetic of the game? I don't know.

But I'm hoping for this Redemption to be released, Getting hooked on the recent news as well.

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Datoneboi - - 39 comments

Is the mod still in development? I dont see any action since april

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Kizoky Creator
Kizoky - - 139 comments

Check the twitter feed on the right, you can see that we are indeed active :)

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Elwood.B Creator
Elwood.B - - 37 comments

You can see that we have fairly long gaps between our developer blogs, because we prefer including lengthy update posts which we can take our time to work on rather than repeatedly releasing less substantial updates

We wouldn't stop development without an official announcement

Reply Good karma+3 votes
Datoneboi - - 39 comments

Thanks man, keep up the good work. Make postal 3 like it was intended to be :)

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nickwillson1 - - 1 comments

Йоу парни, вам нужна помощь в арт-дизайне? Вашей модификации не хватает стиля и я могу создать необходимые изображения в духе работ Joe Cerniglia, который отвечал за арт в Postal 3 (Вступительный ролик и черно-белые экраны загрузки). Да и в целом, могу помочь с текстурами, моделями персонажей, и геймдизайном.

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Guest - - 699,999 comments

ok i have a request, can you make it so that the cats are atracted to the lazer pointer

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Elwood.B Creator
Elwood.B - - 37 comments

Currently this isn't planned because Cats don't act as companions in the way that recruited Dogs (or Motorhead) do

They essentially act as a more advanced throwable weapon and so guiding them with the laserpen wouldn't fit their role

Turning the Cats into a companion type like the Dogs would require redesigns that likely wouldn't be worth the time investment

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rantchyreactions - - 1 comments

i meant like, cats are atracted to laser pointers in real life so maybe have it be an alterative to the cat nip, if its imposable then thats ok.

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Elwood.B Creator
Elwood.B - - 37 comments

It's not impossible, it's just that the Laserpen is used for guiding companions and cats aren't used as companions, having the Laserpen work as a kind of alternate catnip would make its inconsistent and potentially confusing for players, so it would only make sense to add if we made the cats into companions, which isn't planned at least for now

As for realism, this is a series where snorting catnip can slow down time like the Matrix, it's fine for us to be unrealistic

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