Call of Chernobyl is a free-play sandbox mod for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. : Call of Pripyat created by TeamEPIC. It features 32 explorable maps, reworked level design and level fixes, new original level, Trucks Cemetery, Full AI and A-Life overhaul, engine and script enhancements, Repeatable task system which bases itself on A-Life events, Customizable weather environments for every map as well as surges and psi-storms from AF3, Character creation which includes name, portrait and faction selection; Several optional modes such as Ironman mode, story mode and zombie survival mode, New achievements, rankings and reputation system, PDA leaderboard and enhanced PDA statistics, Companion system with keyboard issued commands, many optional side-features and community-made addons . Call of Chernobyl was player's choice Mod of the Year 9th place in 2015 and 1st place in 2016!


Politics can be tricky in the Zone. With nine different factions vying for control, relations between them are constantly in flux. Alliances can be made and treaties can be broken. The enemy of your enemy can become your friend, and the enemy of your friend can become your bitter rival. This addon dynamically adjusts faction relations in response to real-time events in the game. Adds a new level of complexity to the game; factions that were once your friends can become your enemies if your faction pissed them off enough. Warring factions can declare a cease-fire. Former enemies can form alliances. What was once a friendly place to sleep can become an enemy lair. Areas of the Zone that were once off limits can become open for you to explore. Compatible with CoC 1.4.22

DoctorX Dynamic Faction Relations 1.8  [1.4.22]
Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 455)
TheOrenda - - 10 comments

Hey dude, loved your work on the questlines mod!

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DoctorX01 Author
DoctorX01 - - 614 comments


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Guest - - 698,120 comments

Hello Doc,i have a question,can i make a faction desapear?
For example,i command a duty squad inside the freedom base and make that a new base for duty?

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Aquilares - - 81 comments

Is this just dynamic faction relations or is there a little more to it? By that I mean do said relation changes influence anything aside from what factions like/hate each other and who likes/hate the player. Also is this compatible with Warfare?

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son714 - - 355 comments

Wow thank you! I'll definitely try this out!

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Raubt1r - - 268 comments

Can I still use my own faction relations over this? Great work btw.

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DoctorX01 Author
DoctorX01 - - 614 comments

You can use a custom relations file but you will need to tweak the values a bit. Change enemies to -2000 instead of -1000, bitter enemies to -4000 instead of -5000. Allies; 2000, Strong allies; 4000. Actor should be all 0's. See the changes I made in the included game_relations.ltx for reference.

Reply Good karma+5 votes
Raubt1r - - 268 comments

Perfect. Gonna give this a spin.

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DefiantDucky - - 196 comments

great work! question, does news about ceasefires, alliances or conflicts appear on the PDA dynamic news?

tried this with warfare and this does work! no conflicts or crashes or script errors after two hours!, however I didn't know duty had declared war on clear sky until a clear sky member shot at my duty guys as we occupied near points and ended up in a bloody turf war haha, this works great with warfare, adds the final element that was missing! Can you possibly add a relations tab on the PDA like in clear sky or dynamic info? that would be the icing on the cake.

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DoctorX01 Author
DoctorX01 - - 614 comments

When relations change there is a dynamic news alert. You can check the message history tab on your pda if you missed it.

Reply Good karma+6 votes
DefiantDucky - - 196 comments

okay prior to my last comment You were correct, turns out I had to update your factions relations file to 1.3 which then made everything work correctly, been having a huge random and great experiences currently in a four way battle at pripyat, excellent work

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FlippyWarbear - - 164 comments

Omfg I need this. I need the new release and I need this. Sounds really cool!

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VelesTheStalker - - 165 comments

Wow! Great job as always :D

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Fourch3TT3 - - 1,871 comments

There is something that i don't quite understand : How can your faction **** a friendly faction off, if they are friendly ? If they are friendly, they should not attack each other, right ?

Actually, how does it work ? Do NPC have more autonomy ? Can they decide to attack a friendly faction by themselves for some reason ? Can you actually see such events ?

