(You can select any video that you want to watch using the list icon,

instead of watching all of them in the fixed order of the playlist)



This is not just a compilation of the best mods for GTA San Andreas, it adds a lot of new features, improvements and new content to the game: textures, vehicles, peds, tuning options, weapons, clothes, tattoos, plants, sounds, scripts, special effects, maps, technical improvements, real world names, cheat menus, launcher, configuration options, extra maps, customizable options, etc,... in spanish and english.

California Megamod 2023 Logo

It also features different themed mods and some total conversions, several gamemodes: missions, freeroam, gangwars, dinosaurs, assault (wanted dead or alive), riots, ninjas, superpowers, aliens, zombies, lasersaber, myths and misteries, races, stunts, etc.) and recently added Multiplayer mods: SAMP and MTA in 2023 version that will be released this year (i don't know when it will be ready, i work everyday to finish it as soon as possible).

California Megamod launcher

There are a lot of themed mods, each themed mod in the California Megamod can have its own vehicles, peds, weapons, scripts, maps, etc.. and in the launcher each mod has its own picture, information page, and a menu to select between different gamemodes to play it.

themed mods cm2023

if you are an advanced modder there is an option to add your own mod to the game and launcher menus.

All these and much more comes already installed in just one gta san andreas and ready to play with just a few clicks in icons and images. And in each release your gta san andreas becomes more realistic than ever.

Everything will be intuitive, and very easy to install and use, You will NOT NEED any knowledge at all about modding, about how to install mods, how to configure mods, or how the game engine of gta san andreas works.

settings cm2023

Also there are a lot of options: to configure the game to your likings, advanced options to adapt the performance for your pc, and/or to make the game look very realistic.


There are also options to play aditional content (already included), like new houses, new roads, new islands or even new cities.



for advanced users there are also some advanced menus for customizing some mods and the performance of the game.

asi plugins

This is my tribute to all GTA Modders out there. this is the most ambitious GTA project of all times that will allow you to have hundreds of Mods + several Medium Conversions + few Total Conversions in just 1 installation of GTA San Andreas, and be able to play any of them easily with just a double click. and all of the mods will have improved image quality. At the same time you still have the option to play without mods if you want, or play in multiplayer mode (the most recent versions of SAMP and MTA are now included) (all mods included in the megamod will be automatically disabled when starting a multiplayer mod, so you will have no problems at all, in any server).

I started this project in 2006 i think, (but i was busy with the vice city version of starman mod), i published versions 1.2, 1.4 and 1.5 of California Megamod for GTA San Andreas later in 2008, and version 1.55 in 2009. In 2009 i stopped working in mods for gta and started other personal projects (my own videogame).

In 2013 i found some comments in internet about people saying my work was very good and asking me to come back to work in gta mods, i also noticed a lot of good and new stuff had been published by talented gta modders for gta san andreas and that could be used to improve the Megamod project a lot. I downloaded some content and started writing my own scripts, but i kept focused in my own game. In 2014 i had a lot of realistic textures in my game and thought they would make GTA San Andreas look awesome, but i still had to make even more stuff but nobody will ever see it for years until i release my own game, so i "parked" my own game proyect and came back to work in the California Megamod, i published an update to 1.56 and 1.57, and worked in re-texturization of san andreas and improvements to the megamod using new available content in gta websites, i worked everyday in 2014 in the megamod, and i had plans for version 1.6 and 1.8 in 2014 but they got delayed and never released, finally in 4th january 2015 i decided to publish version 2.0 (in my website) using new technology created by LINK2012 (modloader) replacing the one i had created in previous versions. Later i published some small patches/updates and i'm still working in improving the california megamod project. wishing to finish it in 2016 so that i could go back to work in my own game (which still has no name but looks really nice, but still needs years of work). In december 2015 i wanted to publish the latest version of the megamod that i had in my computer eventhough i haven't been working in it for months and it wasn't finished yet, i spend few weeks testing and fixing the most important bugs and i tried to publish it for my birthday but it got delayed and then i published it 2 days later. In 1st january 2016 i published version 3.0 of California Megamod, with some improvements, bugfixes and new content since 2.1. in May 2016 i published version 3.1, a beta of version 3.2 was uploaded to diskokosmiko in october 2016 and version 3.3 was published in 1st january 2017. I spent lot of time without working in the megamod but later (maybe 2019) i added the ENB series mod which gave a very realistic look to the game (reflective water, etc.) but introduced some heavy problems, and so there have been no more versions of the megamod until 20 september 2022, when i released Version 3.49, which in reality was the beta of 3.5 version that was under construction, and not finished yet (some mods worked fine and others still had bugs). I couldn't upload the files to moddb (error uploading try again all the time even with the smallest file) so i had to upload it to mediafire and create an article with the download links and instalation instructions, and so you will not find the latest version 3.49 in FILES, instead it is in ARTICLES here at

