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Comment History
wildbane - - 5 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.7

Amazing project, thanks again

Good karma+1 vote
wildbane - - 5 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.7

I agree that there should be some other threat to compensate for the lack of animal attacks. I don't like how you can simply walk to Gnisis at level one with little to no interference.

I like this mod that makes Wild Durzogs appear at level 1. It reminds me of encountering a Deathclaw or something. Not exactly lore friendly though and need to merge leveled lists for Rebirth.

Good karma+1 vote
wildbane - - 5 comments @ Frequently asked questions

Hey Trance, what are the consequences, if any, of cleaning your mod with TESTool or tes3cmd? I noticed there are a lot of duplicate entries that it removes, but I don't want to remove intended changes as well.

Thank you sir.

Good karma+2 votes
wildbane - - 5 comments @ Morrowind Rebirth 6.7

Woohoo! 4.1 Changes and screenshots look great. I remember when this mod was first released years ago, how skeptical I was. It's really amazing how much it's improved. Less is more, can't go wrong with that attitude. Glad to see the Gnisis stone arch restored. New game time!

Good karma+1 vote
wildbane - - 5 comments @ Recommended mods [Gameplay] - 2024

Do it. And share! :)

Good karma+4 votes