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DoctorX01 Author
DoctorX01 - - 614 comments

Here's an example; Loners are friends with Duty but enemies with the Military. Duty is friends with the Military. If a Loner kills a Military guy, it could **** off Duty.

Reply Good karma+19 votes
Fourch3TT3 - - 1,871 comments

All right, it's pretty elaborate. How does the cease-fire work ?

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DoctorX01 Author
DoctorX01 - - 614 comments

Same concept. If a Loner kills a Bandit for example, it might improve relations between Loners and Military since the Bandit was a common enemy.

Reply Good karma+13 votes
Fourch3TT3 - - 1,871 comments

So, if a loner kills a military, then a bandit, he will be ok with duty.

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Raubt1r - - 268 comments

To be safe just kill some monolith or zombies to improve relations with everyone I guess.I too was wondering how relations would change.

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Guest - - 698,120 comments

How would you get an entire faction to **** off another entire faction, and I mean, Entire faction, so they go at a full war. With the first example you gave, it may have changed what the faction thought about the player.

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Monolit_gasmask1 - - 21 comments

And bandit friend with freedom

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Drag0 - - 764 comments

How fast can relations change? As in, how much killing is necessary to affect relations in a tangible manner? And is it necessary to have dynamic news turned on to see change in faction relations (I'm not a fan of dynamic news, so I have it off)? This is a great idea, adds whole other 'political' dimension to the free-play. If it could be combined with the ability to change your faction, the zone would be... on steroids.

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Fourch3TT3 - - 1,871 comments

You have this, to be able to change your faction :
You have to pay Sid for that.

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Guest - - 698,120 comments

Does this work together with your quest-lines mod? And extended variations? and Outfit addon, Stcop?

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DoctorX01 Author
DoctorX01 - - 614 comments


Reply Good karma+3 votes
Guest - - 698,120 comments

Awesome! Also, thanks for the fast reply! :)

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Raubt1r - - 268 comments

Is it just me or is there a drop on the AI inteligence after this addon? It fells like they react slower and they often react to each other and then ignore them right after.
Right now i started a new game as a loner, and often stalkers and the military fight each other, but they alsow stop mid fight and go on their business midway.

Anyone else experienced this?

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OMEGA101 - - 141 comments

Does this require a new game start?

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DoctorX01 Author
DoctorX01 - - 614 comments

Should be ok without one.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
MillionDollarMerc - - 104 comments

lol just ruined my game with this addon XD
had a few bandit allies who got into a melee range fight with a psuedogiant
Long story short, my allies shot eachother and a war broke out between the bandits and freedom, simply because of an awful crossfire.
I love this addon

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Kardue - - 225 comments

All this senseless killing... just like in real life!

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Raubt1r - - 268 comments

Ok this is a complete mess. Why are factions that announced a cease fire, still shoting at me? They appear as neutral on my minimap and binoculares, but as soon as I get in range, they open fire at me.

I somehow got a cease fire between my faction duty, and freedom, by killing freedom menbers........

By killing freedom menbers, loners have started a war with me. Good choice on their behalf. Im goona love filling them with hot lead when I return to Rostok. Freaking rats.

Ecologists started a war with me aswell. As if they ever stood a chance in the first place. I just dont understand why they did thatbin the first place. Understanding this mod is harsh sometimes

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MillionDollarMerc - - 104 comments

nvm cant even delete so ignore this

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jambatan23 - - 48 comments

I think your relations with Duty got so low that it reset to 0. That's what happened to me, while playing Military fighting Clear sky. I was assaulting a couple points then all of a sudden a ceasefire. I checked my PDA, it said relations were at 0.

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Raubt1r - - 268 comments

Sorry to spam but things continue to not make sense. Lol.
So i started now as a freedomer, killed a couple o dutiers and ecologists are already ****** at me. Seems that no matter who I have to kill, the ecologists always get bitchy about it and start a war. But thats their loss.

