AtmosFear is a mod for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Call Of Pripyat that tweaks and expands the vanilla weather system to be more realistic and various.


Brand new version of widely acclaimed weather mod for S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call Of Pripyat. This time enchanced with accurate sun position, longer nights lit by the moon with it's phases, new dangerous event: psi storm, reworked weather behaviour, distant storms, meteor showers and many more tweaks.

AtmosFear 3 for CoP
Post comment Comments  (0 - 50 of 132)
Mocker67 - - 65 comments


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Prettyboy326 - - 115 comments

so excited.

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Lоnerboner - - 8,303 comments

Time to make some particles >:D

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zaga11 - - 1 comments

I,m going to take this as an early birthday present (its on Monday). Thanks.

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CrommCruac Author
CrommCruac - - 1,180 comments

Happy stalking... sorry... birthday!

Reply Good karma+16 votes
kjfytfkytfyt - - 1,068 comments

Sweet, getting it now.

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SPTX - - 324 comments

What is nano HUD ?

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CrommCruac Author
CrommCruac - - 1,180 comments

Small bonus for AF3. Check this screenshot:

Reply Good karma+2 votes
adv0 - - 186 comments

This is awesome, but is it compatible with complete?

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vince_vega - - 16 comments

Of course not.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
xGeneral - - 47 comments

Thanks for the work. I expected the 11-th numbers, but it came out before and it's great news.

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CrommCruac Author
CrommCruac - - 1,180 comments

You mean '11. It means 2011 not 11th :)

Reply Good karma+1 vote
xGeneral - - 47 comments

No, I meant 11 July. And thank you very much for the Russian language in vogue!

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CrommCruac Author
CrommCruac - - 1,180 comments

Thank Tha_ReapeR. He's done the translation.

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Gr33n1011 - - 3 comments

I have a Problem with AF3 Setup .The Next Button is not click.


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CrommCruac Author
CrommCruac - - 1,180 comments

Turn off the Aero theme in your desktop settings (use classic windows theme). For some reason the setup doesn't show you the radiobuttons to accept the license.
After installing turn it back on.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
CrommCruac Author
CrommCruac - - 1,180 comments

Also sorry about that and thanks for letting me know about this issue

Reply Good karma+4 votes
Dаntе - - 1,434 comments

At last:)

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Gr33n1011 - - 3 comments

Did not work.

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CrommCruac Author
CrommCruac - - 1,180 comments

Hmmm... works for me even with Aero on. Anyway, after clicking 'Next' on welcome screen click Tab then cursor up on the licence screen. You should see 'next' button active.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Guest - - 700,150 comments

Thanks, this worked. I was having the same problem.

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agrorocker - - 3 comments

"accept license-****, or die" -- great: any of this method is dont work for me. Mod is sounds great, but this installer is ******* pile of ****.

Reply Good karma Bad karma-4 votes
Beac - - 1,030 comments

Nice work as always Cromm!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Gr33n1011 - - 3 comments

Everything works not.Thanks for your help.


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KEEP_IT_UP! - - 1,444 comments

awesome downloading now! :>

do i have to deinstall complete mod for cop first? also: do i have to download some texturepacks or other stuff too, or is everything inside the file that makes it look like on your screens? :)

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CrommCruac Author
CrommCruac - - 1,180 comments

Remove Complete and install AF3 along with Absolute Texture packs from addons section. Your game will look like on my screens. TBH Complete has ATPs included anyway so there won't be much difference except AF3 is prettier, haha :)
BTW everything is in F.A.Q.

Reply Good karma+6 votes
Dаntе - - 1,434 comments

Thats right:)

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Dаntе - - 1,434 comments

Almost all using Your Absolute Textures and Atmosfear in Their mods:)

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KEEP_IT_UP! - - 1,444 comments

thanks for response! :)

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Shoker - - 25 comments

Best weather Mod for stalker! :)
But sometimes white clouds in night (moon? In AF2) make me ...

And, no adaptation to Clear Sky in plans?

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CrommCruac Author
CrommCruac - - 1,180 comments

Those bright night clouds from AF2 are not in AF3 anymore. See screenhots and videos.

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fbmbirds - - 43 comments

man i really wish this mod would work with the I Work Alone Mod. or any other mod in that case

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lowenz - - 1,065 comments

Very little glitch with 16:9 resolution and text alignement in NanoUI!
Magazine counter is out of the box!

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CrommCruac Author
CrommCruac - - 1,180 comments

Same for me. For higher resolutions there is something wrong with the vanilla text definitions. Also xRay has a proper support only for 4:3 and 16:10.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
gzubeck - - 9 comments

Dear mister Cromm Cruac...
AKA Mister Death Dealer
Mister Slaughter Pile maker...

