BrewLAN is a mod for Supreme Commander: Forged Alliance that has been in development by a team of one for since 2009. It adds a huge variety of new units for all factions, as well as offering several new game modes and features. It is available in 9 different languages, most of which were translated by humans; English, Russian, German, Czech, French, Spanish, Italian, Polish, & Chinese.


New units

BrewLAN 0.8, not including any of the packaged sub-mods, adds around 150 new units. Including Bubble Tea, Caffe Corretto, and Research & Daiquiris (The 3 main extra units mods), BrewLAN adds 38 for Aeon (T1: 9, T2: 8, T3: 18, EXP: 4), 48 for UEF (T1: 11, T2: 9, T3: 22, EXP: 6), 48 for Cybran (T1: 8, T2: 9, T3: 24, EXP: 7), 46 for Seraphim (T1: 9, T2: 12, T3: 20, EXP: 5). Most, but not all, can be seen in the image to the right.

Packaged sub mods

The sub-mods included with BrewLAN are subdivided by the categories Units, Gameplay, RNG, and Aesthetics, and modules.

Extra units mods:

Mods that you'll probably want active for most games.

Research & DaiquirisCaffe CorrettoBubble Tea

Bubble Tea

Bubble Tea: Adds experimental shield structures for Aeon, Seraphim, and UEF.

Caffe Corretto

Caffe Corretto: Adds a bunch of extra turrets, so far only for Cybran and UEF.

Research and Daiquiris

Research & Daiquiris: Overhauls how the game treats tech levels, and includes a large number of units to facilitate that, such as research centres. This does not function anything like Supreme Commander 2, and only affects how you get to the various tech, not what they consist of. This mod also serves as a location for me to dump my other units that don't fit into BrewLAN, Bubble Tea or Caffe Corretto.

Gameplay mods:

Twists to standard gameplay. You may only want one or two from this category active at any given time.

Crystal HillCrystal Hill: King of the Hill game mode. Functions as it does in Age of Empires II.

Paragon GameParagon Game: With locked teams, it gives the players on the smallest team(s) a starting Paragon, with a few shields, and support commander each. On unlocked teams everyone gets that.

TeaDTeaD: Replaces everything with a, currently quite basic, tower defence. Work in progress.

AntimassAntimass: Swaps mass and energy production. Have fun with those shields.

Corrosive OceanCorrosive Ocean: Water exposure deals exponentially growing damage over time.

Metal WorldMetal World: Maps spawn without mass points. Mass extractors have no limitations.

WaterlagWaterlag: Lets buildings which aren't factories, walls, silos, or experimentals be built on water.

RNG mods:

Mods that affect gameplay in random ways. Take or leave them as taste dictates.

Cost VarianceCost Variance: Randomly increases or decreases the costs and stats of some units.

Crate DropCrate Drop: Command & Conquer style random crates appear on the map. Picking them up gives gifts. Has a hats-only option.

Lucky Dip: Tech demo mod for situations where multiple mods add similar units; per player it restricts all but one at random. Partially configured for BlackOps and BrewLAN.

Aesthetics mods:

Do-nothing mods, only Experimental Icons Overhaul, Baristas, and maybe Damage Numbers are recommended for regular use from his category.

BaristasBaristas: Tags each unit with the name of the mod it is from, listed as an ability. So you know what is from what.

Damage NumbersDamage Numbers: Damage numbers float up from your units showing what they have dealt and are being dealt.

EIOExperimental Icons Overhaul: Replaces the default circle strategic icons for experimental units with icons that actually mean something.

Pulchritudinousity: Increases the view distance of various things for the sake of taking better screenshots. Not recommended for regular games due to increase performance drain.

Expert CamoExpert Camo: Framework mod for custom skins for units. Functionally inert on it's own, and not currently used by any BrewLAN mod.

Debug Tools: Creates numerous log outputs for things, including unit locations, expected AI thread values, DPS, and other such things. For testing purposes only, not designed for use in real games. Causes severe lag when Cybran engineers build.


BrewUIBrewUI: Adds the BrewLAN field engineer tab. Functionally inert without BrewLAN active.

