Aki Warfare Modification, otherwise known as Aki War Mod, or just AWM, is a futuristic real time strategy based off of the SAGE engine of Command and Conquer: Generals Zero Hour.

NOTE: Storyline follows.

Set in the years of 2489-2503 (Although particularly the years 2499-2501), the world has been shook when in 2250, after a prolonged war between Japan and Russia, the United States decides to intervene. The Americans launched powerful seismic and nuclear missiles, which pretty much, by infection, earthquake, and other disasters, reshaped the continent and its people. No longer are the European Union, the Asians, or the third world African countries.

For about 75 years the world thought that all life was exterminated on the desolate continent. It wasn't until 2326 that life was verified, and the radiation cleared. The continent was avoid of contact to the remaining countries such as the United States of America, Canada, Mexico, Peru, many other South American countries, and the remains of Australia and New Zealand.

Arisen from the ashes were clan societies in which they fought for survival. Some evolved into more civilized societies, such as the Deyukku Clan evolving into the Deyukkuketsukei. By 2389, the superpowers of the continents were known as the Inuketsukei, the Deyukkuketsukei, the Kitsuneketsukei, and the Nekoketsukei. In 2401, the first world (dubbed "Shoudo") decided to contact the Inuketsukei. The Inuketsukei gained technology until it became the largest force on the continent.

In 2421, the Inuketsukei Iron Guard assaulted the Nekoketsukei. It was at this time the Nekoketsukei created its first official armed forces, the Nekoketsukei National Army. The NNA got slaughtered by the masses, as poor guns and no vehicles left them against millions of armored chariots. After sacrificing an entire divsion of NNA soldiers, the Nekoketsukei was able to gain some vehicles, and learn about technology. They learned about the mechanics, and built vehicles of their own. The NNA defended against the Inuketsukei assault, but barley. 7.9 Million dead.

As more technology was spread around the continent, the Shoudo attempted to keep the countries locked into their continent, not free to explore the world, or the masses of colonized planets, such as Mars, Venus, the moon, and the asteroid belt. The world slowly unlocked for them, and the Shoudo couldn't contain them.

Soon, the world learned of a new type of crystal merged from fusion and plasma energy found in the Skorpshjuze Clan, an area controlled by the Clanleader. As these crystals spread, the continent was filled with these crystals. They served as medicine, and as energy. There were no negative effects of these crystals, and the continent, dubbed Aki, flourished.

The Inuketsukei went on another rampage again, and attempted to take the continent for itself. Luckly the Nekoketsukei, Skorpshjuze, and Kitsuneketsukei were able to defend, and the Inuketsukei army had to retreat. But due to losses by the millions, as well as poor leadership, the citizens of the Nekoketsukei revolted, and installed a Socialist (Canadian, not Fascist) government to help. In 2476, the Nekoketsukei National Army turned into the Nekoketsukei Imperial Army.

As the Inuketsukei prepare for their largest attack, summing over 26 million soldiers, and about $17 trillion dollars a day being spent on millitary production, it appears bleak for the Nekoketsukei, as well as its other choices for invasion. But the Nekoketsukei, Kitsuneketsukei, and Deyukkuketsukei have gained technology and resources, and are forewarned against the invasion, ready to brace for a large ground invasion. The Shoudo forces are getting ready to help the Inuketsukei, due to poor inteligence on the affairs of the other countries, and for control of the Kalar Crystals, which litter their land. Whose side will you side with?


  • Choose between 6 sides, 60+ upgrades, 125+ structures, and 300+ units.
  • Gain millitary ranks to construct tanks, special forces, and even galactic crusiers.
  • Three game modes: build and defend your HQ while trying to destroy the enemy HQ, command forces to capture key battle points, or fight in a scenario and change the outcome of the war.
  • You choose the way you fight, use special forces to infiltrate and destroy enemy vehicles and buildings, flood the enemy with artillery, send waves of infantry units, have all-out war on grassy plains with tanks, fight in tight urban cities, or have an epic ocean battle, or many other combinations.
  • Unlock units with each promotion, changing your strategy every game, to have a fresh war.
  • Creative and new ideas make the game bright and not so repetitive.
  • Campaign missions spanning over 50+ missions, with a campaign for each side in the game.
  • And much more...
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 As of almost nine months ago, I stopped working on this mod, mainly due to how hard it was to work with the engine, problems on my comuter, time, and the negative comments about the mod.