Fantastic Mod that actually works in comparison to COP Complete...
I'm laughing about all the different Sun and Moon phases because all I've seen is fog and rain in the first section but still fantastic :>)

Ran into a Psi emmission storm near the Iron Forrest after paying someone to take me there and had to dash for cover while having a Sprite throw boxes at me. Died three or four times before figuring out where to dash and hide at master level setting. Had to dash out of the area and shoot the dam thing with a sniper-like modified rifle before entering the area. Lots of new fun there! Crazy stuff!

Since COP complete has screwed the pooch on their mod I have a wish list.

Maybe you could incorporate some improvements in the NPC's/Monsters modeling in your mod.

And also for those that can't understand Polish/Slavic languages subtitles when NPC characters speak to each other in non english.

And as a last wish I have questions about difference in colors compared to COP complete. The colors still seem quite muted in the general landscape. I don't know what you've modded concerning this (Maybe none) but it would be nice since COP complete is ultimate crash master and game save destroyer ever made. LOL!

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CrommCruac Author
CrommCruac - - 1,180 comments

Since AF is a weather mod I won't be adding any models. I'll let the others do it.

If I remember correctly there is a mod that adds the subtitles. I don't remember where I've seen it though. Try to search GSC forum.

I've never played or even installed Complete but from screenshots I could tell that there is no proper white balance applied in Complete. Everything is too red. See this simple color balance comparison: You can see all lines are paralel in AF3 but the blue one is not in Complete.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
gzubeck - - 9 comments

Thanks for responding. I installed the nature pack 2.0 and all I can say is fantastic! With your weather system and the improved landscape it gives me 95% of what a complete mod gives with none of the headaches. Maybe you could have a second add-on for things you think could still be improved that isn't part of the weather. So far the only really unusual thing I've found different is after a blowout there are no artifacts at the burnt homestead. Also I've had no crashes and I'm running vista 64 (4 Gigs) at a 1440x900 resolution with everything cranked up on a ATI 3870. Looks great. :>)

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kjfytfkytfyt - - 1,068 comments

Pretty cool, only bad things that have happened to me, is that sometimes when i die, and am loading a save, or traveling from one area to another, the game crashes... and the distant places that you see in the background, what i mean is like how you can see the chernobyl npp in the distance, basicly that area, all around the map, likes to be seen through hills. Basically, sometimes when i can see the CNPP through hills, trees, and things like that.

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CrommCruac Author
CrommCruac - - 1,180 comments

Crashing when moving between areas happen to me even in vanilla.
And translucent hills are a result how xRay handles the blending with the sky-box in FDL mode. Nothing can be done with that.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
kjfytfkytfyt - - 1,068 comments

lol, i had 32 hours in the game on steam, before getting this mod, with maybe a minimum of 3 - 5 crashes total... now i have had a total of around im guessing, 20 - 30 crashes... WTF?!?! somewhat unstable mod...

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CrommCruac Author
CrommCruac - - 1,180 comments

You need a lot of RAM to play with AF. The mod is designed for computers with at least 2GB (with low res textures). Even if you have more xRay becomes unstable when using more RAM.

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Dаntе - - 1,434 comments

CrommCruac can you build Option Pack like AtmosFear 1.3

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CrommCruac Author
CrommCruac - - 1,180 comments

What for? You have the same options in game now.

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Dаntе - - 1,434 comments

i need wide - yelow sun tint with hemisphere.I love that option

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CrommCruac Author
CrommCruac - - 1,180 comments

Color balance options are no longer available I'm afraid. Too many variations of the files needed. There are 111 config files already. Making options for color balance will multiply their number 4 times.

Reply Good karma+5 votes
Dаntе - - 1,434 comments

ok,I Understand

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cssrp - - 5 comments

Hey can i just copy this into over the old files in the I work Alone 1.2 Mod? :P

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CrommCruac Author
CrommCruac - - 1,180 comments

I haven't tried but

Samsquantch Jul 9 2011, 5:15am replied:
AtmosFear 3 works with I Work Alone 1.2, but takes away some of the core elements of the IWA Mod like the use of sleeping pills and the sleeping bag. This is the only major thing I could find as of current.
Looks amazing.

Reply Good karma+1 vote
fbmbirds - - 43 comments

At CrommCruc
How do i get it to work with the I Work Alone mod?

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CrommCruac Author
CrommCruac - - 1,180 comments

Merge them:

Reply Good karma+1 vote
B4Life - - 2 comments

sleeping pills\sleeping bag fix for "I Work Alone" and "Atmosfear 3" compilation: / files/ 1146122700 / I_Work_Alone__AF3_sleep_fix.rar

(remove spaces)

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