I hope i can finish version 2023 soon to share it with all of you. in the meantime you can watch my videos they will give you an idea of the progress of the project, and while you are there, please please subscribe, it's just a click, it's free, it cost you nothing but a second, and may help me a lot, watch and comment my videos, it will help me and give me a good reason to keep working on the project.




Este es mi homenaje a la comunidad de modders del GTA.

California Megamod es un conjunto de mods singleplayer para Grand Theft Auto San Andreas que contiene muchos diferentes mods tematicos y alguno gamemodes (Modalidades de juego): los hay de lucha contra el crimen, de invasion alienigena, de dinosaurios, de guerras de bandas, de supervivencia (todo el mundo intenta matarte porque han puesto una recompensa por tu cabeza), de disturbios callejeros, de peleas con katana o con sables laser, de carreras en coches tuneados, de mitos o misterios, de zombies, de superheroes, etc. y por supuesto el modo historia normal haciendo las misiones originales del san andreas (starman mod) pero con todas las mejoras en cuanto a vehiculos, texturas, personajes, nombres reales, etc..

California Megamod version 3.5

Cada gamemode es compatible para jugarse en la mayoria de los mods tematicos. En cada mod tematico puede haber o no diferentes personajes, vehiculos, armas, piezas de tuning, texturas, personajes, sonidos, mapas y mas cosas.
Aparte de eso he reemplazado muchisimas texturas del juego por otras creadas por mi, que le dan mayor realismo al juego. Tambien se han reemplazado todos los peatones y vehiculos del juego por otros mejores mas realistas, y no solo eso, tambien incluye muchos nuevos personajes, vegetacion, ropas, tatuajes, armas, sonidos, piezas de tuning, graffitis, etc.


Ademas de todo eso tambien tiene algunas mejoras tecnicas que dan mayor fluidez a la hora de cargar el escenario, mayor nitidez de imagen en general, mayor distancia de vision, y mayor realismo en el cielo, agua, fuego, explosiones y demas efectos especiales. Tambien incluye nuevos efectos de sonido y muchas mas canciones en las emisoras de radio de los vehiculos. y en la ultima version que saldra en 2023 se incluyen por primera vez un par de mods multijugador: SAMP y MTA.


Ademas he creado un Launcher bastante avanzado, una aplicacion que te permite gestionar todo lo necesario sobre los mods y el juego, con unos sencillos menus con iconos e imagenes de forma bastante intuitiva, sin necesidad de conocimientos sobre mods. Estos menus te permiten elegir un mod tematico y un gamemode e iniciar el juego con un simple click en la imagen del mod deseado.


Ademas te permite personalizar el juego reemplazando el personaje principal (CJ), o cambiar el HUD de gta san andreas por uno que se parece al del GTA IV o al del GTA V.


Tambien tienes unos menus para cambiar el idioma del menu de trucos, para hacer experimentos mezclando mods, sin peligro de romper nada, (a ver si eres capaz de crear una combinacion nueva que funcione y sea divertida),

settings cm2023

otros menus permiten activar y desactivar mods especiales (asi plugins) y otros son para elegir entre diferentes perfiles de mods de graficos que cada uno cambia totalmente la apariencia del juego, y puedes si quieres probar uno distinto cada vez hasta descubrir cual es tu favorito o cual funciona mejor en tu pc. por ultimo hay unos menus para jugar mapas adicionales que no veras en ninguno de los mods del california megamod (ni en ningun otro lado).

Todo eso y mas de forma muy sencilla haciendo clicks en imagenes e iconos.



