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RSS Reviews  (40 - 50 of 335)

Keeps crashing everytime. Very buggy. Not recommended to download and play yet

Black Snow isn't one of your average horror games or mods. Not like FEAR, not like Silent Hill. It offers a different perspective from the eyes of a crewmember sent to repair a 'communications' disruption along with their team. In the not too distant future, you find yourself being hunted by a strange form of alien life, and seperated from your small crew. You are forced to find and gather supplies in order to continue pushing further. Your light is your only hope of survival. The cold isn't the only thing that can kill you. The soundtracks are quite well composed, the mapping is superior and the plot follows. I would have paid at least half-price if at all for this.


black s now is a great mod 10/10 rating

An amazing game! I honestly don't know where to start. It's incredibly atmospheric, and the story clicks together very well.

This is a fantastic video game title, and is one of the most perfected video game titles of the Half Life 2 engine, the Source Engine.

Almost like Playing The Thing except with great graphics and more bizarre story.

There's not really anything bad, i would suggest adding in a Flashlight which you could find batteries for.


Zoipas says

Agree Disagree

I played through this mod in co-op mode with my friend, even though it was co-op we nearly shat our pants a few times and were almost always afraid of everything, very well done. I think the mod was very thought through and not just something made over the night.
I had tons of fun with it and am looking forward to a sequel/something more!


Really original. Love the non-linear scenario, immersive atmosphere, interactive things and puzzles !


This mod took me a while to finish, mostly because I quit a few times due to lag and crashes on the huge maps. My PC doesn't like maps that big even though they are becoming more common in recent mods. Also, I was a little frustrated at first by the lack of direction (even though I sucked it up and did it anyway). Once I figured out its gameplay style it went easier.

This mod is classic. I loved the detail put into this complete conversion, the sound effects, the models, the textures, etc. Yes, some of it reminds me of Penumbra but that's not a bad thing at all. Also I liked how it was creepy, but not at all in a makes-you-jump way, but like a slow build up of strange events as the player learns the story. In the end I was confused and amazed. That's how I feel at the end of a lot of horror games/mods which is good.

And to think that this was mostly done by a single person... wow!