Call of Chernobyl is a free-play sandbox mod for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. : Call of Pripyat created by TeamEPIC. It features 32 explorable maps, reworked level design and level fixes, new original level, Trucks Cemetery, Full AI and A-Life overhaul, engine and script enhancements, Repeatable task system which bases itself on A-Life events, Customizable weather environments for every map as well as surges and psi-storms from AF3, Character creation which includes name, portrait and faction selection; Several optional modes such as Ironman mode, story mode and zombie survival mode, New achievements, rankings and reputation system, PDA leaderboard and enhanced PDA statistics, Companion system with keyboard issued commands, many optional side-features and community-made addons . Call of Chernobyl was player's choice Mod of the Year 9th place in 2015 and 1st place in 2016!


Politics can be tricky in the Zone. With nine different factions vying for control, relations between them are constantly in flux. Alliances can be made and treaties can be broken. The enemy of your enemy can become your friend, and the enemy of your friend can become your bitter rival. This addon dynamically adjusts faction relations in response to real-time events in the game. Adds a new level of complexity to the game; factions that were once your friends can become your enemies if your faction pissed them off enough. Warring factions can declare a cease-fire. Former enemies can form alliances. What was once a friendly place to sleep can become an enemy lair. Areas of the Zone that were once off limits can become open for you to explore. Compatible with CoC 1.4.22

DoctorX Dynamic Faction Relations 1.8  [1.4.22]
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kaylokaze - - 8 comments

Does your faction even get effected if you kill/murder people on your own? It feels like only when your squad kills/is killed do relations change. Do I need to be in a squad in order to actually ruin/build my faction's relations?

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PawC - - 5 comments

For me, it is everytime i kill, or rather "almost everytime", you can bring console with ~ key to see how relations have changed after killing someone [use page up/down to scroll].
"Almost" because there seems to be some bug that randomly it fails to register that killing happened, or only a few factions get affected.
Weirdest I've seen was while killing dutiers in rostok, bandits [my faction] stance was changing with only 4 factions, and most importantly freedom wasn't affected despite being at war with duty.

I don't know if it's map related or if there's some bug in lua script.

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kaylokaze - - 8 comments

I just looked at this, and the factions who are enemies/friends with the person I kill get mad/happy. But nothing changes with their attitude towards the actual killer. Do i have some other mod that's conflicting or is that also what's happening to your game?

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PawC - - 5 comments

No, me being killer affects my relations<->other factions and my faction relations<->other faction relations, just that the values are randomized for changes, for example your relation can change by 1 point with X faction, while your faction relation can change by 27 with X faction, etc.

My main issue is that for whatever reason my relations seem to be offsetted by -3000.
No idea why, I started the current ongoing game with 1.8 DocX dynamic relations, AO3, minor tweak to svarog detector and thats all.
Most noteworthy, my previous game on 1.7 dynamic factions+warfare didn't have this issue, I could kill whole loner camp and then suddenly my faction declared ceasefire with them few minutes later and they became neutral just as they should. But my warfare was bugging out with infinite stalker respawning so I had to ditch it.

Started new fresh game without warfare, with updated dynamic factions to 1.8 [made sure to wipe clean my gamedata folder before doing that] and since then my relations are just f***ed up.

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-MG- - - 12 comments

Well back when CoM 1.0 wasn't out i used this mod without problems on it.

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Cogoth - - 1 comments

Is there any way to change faction relations in the files?

like I'm duty and the bandit allied with us but so did the military
The thing is the military and bandits aren't allied with each other so they fight each other. So is there a way that I can change the values of the factions in the files so I can make the bandits and military allies with each other?

p.s I know this wouldn't make since given the bandits are hated by all but that's just how my game decided thing's would play out

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NyamukSumatera - - 76 comments

can you make bandit little bit more resilient, they are most coward faction that I ever encountered, they able make cease fire more often then other faction, that really annoying when they kill one of my companion,when I trying to revenge suddenly they making ceasefire and shooting them make my relation with other faction who neutral with bandit worsened

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.Shlomo. - - 44 comments

Hey im having an issue with my playing on azrael currently as a loner and i noticed my reputations being double my faction values.
now i cant go on hunting the millitary with the bandits...someone here who can help me?

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.Shlomo. - - 44 comments

I did some testing and the Bug is definitivley related to the dynamic faction mod and azazel mode...does anyone here play on this mode without problems?

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.Shlomo. - - 44 comments

If anyone has the same problem, i have a sollution

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Bambacha - - 87 comments

Care to actually tell your solution?

Thanks in advance.

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.Shlomo. - - 44 comments

Yes ofcourse!
download this and put it in gamedata/scripts
im experiencing somem bugs sometimes but i think they are generally related to the azrael mode as i encountered them before trying out this.if you have any idea about scripting take a look and see if you can optimize it...anyway tellme how it works for you.

