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Comment History  (0 - 30 of 200)
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ MLR - location pack

Ten parts of SDK. There are bonus scenes that are not in the game. For example, army warehouses and something else, I don't remember. There may be problems with the SDK itself, because it is not my SDK, at my request, another person collected it for download.

Good karma+3 votes
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ MLR - location pack

Guys, don't be surprised that there is no support. The release took place on March 17, 2023 (almost a year ago) and anomaly community literally didn't care. Maybe because I'm incel? In any case, someone else will probably finalize it. In its current form, it is more of a familiarization version, plus scenes and models for modders.

!And don't forget that I don't take any donations for this. I just don't have the details to accept foreign currency. If DizeL_Grelka decides to support this addon, then it can accept your donations. But only in this case.

Good karma+1 vote
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ MLR - location pack

Спс за отзыв, бро.

It's over, пойду отсюда крч.

Good karma0 votes
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ MLR - location pack

Была новость про взлом замочной скважины вроде. С год назад примерно.

Good karma0 votes
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ MLR - location pack

Спасибо, складывай баги сюда, потому что тестить на самом деле некому было. Во втором случае не баг, а аномалия, ради прикола �� сдк есть такая зона без гравитации. Работает криво, но если освоить её, можно залететь на крышу и залутать рандомный тайник.

Good karma+2 votes
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ MLR - location pack

I definitely didn't do full compatibility, it was a test experience followed by SDK sources that some modders already use. I did this only because I had heard that there was trouble with new locations in the anomaly. But I will not fully refine them, because the current version of the Anomaly does not suit me. Players are invited to simply run around and evaluate these locations. They still have spawn and you can mine artifacts, but the plot and stuff will not be available.

When using with other addons, you should be very careful.

Good karma+2 votes
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ MLR - location pack

1) My old addon for CoC 1.4.22, which also changed old locations. One of his old versions was also in the Anomaly. I moved here only those locations that I considered the most interesting.

In general, the location pack is old, but it was published only in discord, and I was too lazy to do it on modb personally. Despite the quarrel with DizeL_Grelka, thanks to him for this post.

2) Yes

Good karma+2 votes
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ LEWD FAD addon

Хорошая замена надоевшему FN F2000

Good karma+1 vote
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ RE:DONE Garbage & Swamps OUTDATED VERSION

Что мешает сразу выпустить пак локаций без засирания своими темами модб? Там правок на 10 минут в конфиге.

Good karma-3 votes
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ Cordon Update

Because the location itself is small. And the rendering distance depends on the distance from the actor. The only way to fix them is to expand them significantly.

Good karma+2 votes
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ [DLTX] BaS SR-2M Reanimated (V1.0.9)

>which was a vassal state until the fall of the Soviet Union.
But this is not relevant at all. The game is not about Hungary and I absolutely do not know what is happening there at the moment

>It's a role-playing game
Exactly. And there are already too many advanced animations and weapons.

>I wasn't criticizing
I personally don't care, I'm not a developer. I don't put downsides to anyone here. People have forgotten a bit that these are just comments that do not affect anything if it is not a feedback about an error.

Good karma+1 vote
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ [DLTX] BaS SR-2M Reanimated (V1.0.9)

In the post-Soviet space, few people know how to handle weapons. It's strange that you didn't notice our gun legislation. It rather becomes strange to me when a person on the contrary knows such subtleties.

Especially the CP-2M, which is only available to the ******* elite in special law enforcement agencies

Good karma+2 votes
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ Anomaly Unrecord

Неплохо, но надо делать через движок и отключать когда например смотришь в КПК или говоришь с НПС.

Good karma+3 votes
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ [BaS]Glcok17 Reanimation(Update)

Охрененный полёт гильзы в лицо.

Good karma+2 votes
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ BaS AK-12 Reanimation

Я не играю в аномали, только подворовываю аддоны на него себе в мод, поэтому не адаптирую его.

Во-первых странные скрипты, в которых я не разбирался и мод-органайзеры, для которых я слишком стар.
Во-вторых идиотский настройщик оружия на худе, который сделали в аномали. Я пользуюсь стандартным СТКОПовским, кот��рый был восстановлен по сурсам из движка.

Я дал модели оружия и неплохую привязку моделей, дальше ждите пока кто-нибудь настроит конфиг и положение прицелов в руках. Если местным мододелам это не интересно, то извините. Ну реально извините, мне и самому неприятно это видеть, но у меня нет времени разбираться в аномали.

Good karma+1 vote
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ BaS AK-12 Reanimation


Good karma+2 votes
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ RPD Reanimation

Выше уже писали об этом

Good karma+2 votes
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ RPD Reanimation

Just try to fix broken fingers

I haven't tested it yet

Sorry, I didn't notice version 1.1, I think it's fixed there

Good karma+2 votes
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ BaS AK-12 Reanimation

Ой, да не бери в голову. Это проблемы комьюнити Аномали, которое через чур токсичное. Главное укажи автора или загрузи это прямо сюда.

Good karma+1 vote
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ LEWD Howa Type64

I mean he change mag like some old ak animations.

Wait a sec...

Movements of the left hand. She's moving too far away from the camera. Don't pay attention, just remembered about it. The Blindside on AK also has a similar animation.

Good karma+1 vote
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ CoC rc7 unofficial new engine (Temporarily not supported)

Give more information. This is due to an emission, but I don't see a reason.

Good karma+1 vote
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ LEWD Howa Type64

A little weird reload, you can do it better. Anyway very thanks for your work.

Good karma0 votes
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ BaS AK-12 Reanimation

Я сам мало что понимаю в их скриптовых анимациях, себе через движок то всё сделал, поэтому с конфигом вряд ли помогу.

Good karma+1 vote
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ BaS AK-12 Reanimation

Посадил на 74М. Конфиг сами, мне лень. Есть только BaS модели и нужные текстуры.
В принципе на любой калаш посадить можно

Проверить легко, wpn_ak12_m1_hud.ogf заменяете на wpn_ak74m_hud.ogf переименовав её как wpn_ak12_m1_hud и запускаете с этим аддоном. Потом адаптируете самостоятельно если устраивает. Сорян что анимации переименовал, просто АК-12 у меня нет и не хочу его. Больше никак их не редактировал.

Перекачайте. Добавил АКС-74 и поправил мир ак-74М

AK-74M and AKS-74 for self-adaptation to the game!!! Just BaS-scoped models with same bones.

Good karma+4 votes
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ BaS AK-12 Reanimation

В понедельник модер не бухает, запоминайте.
Лучшие анимации, как всегда.

Good karma+1 vote
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ Type89 [DLTX]

Any chance to use a magcheck anims in the future?

Good karma+2 votes
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ Reanimodel HK MP7

А буде магчек для вихря? Больно хорошо вышел

Good karma+2 votes
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ FN F2000 Reanimation and Remodel

Мочер прекратил бухать и наконец одобрил пост со вчера, найс

Good karma+1 vote
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ [DLTX] Luger P08 Handgun

Mag check anim? (No, I was watching)
Unjam anim? (Yes, I was watching)
Two hands version?

So many questions so few answers.

Good karma-2 votes
syka-bluadt - - 200 comments @ PP2000 Reanimation rework

На тыльнике сглаживание подубито, можно как-то исправить? Учитывая то что мы пялимся на него постоянно, выглядит неприятно.

Good karma+1 vote