La ultima version que esta disponible para descargar es la 3.49 que fue liberada el dia 20 de septiembre de 2022. Hacia años que no sacaba una version y habia gente con algunos problemas con las version 3.3, asi que por eso queria terminar o al menos dejar decente una nueva version mas completa y mejorada del California Megamod para dejar buen sabor de boca a la gente en el caso de que fuese la ultima, he abandonado y retomado el proyecto muchas veces desde que publique la version 3.3 en 2017, la 3.4 nunca salió (hasta ahora) por problemas técnicos dificiles de solucionar, cuando lo retomé por ultima vez en 2022 pude resolver los problemas mas importantes y he continuado tratando de adecentarlo para sacar una ultima version la 3.5 o quizas 4.0 pero aun falta mucho por hacer, pero mientras, la gente, al ver los videos en mi canal de youtube (STARMANMOD), me pedia que lo subiera tal como esté, para poder disfrutarlo mientras lo termino. y pues eso hice en septiembre de 2022 saque la version 3.49, la intente subir a moddb pero no lograba subir nisiquiera el archivo mas pequeño de menos de 700 megas asi que lo tuve que subir a mediafire y crear un articulo con los links de descarga, por eso no está en la seccion FILES, sino en la de ARTICLES. (no me dejaba crear una pagina en FILES sin subir ningun archivo y no era capaz de subir ningun archivo, asi que esa fue la mejor solucion.)

Espero subir este año 2023 la version actual la 3.5 que casi seguro la renombre como 4.0 debido a tanta diferencia que tiene con la 3.49 que casi no se parece en nada con tantas mejoras y opciones nuevas que le he añadido, y porque la estructura de archivos y carpetas ha cambiado mucho.

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California Megamod 3.49 RELEASED !


CaliforniaMegamod349.part01.exe Size: 1.740.800 KB (1,66 GB)

CaliforniaMegamod349.part02.rar Size: 1.740.800 Kb (1,66 GB)

CaliforniaMegamod349.part03.rar Size: 1.740.800 Kb (1,66 GB)

CaliforniaMegamod349.part04.rar Size: 1.740.800 Kb (1,66 GB)

CaliforniaMegamod349.part05.rar Size: 677,467 KB (661 MB)


  • Download all 5 files and put all of them in same folder.
  • Make sure you have more than 16 GB free in your hard drive.
  • login into a windows administrator account (if there is only one then it probably is an admin.
  • Doble click CaliforniaMegamod349.part01.exe
  • Click BROWSE button to Select the folder where you want to install For example: C:\Games\ or C:\Juegos\
  • Click EXTRACT to begin installation.
  • Wait for installation to finish.
  • A Shortcut will appear in your desktop.

California Megamod 3.49 installer


  • Double click the Shortcut in your desktop named "California Megamod 3.49".
  • If windows asks if you want to install something (directplay) then click yes (start again).
  • Click in California Megamod picture (unless you want to play without mods).
  • Click the picture of the Mod You want to play.
  • Select the Screen Resolution (1920 x 1080 x 32 for example or 1680 x 1050 x 32), click ok.
  • Wait, it takes a long time in black screens (maybe 3 minutes), but everything is OK, have faith.
  • ALWAYS START A NEW GAME (saved files probably will only work in the story mode: starman mod)
  • Enjoy.

California Megamod 3.49 Launcher

One of the best features of California Megamod is that is extremely flexible, and has tons of options, for example you will have at anytime a customized cheats menu with different sections avaliable with the keys F5 (main menu), F6 (vehicle spawn menu), F7 (Player character menu), F8 (teleport menu), also with F9 you can enable/disable and select Neon Lights under any car (32 colors available), and with F10 you can get any vehicle fixed when broken, in fire or upside down (it will also paint the car if it has any paintjobs).

Also with the PageUP key (RePag key in spanish keyboard) you can enable/disable Flying in cars and . And there is a new feature, if you press SHIFT key while driving any vehicle you will get a very heavy impulse (extreme speed aceleration effect) usefull if you fall to the water and want to get out, or if you want to escape from police or heavy fire. And there are a lot of options in cheat menu to customize your gameplay as you like. Also for this new version i have added some new missions for some mods.

But this is just the begginning, the best feature of the megamod is that it has a ton lot of content and options, each mod has a lot of shared content from the starman mod, but also, each mod can have their own, characters, vehicles, weapons, and other stuff, so each one may look like a total conversion mod on their own, and you can even add your own mod made by yourself, also you still will be able to play without mods at anytime if you want to. (multiplayer mods are not yet available in this version, you will have to wait for 2023 version.)