Now comes the really messed up part. Guess who made a cease fire with me by killing the red forest military. Duty. Thats interesting, cause the military is their neutral. So the oposite of what was suposed to happen, happened.

But thats not all. Since the ecos started a war with me, i had no choice but to start a war with them. So i destroyed them off yantar. Guess who cease fire with me now. The Military. Same deal, isnt the military neutral towards the ecos? And what about those other 50 soldiers i killed in the past? Colleteral damage?

Im not gonna lie. This addon is freaking amazing. It gives real purpose towards who you decide to kill and really opens up a new world of trading and questing with factions that i never imagened i would trade and quest. Ijust dont understad whats going on with the cease fire part.

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DoctorX01 Author
DoctorX01 - - 614 comments

Ok, here's a peek behind the curtain...

Every time a NPC is killed, it affects faction relations. This holds true regardless of who did the killing. It could be you who killed the NPC, or it could be another NPC who was the killer. This is important to remember. While you're battling a gang of Bandits, there could be a gunfight going on between two other factions somewhere else. All of these things are going to have an impact on faction relations in some way.

Think Butterfly Effect. Every time a stalker is killed it sends ripples throughout the Zone and eventually affects everyone.

Now for the mechanics of it...

Faction relations are a number. If the number is 1000 or higher, the factions are allies. If it is -1000 or lower, the factions are enemies. In between they are neutral.

When an NPC is killed, the script determines what faction the dead guy belonged to and what faction the killer belongs to. It then compares both factions to the list of factions that are allowed to change relations (Loner, Duty, Freedom, Clear Sky, Ecologist, Merc, Military, or Bandit). If both factions are on the list, it then determines if and by how much the relations between the factions should change.

The script then looks at who is enemies of the dead guy, and who is allies or neutral. For enemy factions, relations will be improved with the killer’s faction. Neutral or allies with the dead guy, relations are worsened with the killer’s faction. The amount by which the faction relations are changed is weighted. It could be as low as 0 (no change), or could be a number in the tens or even hundreds. This is to simulate a RL situation. The dead guy could be someone who was very important to the other faction, or maybe they really didn’t care. Not everyone is Archduke Ferdinand.

This weighting concept is also important to keep in mind. You (or any NPC) could kill 600 Bandits, but if they all happened to be assigned a weight of 0.1, there isn’t going to be much of an impact on faction relations. On the other hand, if 5 Bandits are killed and they happen to get a weight of 200 each, it will probably trigger a war between two factions, and those two factions could be seemingly unrelated to the battle where the deaths occurred.

Now, this all works very well in the short term, but if you played the game for an extremely long time you could theoretically get to a point where all of the factions are pegged at one extreme or the other (-5000 or +5000). To prevent this, I added in a caveat that if faction relations are pegged for too long there is a random chance they will reset to neutral (cease-fire). This also simulates RL, if a long and bloody war goes on for too long with no progress on either side, eventually someone steps to the table and proposes a peace treaty.

If all this seems very convoluted, it’s because it is. It took me a few days to wrap my own head around the concept before I could even begin to start coding it.

The takeaway from all of this is you don't have as much control over the faction relations as you might think you have. This is intentional. The purpose of this addon is to simulate what would actually happen in RL if nine armed, militant factions were confined together in a closed and stressful environment with limited resources.

Reply Good karma+31 votes
diqrider - - 11 comments

*******... BRAVO.

I imagine you really had to sit and think for a while on how to even get this to be implemented xD

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Serensius - - 19 comments

This sounds absolutely amazing. Looking forward to playing it. One question regarding the weighting, however. Is it random, or based on something? Would it be possible to tie it to the dead stalker's rank? I think that would make sense - if Duty kills a random newbie loner, no one cares, but if they shoot Wolf, the loners are gonna be ****** off. Just a thought.