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.Shlomo. - - 44 comments

did it work out for you?forgot i did some changes to gamerealtions.ltx too in the process.
try it if it didnt work

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Bambacha - - 87 comments

Actually it seems to work, I (player faction) have the same values as my faction. The thing is that sometimes I had double values than my faction outside the azazel mode too. I'll try the new changes too, I'm not knowledgeable to scripting though.

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Abandoned_Account342 - - 227 comments

I feel like this addon should be merged into the base mod. Kind of like what's being done the the Outfit Addon.

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Stokker - - 303 comments

This is most definitely unintended: Sidorovich asked for a hit on a Loner...that ONLY hangs out in Rookie Village, which means killing him would make the village my enemy, and that's not a good thing considering the fact that I'm a Loner and that is my home base that I started in.

And since I can't take any other quests from him, or abandon this one, I am effectively unable to do quests for Sidorovich from this point onward.

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Bambacha - - 87 comments

You can kill him, quickly escape to the Great Swamps and when you return to Cordon, the village will be neutral to you. I killed a loner that boasted over the radio that he found 2 artefacts, looted him quickly while his camp-mates were hostile and left the map. When I returned, the camp was neutral and peaceful to me.

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GhostOfSierra117 - - 63 comments

does anyone know if this works with call of misery?

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NyamukSumatera - - 76 comments

Does this mod hurt memory too much? somehow when I played with 1.5 stalker population at low res, I dont had to much problem other than some stutter and micro lag which is acceptable when going to a new place, but when traveling between level or while walking around suddenly game ctd and give some crash report about relation changed

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boredgunner - - 2,072 comments

It should be impossible for Military and Ecologists to declare war on each other. Also, occasionally when a faction relation changes, it doesn't change accordingly for the player in my game. E.g., I'm playing as Military in Azazel mode, Military and Freedom declare a cease fire but Freedom is still hostile with me.

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Marmoran - - 4 comments

I love this addon and when with warfare things get insane :D every place i go there are at least 3 factions fighting over the place and corpses lying everywhere, started as Clear Sky and 2 hours later we were holding the Great Swamp, Cordon and the Garbage. The Military have all of Agroprom and Dark Stape (idk) and i am neutral or friends with everybody except the Mercs but i want to destroy the Military and then the bandits and slowly take over the whole zone. So how do i declare war on the Military now without losing reputation? Can i change it from the files?

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Marmoran - - 4 comments

EDIT: since those military guys were in war with half the zone and im friends with that half we eventually got into war again XD

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thegreekweegee - - 10 comments

Bug: While the mercenaries and Clear sky should be cool with each other, Clear Sky is still attacking me while ignoring the other mercs I called with me as allies.

Also, as boredgunner said, faction changes don't reflect on the actor too, sadly.

PS: why are freedom and bandits hostile to each other? Vanilla Call of Chernobyl has them neutral.

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protzy - - 2 comments

Is there any way to reset all relations to their defaults? My zone has gotten way to friendly (a combination of my Duty playthrough making Mercs allies of Duty and my current Merc run having bandits sign a ceasefire and then becoming friends). My only enemies are the Army and Monolith and it is getting a little boring.

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Aeon2927 - - 253 comments

Go kill some scientists =)

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PromiserOfDeath - - 117 comments

Anyway to turn certain factions back into enemies? I really think Bandits and Monolith should be excluded from this mod.

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kaylokaze - - 8 comments

If you want to remove a faction from having dynamic relations, then remove them from the table at line 41 in your game_relations.script
I made so loners don't change influence anything/change anymore by just removing them from it like so:

Monolith by default doesn't ever change, but stalkers/bandits do, which you can change

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kaylokaze - - 8 comments

for whoever is interested here's the tweaked version that I play with. feel free to tweak it more to your liking:

main things changed in it with line numbers:
273- killing your own faction doesn't influence anything (it used to make your enemies like your faction more if you had friendly fires. that didn't make sense)

43-loners no longer are dynamic

(multiple removed in 273-340 area)- there will always be an influence change upon directly killing someone (used to be a coin toss)

274 - The faction directly killed is angered more.

216- the influence change is a lower value because it always happens (reduced to 40 instead of 200)

322- if a member of a neutral faction to a faction is slain, 20% chance that they will be angered

276-281 Freedom/Duty give bonus positive influence if you kill one or the other. (Killing Duty makes Freedom extra happy. Killing Freedom makes Duty extra Happy. This makes so you can align yourself with one or the other much easier)

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stunngun - - 32 comments

Interesting Mod... gamebreaking unfortunately due to the fact that important traders are killed of.

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wet_vasily - - 64 comments

How to deinstall it ? I cant use it with Warfare , I kill 50 Loners with my bandits and then the Loners are friendly.I fight against military in Garbage , and after I kill em all we got peace with Military , they all come to garbage.Then theyre our enemies again and we all die ? It messes everything up.How to deinstall it ?