Mods are designed to share content and are disposed as layers, so that they will use less megabytes, Think about each mod like a photoshop layer, you can have some mods in the background (landscape, vehicles, characters, weapons, effects, etc) and if you want to add a special character for your own mod, you only need to add the model and texture for your character in the top layer (your mod folder) and everything else will be in the background layer, coming from a base mod named starman mod, so you dont have to include the same vehicles and other lot content again and again for each mod, you can just share whatever you want and customize only what you need, for example you can even choose to use (in any mod) any type of content like characters or vehicles (or even cities) from starman mod of from alien city mod, depending if your mod is based in a realistic or science fiction theme.

custom game launcher

California Megamod comes with a tool that allows you to launch the game with a customized combination of mods selected by yourself, without the need for changing anything at all. and also there is a Profile Launcher, for playing any posible combination of mods already defined.

game profile launcher

This version of the megamod have been developed and tested under windows 10, (it also works fine in windows 7 like previous versions). This version requires a better graphic card than previous versions because it includes a new version of ENB Series Mod with water reflections, realistic shadows and lighting, etc. to make the game look more realistic. Make sure you have installed latest drivers for your graphic card, the ones that comes with windows are not enough to play games, they are basic ones just for the windows desktop to work, download the good ones from the developer website (nvidia or amd). Also you will probably need to install some content from the Microsoft website (just search in google), you probably need Directx 9.0c Runtimes, DirectPlay, and the latest version of DirectX, you also many need to install some visual c runtimes, in IMAGES section i have a picture of all the ones i have installed in my computer, although you probably dont need to have all of them in your pc to make the california megamod work fine, but it will help those with troubles. in any case it will not harm your computer to have all of them. (though you will need a 64 bits windows to be able to install all versions, if your system is 32 bits only then you probably will not even have enough free ram to play the game because in 32 bits windows no matter how much ram you installed it can only use less than 4 GB, and its recommended to have 16 or at least 8 GB of ram installed in your pc and a 64 bit windows to be able to access all that memory).

Anyway keep in mind this is a work in progress beta version of the 3.5 version of the project, so some mods still have bugs, some things are old, unfinished and or need to be updated (like loading screens), there may be some visual bugs (textures that do not match or need to be replaced), and there may be some crashes in certain parts of certain mods (avoid las vegas and the desert specially if you use a lot the cheatsmenu available with the keys F5, F6, F7, F). Anyway, even with all those bugs, i'm sure you will be able to have a lot of fun playing with your favourite mods.

The biggest problem the california megamod 3.49 has right now, is that, because the new ENB series, there will be times when the screen changes to black, that it will take too much time to get back (a minute or more), and you may think it has crashed, but no, it is working fine, just have patience and wait a bit more, dont touch any key in black screens, just wait, unless you really want to make it crash. when the game crashes it closes and send you back to the window's desktop, so black screen does not mean it has crashed.

Write a comment if it worked fine for you, with a short description of your computer, people which failed to make it work will comment asking for help. and so if you dont write a comment too, saying it worked fine for you, then people will think it does not work at all. and nobody will try it. So, good feeedback is needed too.

if you want to support me and help me, then just click subscribe in my youtube channel it's free, and watch a video every day.



Playlist with some Videos of California Megamod versions 3.49 to 3.40. Note that if you open the list with a click in the list icon then you can select any video that you want to watch, instead of watching all of them in the fixed order of the playlist, (you can also open the playlist in youtube) Please subscribe (it's free)





California Megamod 3.3

California Megamod 3.3

News 9 comments

CALIFORNIA MEGAMOD 3.3 RELEASED ON 5TH JANUARY 2017, here are the download links, installation instructions, and description of some features. Enjoy and...

California Megamod 3.1

California Megamod 3.1

News 1 comment

Released California Megamod 3.1 (1 MAY 2016) Now you can Download full version 3.1 in just 2 links

California Megamod 3.0

California Megamod 3.0


Version 3.0 of California Megamod has been released in 1st January 2016 you can Download it from the official website (and also...

RSS Files
No more crashes when loading saved games (Neon mod Fix)

No more crashes when loading saved games (Neon mod Fix)

Patch 3 comments

This file replaces the cleo script "Neon(F9)Paintjob(F10).cs" inside CLEO folder of California Megamod v.3.49, Fixing the problem that causes the game...

Directx & Visual C Runtimes Redistributable Pack

Directx & Visual C Runtimes Redistributable Pack

Patch 2 comments

Directx & Visual C Runtimes Redistributable Packages (required by many games) those are the ones i have installed, so if california megamod does not work...



Patch 3 comments

Fixes problems in california megamod 3.3 with saved games (crashes when loading saved games or crashes when getting out of the house after loaded a saved...