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Raubt1r - - 268 comments

Glad you took your time to explain this. I guess thats why the ecos started that war with me for killing 2 dutiers. Didnt know there was diferences in npcs in terms of faction change. Thats a pretty cool feature.
I guess we never really have control on what is going to happen.

Bte, since long time enemies can randomly cease fire over some time, can the same happen with strong allies?

You said that monolith cannot get allies wich makes sense, but do they still count as allie bosters if you kill them, or their deaths have no effects in other factions relations?

Do your new allies get added to the questline pool?

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DoctorX01 Author
DoctorX01 - - 614 comments

"... since long time enemies can randomly cease fire over some time, can the same happen with strong allies? ..."


"... You said that monolith cannot get allies wich makes sense, but do they still count as allie bosters if you kill them, or their deaths have no effects in other factions relations? ..."

No, killing Monolith (or Monolith killing NPC's) has no effect on relations since they are not a changeable faction. Same goes for Zombies and Mutants.

"... Do your new allies get added to the questline pool? ..."


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MillionDollarMerc - - 104 comments

Thats a bummer because I started off as merc and the first person to meet was Gromov of duty. I had to go on a week-long crusade against the freedomers and bandits. Turns out that the loners became neutral eventually, bandits made a cease-fire. Freedom tried to make a cease-fire but I wanted that quest. It's been a week and a half in my game and duty still wants my *** dead. the MILITARY are neutral with me, as well as CS, Loners, Bandits, Ecos. Duty and Freedom are mad AF and monolith is... Monolith

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Raubt1r - - 268 comments

Kill bandits and leave freedom be. On the long run freedomers are far more benefitial then those banditos. Alsow bandits are great relation boosters to other factions. And their arsenal is far less intimidating then freedom. Speaking from an ironman point of view.

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MillionDollarMerc - - 104 comments

Ah, well I guess the minigun rampage through the Army Warehouses was a bit... "overkill"

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Guest - - 698,120 comments

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Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhm - - 70 comments

I know this is quite a late response but it's to help others who have this question,I'd recommend you just kill the freedom outside of their base (Army Warehouses) and go into other small locations that the Freedom are,the Warfare mod will help you a lot in this situation if you're also looking to make some quick rubles while doing so and see where they have encampments. This will help your relations with Duty,and if you also have the Dynamic Faction Relations (which I bet you do because this is the page for it) then you can look at the 'Values' in the Relations tab in your PDA. It's a button on the top right. You can see on the very top of the chart what factions are hating,neutral,or friendly with you.

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Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmhm - - 70 comments

You and I know this was 3 years ago,but a question. Shouldn't killing a bunch of mutants improve relation with Duty and at least you? Their common goal is to destroy everything in the zone and destroy it. And in Clear Sky,as a dutyer I get a lot of mutant hunting quests,and in Call of Pripyat it improves relations with Lt. Colonel Shulga,and boosts your chances of getting Strider into Duty.

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son714 - - 355 comments

I'm also playing as Merc and I'm also running into some tough situations! Haha its an all out war for me xD

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Raubt1r - - 268 comments

Just a sugestion. I think that all ecologists neutral parties should have their relations increased from 0 to 900. This is just to give other factions some wiggle room when confronting their enemies, without starting a dumb war with ecologists. They have too many neutral factions, so they are super easy to **** off.

As duty you kill freedom, get ecos mad.
As freedom you kill duty, get ecos mad.
As military you kill some stalkers, get ecos mad.
As stalkers you kill military, get ecos mad.
Same goes for mercs and cleasr sky. You cant do anything without having ecos acting like female dogs about it.

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NyamukSumatera - - 76 comments

hahha, you need to add loner, i kill some bandit while protecting my eco companion suddenly they mad at me, make my 3000 worth friendly value with them to neutral, it seem like there are problem with those eco faction news about who you kill

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Corrin_Nohriana - - 26 comments

As a loner, I ended up causing an alliance to go through with Ecologist. I was quite proud of it. I am friends currently with Clear Sky, Ecologist, Mercs, and soon Freedom.

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