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RSS Reviews  (70 - 80 of 335)

really freaky game, enjoyed it alot. although the ending came pretty sudden i enjoyed the story and details. overall great mod!!


very good

This mod is greatly overrated!!

Sure it has an envolving storyplot and a really misterious darky atmosphere all the way.

But probably i really didn't like it because i just don't like puzzle games, i mean here the puzzles are trying tgo motivate the player to explore and encourage him to have some goals to acomplish, but they are really annoying, is no the puzzles fault itself, is just the whole gameplay the thing that's all freaked up.

The gamer can not deffend himself at all from a really stupid ennemy a sort of intelligent fungus!!! is just really fool to think in that as an ennemy, even the Korsakovia mod where u face also a dark foggy ennemy is better than this crappy ennemy.

overall I hope if this mod has some improovements in the future could be a better release, but if they only are planning to continue with those tortuous gameplay and no combat, i just won't recomend it at all.

Oh and by the way, it has a terrible ending, a really bad ending, i guess they did it that way in order to open a sequel but i just would say is a very very bad ending.

Overall it has environment but it just a storyteller nothing more than that.


Holy ****. If this was done with no coding whatsoever then you've made a breakthrough on what the Source SDK can do!


BEST MOD EVER!! Lots of scares when the shawdow chasing you as you hear the footsteps

I havent played it but it seems cool


Really amazing game! It's scary, creepy and damn entertaining.


Pollution756 says

May contain spoilers Agree Disagree

This mod is probably one of the best I've ever played. The level design is flawless, the atmosphere is perfect, and the ambient noises definitely give it that extra sparkle. The only thing I can say I didn't like about it was the shortness of it. I would love to see a continuation of this. Not a lot of mods or games scare me, this includes the famous Afraid Of Monsters and Cry Of Fear. The sounds that the monster makes are enough to scare anyone shitless. They clearly paid a lot of attention to detail. -Spoilers Coming up- I played it a second time and found a lot of stuff I didn't see the first time. The black figure at the end is one of them, as well as the "I'm sorry" written under the bomb. I also found a room in the lodging that is blocked by a shelf, which contains a soldier who supposedly shot himself (even though there is no gun in the room). This mod is amazing, and I hope to see a continuation of it in the future, or even a full length game. I'd definitely buy it. 10/10. Much thanks and props to the developer for making such an awesome mod!

Amazing and unique survival horror mod with good, logical puzzles that never get you stuck for too long, a constant feeling of helplessness and being watched, and never uses jump scares, making it one of the best horror mods out there, even better than Nightmare House 2. I greatly appreciated the semi-open exploration in this mod, which is something you don't often see in HL2 mods. The only downside of the mod is the rather short length, but the quality of the experience more than makes up for the length.


This game really deserves a squeal :)