Part7 California Megamod 3.3 Installer

Part7 California Megamod 3.3 Installer

Full Version 4 comments

installs only PART 7 of california megamod 3.3 (there are 7 parts, so this is the last one). This file installs AUDIO/SFX folder into California Megamod...

Part6 California Megamod 3.3 installer

Part6 California Megamod 3.3 installer

Full Version

installs only PART 6 of california megamod 3.3 (there are 7 parts). This file installs new versions of AUDIO/STREAMS and AUDIO/CONFIG folders into California...

Part5 California Megamod 3.3 Installer

Part5 California Megamod 3.3 Installer

Full Version

installs only PART 5 of california megamod 3.3, they are 7 parts (though the last 2 files are just the audio folder and can be skipped if you get a full...

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 189)
taylor1991 - - 44 comments

status on version 4.0 please

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
bootstoasses91 - - 5 comments

status on next version please. i thought the download was going to be around Christmas time.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
starmanfp Creator
starmanfp - - 748 comments

unfortunately it's been delayed because there were more work that was needed than i thought (too many mods to test, too many things to take care of), anyways i'm still working fulltime everyday to try to get everything ready for upload, but today i still can't not say when it will be released, because i dont know. but I can assure you 100% that this project will not remain unfinished. in the meantime i will keep publishing screenshots and videos in my youtube channel (you will also be able to watch them here at the top of the summary section) to show you in what i have been working recently and the level of completion of the project. by the way, if you want to support me then just subscribe to my youtube channel and watch and comment my videos, it will help a lot to see a lot of people interested in this project. Finally, thank you all very much for your support and interest in this project.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Guest - - 700,029 comments

the game dosent go fullscreen

Reply Good karma Bad karma0 votes
starmanfp Creator
starmanfp - - 748 comments

Reply Good karma+1 vote
starmanfp Creator
starmanfp - - 748 comments

i already answered that, check below,but if you really mean that when you start the game it is not in full HD 1920x1080, then the answers are: 1- gta san andreas by default doesn't support 1920x1080, so a mod is needed for that, california megamod since version 3.3 includes a mod named HDResolutions.asi for getting FullHD resolutions, but this support is not full, sometimes you will need to go to advanced graphic options and set 1920x1080x32 and then press enter and wait some seconds while it is enabled, without touching anything or else the game will crash, now when you hear a sound for second time, and then if you move the mouse, the cursor moves, then the new resolution is already in use and you will see the game in fullsreen, now you can start a new game or continue playing. 2- your monitor or tv should go fullscreen in any resolution (not only in full hd), if not then you must select the required screen mode in your monitor or tv, you should check the buttons in your monitor or remote control, there should be a menu with some options to adjust the tv screen so that it uses all screen space, and then you will get full screen mode (if not then it probably is a cheap one)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 700,029 comments

I can't play in fullscreen, any solución?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
starmanfp Creator
starmanfp - - 748 comments

disable window mode, by default the game only has full screen, but with mods you can play in window mode, i asume you have version 3.49, start the launcher (help.hta) and select the tv icon to open the menu where you can select between window mode or full screen mode. and set what you want. if you made changes in ENB Series manually then you may have broken the option to configure the window/full screen mode. but you can disable windowmode manually, open the file enbseries.ini with notepad.exe and edit in [PROXY] section where it says EnableProxyLibrary=1 replace with 0, and / or where it says ProxyLibrary=d3d9_windowmode replace it with ProxyLibrary= (but if you do this last then you are breaking the option to enable it again in the launcher menu and you will not be able to change this option later, so its recommended to make a backup copy of the enbeseries.ini before editing it, but make sure to store the copy outside of the california megamod folder). if by chance you already had disabled ENB series and so there are no enbseries.ini or enebseries.local files then just delete d3d9.dll

Reply Good karma+1 vote
taylor1991 - - 44 comments

status on california megamod 4.0 please. are we looking to download it around chrismas time?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
starmanfp Creator
starmanfp - - 748 comments

i thought it could be ready before the end of 2023 but i was wrong, sorry, still it's impossible to know when it will be ready for a release, but i will announce it when the time comes up.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
bootstoasses91 - - 5 comments

i dont see version 4.0. did you released it?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
starmanfp Creator
starmanfp - - 748 comments

not yet, still under construction, the videos in my youtube channel show the current state of the project, totally playable but still there are things that need to be done before a release.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
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