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HENTAI-TYAN - - 2 comments

So, Player - Faction relatinos are kind of wobbly. Whenever I kill a faction member, my relations with them go to -4000 instantly and there's no way to change this. Also, when my faction (for example mercenaries) is allied with an enemy (military), they still hate me as an archnemesis. I think that, Player - Faction relations have to be disabled or at least only affect Faction - Faction only. Oh, did I mention, that apparently, when you kill YOUR enemy (military, for example), but he is neutral to your faction, then you loose your reputation. Is there some way to fix this? Console commands or a mod?

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λpone - - 1,884 comments

Is there a way to make this, so that only certain factions can change relations?
For example, only military-loner relation is affected.

aa I see now:

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Abandoned_Account342 - - 227 comments

I feel like Military and Ecologists shouldn't be able to get hostile to each other, since they're both government organizations.

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Ricards0210 - - 10 comments

Thank you for this mod, DoctorX. I like it a lot but I think it needs som tweaking. The problem is as follows. I play as a mercenary and one of my mates gave me a mission to “scout out” the Military base in Agroprom by killing every Military guy in the camp, which is ridiculous by itself, but whatever. So, I did that, slaughtered every dude in a military uniform.
The Ecologists didn’t like it and declared war on my Mercenary faction. Soon after that Military declared ceasefire with my faction but the Ecologists are still hostile.
My problem is that I think eggheads shoudn’t be that warlike and declare war only if attacked directly. Or at least become neutral after their ally declares ceasefire. They should care only about studying the Zone. I mean, those are wimpy eggheads. What are they going to do, throw laboratory flasks at me?
It’s a good thing that I bought the headgear thingy from Sakharov in order to disable the Brain Scorcher before this incident. I can’t shoot those eggheads either because it hurts my alliance with Clear Sky. For now I just try to avoid firefights with them, hoping that they will calm down sooner or later.

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DoctorX01 Author
DoctorX01 - - 614 comments

See my post from Oct 4 on page 2 of the comments for instructions how to remove Ecologists from changing relations if you don't want them to change.

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Ricards0210 - - 10 comments

Ok, thanks, man. Will do that once they become neutral again.

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deniable_pain - - 432 comments

i wonder if its related to this mod or maybe another mod but as being part of the loner faction, ive done plenty of missions for the loner faction squad leaders and yet my relations to the loner faction is at 50

how can i increase my reputation within one factions?

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Ricards0210 - - 10 comments

Do the faction relations reset when I start a new game as a different faction or do they remain changed as in my previous playthrough?

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Kastrenzo - - 876 comments

I would like to uninstall this mod, but I can't remember if this mod added files or replaced them, how do I uninstall?

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DoctorX01 Author
DoctorX01 - - 614 comments

You should be able to just delete the files with no problem. You might need to start a new game.

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FlippyWarbear - - 164 comments

Got any tips how to resolve my dilemma? My faction and I are both friendly with Loners, but the fellas over at the central farm at Cordon (Xenotech's lot) do not like me one bit. Any chance I could somehow resolve this issue without having all other Loners hate me too? :D

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crazy_dude - - 3 comments

I was in dead city as a merc and the mercs had a cease fire with bandits. The bandits had 0 relations with my faction the mercs but they had -5000 with me and wanted my A$$ dead: Anyone know what is happening

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crazy_dude - - 3 comments

The cease fire happened while i was in dead city and we were fighting the banditos

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Deathlesssoul - - 11 comments

There is a way to change in game relations without starting a new game?
¡ don't want bandits to go cease fire and/or friendlu with me...

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blackhybrid - - 4 comments

how to increase relations with a faction when youre enemies with them? freedom pretty much hates me and almost everyone else, how would i make them friendly against me?

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sLoPpYdOtBiGhOlE - - 62 comments

Thank you for your great mods..

I found a mild bug with Dynamic Factions 1.8.

Quit current loaded game to the main menu (without exiting the game to the desktop).
Start a new game.
All prior faction relations from last game are now being used in the new game.
This is a repeatable bug.

Another sort of bug:
When doing quests that give faction goodwill as a reward.
If player faction relation is 1000 above the joined faction relation, then the quest goodwill reward just doesn't display or go up at all.
I'm in Eco faction and my relation with Merc faction is 1500.
Eco faction relation with Mercs faction is on 500
I do a fetch quest or hand in the tools quest for Mercs and my faction relation with Mercs does not increase at all.
In other words it's like my faction relation is capped at 1000 greater then the faction I'm in.
Makes me say why bother trying to improve relations via quest since it won't be visually rewarded.

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Guest - - 699,827 comments

Did you fix it somehow?
I have hard job finding out way of fixing it since I play port of this addon on CoM but my problem is literaly the same.

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