Gantry haxBrewLAN: Gantry AIx: Additional difficulty for Sorian AIx, giving fairly severe hacks for the AI when they build an experimental factory. 3 variations exist. You can play them all together, but you probably shouldn't. The variations are:

  1. Linear increases in build speed and resource cheats over time.
  2. Player-mass gated exponential increase in build speed and resources.
  3. Like 2, but offers discounts instead of resources.
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RSS Articles

So you may be aware that I have a tradition of glorious high-effort shitposts on April Fools. This year I was going to recreate the story of Supreme Commander 2 as a visual novel, but it ended up getting derailed completely for reasons I wont get into and instead I ended up making a word puzzle roguelike RPG.


Slime Jungle

There's a gameplay video here:

If you're interested, it's available on

BrewLAN — 22|02|2022

BrewLAN — 22|02|2022

News 2 comments

It's twosday my dudes. Here's the BrewLAN changelog.

A Decade of BrewLAN

A Decade of BrewLAN

News 5 comments

BrewLAN is 10 years old. BrewLAN 0.8.9 is now out.

BrewLAN 0.8.3

BrewLAN 0.8.3

News 8 comments

BrewLAN 0.8.3. Revision 711. The convenient update.

BrewLAN 0.8 and the Future of BrewLAN

BrewLAN 0.8 and the Future of BrewLAN

News 12 comments

Where BrewLAN is now, what's changed since, and what to expect in the coming year.

RSS Files


Full Version 21 comments

BrewLAN is nearly a teenager. God help us all.

Brewcoin NFTea

Brewcoin NFTea

Full Version




Patch 2 comments

Gamestonk stonks soaring.

BrewLAN 0.8.9

BrewLAN 0.8.9

Full Version 29 comments

The 10 year BrewLANniversary release. Version 0.8.9; half the additions you deserve, all the additions my old computer could handle.

BrewLAN 0.8.3

BrewLAN 0.8.3

Full Version 35 comments

BrewLAN 0.8.3, revision 711. The convenient update.

BrewLAN 0.8

BrewLAN 0.8

Full Version 38 comments

BrewLAN 0.8. Revision 666. At long last, the beast is released.

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 983)
MrDeath666 - - 62 comments

A small question just to be sure: are BrewLan compabitible with FAF?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Balthassar Creator
Balthassar - - 954 comments

There's been a lot of changes to FAF recently that I need to do an update for. The github version is more functional than the vault version though.

Reply Good karma+3 votes
LavstorM - - 277 comments

Hey yall, new to this mod. Was trying to find a compatibility list for this mod.
Friends and I are trying to play some skirmish vs AI and noticed a few dysnc popups. around 8 minutes into the game.
we were using: Wyvern Battle pack, Blackops, Commander Movment speed, FBP(future battlepack), Jagged Infrascture pack, No friendly fire, Reclaim Turret aggressive, Storage rich, total mayhem, 2x build range, brewlan, and finally AI Swarm and Uveso.
im aware its alot, was hoping someone might be able to help me narrow it down with out having to go through every mod seperatly.

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Guest - - 699,904 comments

why does it take so long to unzip the files from the mod folder?

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Guest - - 699,904 comments

nvm i used 7zip and it took a few seconds. Thanks for this awesome mod!!

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Guest - - 699,904 comments

i've been trying to figure out how to get the Chappa'ai to work but just can't seem to. the tooltip for the dial in says that it selects a target gateway, but it doesn't seem like any variety of clicking on one or between two actually connects them. i'm unsure if it's bugged or i'm just completely missing how you activate them

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Guest - - 699,904 comments

turns out it was the Nomads built-in mod for faf. no idea why

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Balthassar Creator
Balthassar - - 954 comments

Nomads breaks a lot of things.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
Guest - - 699,904 comments

can you come to campaign development discord?

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50009artur - - 6 comments

It's a pity that the mod was abandoned, for me it will forever remain the most favorite of the mods for SC/FA

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Balthassar Creator
Balthassar - - 954 comments

It's not abandonned.

Reply Good karma+4 votes
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