When the world is on your shoulders, is it worth saving? It took me a while to find the answer and to explain why or why not. My name is Tantalus Denton. It’s been my codename for so long I don’t even remember my real name. My story is one that many, in distrust, would call a creation of a paranoid mind; others will find it an entertaining script, and yet others will see answers.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 108)
Tantalus_Denton - - 108 comments @ Title screen

I can't wait to play it! Where can I find more info? discord, website, youtube, github?

Good karma+1 vote
Tantalus_Denton - - 108 comments @ Deus Ex: Apocalypse Inside

That is a very old version, we've done much progress since then.

Good karma+2 votes
Tantalus_Denton - - 108 comments @ Deus Ex: Apocalypse Inside

We're not dead yet, people. Apocalypse Inside will see a final release someday. I will finish it even if it takes me until 2052, but I'm not giving up. Actually, I'm confident that AI will accelerate building AI (Artificial Intelligence in the first case, Apocalypse Inside in the second)

Good karma+2 votes
Tantalus_Denton - - 108 comments @ Deus Ex: Apocalypse Inside

Big plans ahead. Converting Apocalypse Inside to Unreal Engine 2. In 2021 progress has been slow.

Good karma+2 votes
Tantalus_Denton - - 108 comments @ Deus Ex: Apocalypse Inside

We are alive. There have been some conceptual changes that I will announce as soon as I confirm that what I want to do is technically possible. I will make an announcement on Moddb and also on the mod's website Deusex.apocalypseinsi.de
The new timeline for Apocalypse inside is 4-5 years. It will be worth it.
You'll be able to play Codename Nebula mod first, it's nearly finished.

Good karma+1 vote
Tantalus_Denton - - 108 comments @ Deus Ex: Apocalypse Inside

Greetings, we are still developing Apocalypse Inside, as well as Codename Nebula. However we faced some resistance, and had to pull back. The last thing I've done was migrating our website to a new Internet 3 address - apocalypseinsi.de
The public beta is really close to being finished but the team is simply too busy with saving the world from MJ12! We would definitely use some help from level designers and programmers. any of you out there to answer our distress signal send me an incoming transmission to deusdentonx3gmail.com

Good karma+1 vote
Tantalus_Denton - - 108 comments @ Deus Ex: Apocalypse Inside

Apocalypse Inside is the full story mod. Codename Nebula is part of DXAI

Good karma+2 votes
Tantalus_Denton - - 108 comments @ Deus Ex: Apocalypse Inside

Thank you!!

Good karma+2 votes
Tantalus_Denton - - 108 comments @ Codename NEBULA - MJ12 trap scene update

Look carefully, in the beginning of gameplay the log says bioelectric energy reserves depleted! Also the protagonist id not JC, he just looks alike (and probably related)

Good karma+1 vote
Tantalus_Denton - - 108 comments @ RecRoom

lol, they LIVE in Deus Ex!

Good karma+2 votes
Tantalus_Denton - - 108 comments @ NewGravityFloor

At first I wanted to make everything in microgravity. We decided to implement a gravity floor made of nanites ( the green stuff under the grate). Like in TNM, there is one area on Ophelia where the player can disable gravity altogether (but with more 'surprises' than TNM.

Good karma+2 votes
Tantalus_Denton - - 108 comments @ NewGravityFloor

It's FPS from ENB graphics mod :)

Good karma+3 votes
Tantalus_Denton - - 108 comments @ Apocalypse Inside: Codename Nebula - arrival scene

It's taking longer that I had planned, but we are getting close to releasing Codename Nebula! My estimate is this summer. Then it's just 5 more chapters of Apocalypse Inside. Should be released before 2052, or 2027

Good karma+2 votes
Tantalus_Denton - - 108 comments @ Announcement: Fifth Anniversary Update

Me, Mad Ingram and Trestkon should meet one day, talk about our adventures over a ham sandwich

Good karma+2 votes
Tantalus_Denton - - 108 comments @ Vanilla Matters

Yay! Finally a mod that fans critisize more than my old buggy Deus Ex: Frozen Hell, lol. Don't give up, dude. Who knows maybe a few years from now you will make another TNM? Seriously, after DX:FH I moved on to developing DX: Apocalypse Inside! And that's going pretty good)

Good karma+1 vote
Tantalus_Denton - - 108 comments @ Apocalypse Inside: Codename Nebula

Thanks Fastgamerr :)

The Nihulim HUD was a big asset for our design, cause at first we were planning to go with high-res HUD from UnifiedDX but when I found out Nihilum HUD was the same as early Invisible War HUD I changed the decision in a blink of the eye.