V0.2 had poor graphics and gameplay, the most recent build was better, with better gameplay and such, but still not too good.

This mod helped me learn how to mod, and hopefully my next project will be better (I plan on creating a mod for UT3).  This mod, not to be confused with the (was to be planned) sequal to this mod on CnC Tiberium Wars, Conflict: Aki, if created, will be a first person shooter set in the same universe, but with a revamped storyline and details.  It will feature a skirmish mode, where you and your clan fight for weapons while trying to stay alive, and battle mode, where two to four armies fight for supremacy over a battlefield, trying to complete objectives and such.  Such sides to return are the Nekoketsukei National Army (the was to be added rebel cousin to the NIA), Skorpshjuze Republic (the evolution of the Skorpshjuze Clan), Shoudo Dynasty, and the Kitsuneketsukei Legion.  I hope to work on it sometime, and I have already started creating some assets and concepts for it.

I am going to post the most recent build due to request, with all units and structures unlocked (in the gameplay, you had to unlock them through combat).   It features the more redesigned Nekoketsukei Imperial Army, with better graphics.  Some of the (er.... most of the) unit art is either missing or was going to be redesigned, so don't complain if you see purple textures or blurry textures.  I will also include all test maps and data, so you can see what I had planned (such as navy, the Shoudo Infantry, the second game mode, and other things.

Thank you for those who understand.  Sorry that it was cancelled or that it wasn't high quality work.


Defensive Turret - Release Percents

Defensive Turret - Release Percents


Today I have the Nekoketsukei Defensive Turret. I also have an update on the Completion of Release v0.35 Concept: 100% Code: 100% scripting: 100% Modelling...

First Demo Video

News 2 comments

Commander, today we will show you a video. It is poor quality and doesn't show much, but still shows the conflict in a little motion. See you later...

Four Colors, Four Pictures, Four Places

Four Colors, Four Pictures, Four Places

News 6 comments

Hello Commander, we are getting satellite images with visual quality, and hopefully the link-up will last. General Dakatsu has pictures of the Sensha...




Com-ander, here are more units from our encrypted cha-nnel. As -aid in the last pat--rn, --e situ-tion will need your -elp in about a month to three months...

RSS Files

Aki Warfare Modification V0.2 Easy Install

Full Version 1 comment

An easy install for the V0.2

Aki Warfare Modification V0.2

Full Version 1 comment

Aki Warfare Modification V0.2 features a decently complete Nekoketsukei side.

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LORD.KETO - - 27 comments

Hi, i am from Mammoth Studio Leaders
can you join Mammoth Studio
We want to build A great team that have the many mods
and we have website.

We have:
750 GB web space
7500 GB traffic




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Dakatsu Creator
Dakatsu - - 56 comments

(Also posted in news)

Sorry guys if you thought the mod sucked, I stopped work on it a long time ago, it is effectively cancelled. The V0.2 had poor graphics and gameplay, the most recent build was better, with better gameplay and such, but still not too good.

This mod helped me learn how to mod, and hopefully my next project will be better (I plan on creating a mod for UT3).

I am going to post the most recent build due to request, with all units and structures unlocked (in the gameplay, you had to unlock them through combat).

Thank you for those who understand. Sorry that it was cancelled or that it wasn't high quality work.


Reply Good karma+1 vote
Half-Breed-Angel - - 58 comments

Yo MOFO Site Is Dead GRRRR :beer: :de: :dead:

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Demonic_Chick - - 5 comments

this is a bad mod and the graphics are worse then in Zero Hour i would segest not to download this

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Toxins - - 22 comments

this mod is terrible. too dark and way too confusing. the fiont is too fat and whats with the pics of the units. little effort. i am totally dissapointed.

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tarzan000 - - 4 comments

çok sağol

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sdf333 - - 115 comments

ppl who are 8 dont play this mod when your parents r around IT HAS BLOOD!!!!!

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Dakatsu Creator
Dakatsu - - 56 comments

Feel free to e-mail the mod at: akiwarmod@gmail.com

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jimbo22 - - 78 comments

if you need help with rar files cause u dont kno how they work i suggest you download extractnow Extractnow.com

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randomperson - - 86 comments


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