The White House mission has always been my obsession (Save President Mead). I can't hope to build a better looking White House than in Nihilum, but nevertheless our WH mission will be full of surprises!

So as you see Nihilum and UNATCO Born influenced me in many ways.

Good karma+2 votes
Tantalus_Denton - - 108 comments @ Apocalypse Inside: Codename Nebula

BTW Thanks for Nihilum SDK, FastGamerr) We are using Nihilum HUD, White House map and some minor assets like some models, a Gauss gun etc under CC license as described in Nihilum README. One thing I'm a little confused about Creative Commons lisence -- maybe you can help me with the answer -- if we have to release Apocalypse Inside under the same license as Nihilum, does that mean we lose copyright on our soundtrack? Me and CorpArmstrong wrote some great tracks but I would really like to keep copyright for my music. I came to the conclusion that only the stuff borrowed from Nihilum SDK in Apocalypse Inside is under Creative Commons. Am I right?

Good karma+3 votes
Tantalus_Denton - - 108 comments @ Apocalypse Inside: Codename Nebula

I mean I knew about the plans to make a choice to stay with UNATCO but the secret dialog is news

Good karma+2 votes
Tantalus_Denton - - 108 comments @ Deus Ex: Apocalypse Inside

We will include this 'hidden' story choice. Thanks for your contribution to the story!

Good karma+2 votes
Tantalus_Denton - - 108 comments @ Apocalypse Inside: Codename Nebula

That is something even such hardcore modder as I didn't know. I looked up the dialog - it is intriguing and we are going to include this version of the story in our mod. Although you won't play as JC, it our mod he chose to stay with UNATCO and it affected every mission of Apocalypse Inside and Codename Nebula! Thanks for your suggestion, you've made a valiuable contribution to the mod! We'll mention you in the credits if you want

Good karma+2 votes
Tantalus_Denton - - 108 comments @ Progress July 2017

That's the name of the restaurant!

Good karma+2 votes
Tantalus_Denton - - 108 comments @ The Protagonist look is Finalized

Even worse than MJ12?

Good karma+1 vote
Tantalus_Denton - - 108 comments @ The Protagonist look is Finalized

Yessir, ham sandwich is my primary diet

Good karma+3 votes
Tantalus_Denton - - 108 comments @ Progress July 2017

Janus is one of te most important characters in Apocalypse Inside, kind of like Alex Jacobson in Deus Ex. There's more to his real identity in Apocalypse Inside that I cannot reaveal without spoiling, but be prepared for a surprise but I promise it will not compromise the integrity of the series even the sequels (unless Montreal comes up with something wacky)

Good karma+2 votes
Tantalus_Denton - - 108 comments @ GMDX

Congratulations on your release, Totalitarian! I'm almost finishing my playthrough of GMDX v9. I appreciate IW sounds and references. Good job, fellow modder!

Good karma+2 votes
Tantalus_Denton - - 108 comments @ Deus Ex: Apocalypse Inside

Thanks for following our mods! We are ALMOST (2-3 months) ready to release Codeneme Nebula and it is part of Apocalypse Inside. The rest of AI will take more time to complete. I unfortunatelly didn't have enough time lately to develop Deus Ex mods as much as I would love to. This means the only mods I'll be working on are AI and CNN. I've been very busy with two other projects - an indie VR shooter Alter Ego and a virtual desktop service Mise En Abyme cloud computers. We absolutely need voice actors for both AI and CNN, I'll PM you with details.

Good karma+2 votes
Tantalus_Denton - - 108 comments @ Deus Ex: Apocalypse Inside

Great blog, good job! There is a lot of progress done on Apocalypse Inside, and there will be quite a few surprises (storyline and gameplay). I want to make sure I don't miss any design ideas in the final version, so you might have to wait patiently for some time, but I promise the result will be awesome. To keep in touch, like the mod on FB Facebook.com and check out the mod's newly set up website (and I mean VERY newly set up, a lot of it is just a wordpress template, but check it out anyway) Deusexmods.apostlemod.com

Good karma+1 vote
Tantalus_Denton - - 108 comments @ DesperatioN

Sounds fantastic! I took a look at your channel, it's pretty awesome! I'll PM you with details)

Good karma+1 vote
Tantalus_Denton - - 108 comments @ Apocalypse Inside: Codename Nebula

Both will be distributed with the mod as well as high-res GUI as part of the DeusEx.u mod UnifiedDX. We want Codename Nebula to look awesome and debugged so we can focus on amazing story and gameplay!

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