Expert Stalker, artifact hunter, and various careers in the zone of alienation.

Comment History  (0 - 30 of 41)
MutantPatrol - - 41 comments @ True Stalker

Apparently, it wasn't any particularly important error. It was an extension offered in the DirectX installation package.

After reinstallation, I still have the same problem, waiting for an answer.

Good karma+1 vote
MutantPatrol - - 41 comments @ True Stalker

Guys, I need some help please. This mod looks stunning to play but I keep having issues with it.


[error] Expression : D3DXCreateTexture(HW.pDevice, top_width, top_height, levels_exist, 0, t_dest_fmt, (RImplementation.o.no_ram_textures ? D3DPOOL_DEFAULT : D3DPOOL_MANAGED), &t_dest)
[error] Function : TW_LoadTextureFromTexture
[error] File : D:\TrueStalkerEngine\src\Layers\xrRender\Texture.cpp
[error] Line : 152
[error] Description : Requested audio format unsupported.

I don't know how to fix it. I remember, during the installation, it said something about Bam-somthing not being able to install. I'll try reinstalling it again. Will keep this updated.

Good karma+1 vote
MutantPatrol - - 41 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

Aye, thanks mate! It worked perfectly!

Good karma+2 votes
MutantPatrol - - 41 comments @ S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Lost Alpha

Guys, I need help. After a psy storm, Sid the old fart just ******* shat himself and shut the door so tight I can't possibly open. Can anyone give me the way to fix this? Even after a reload it's still like that.

Good karma+1 vote
MutantPatrol - - 41 comments @ LA DC Extended

Guys help.
Expression : header().graph_guid() == ai().game_graph().header().guid()
Function : CALifeSpawnRegistry::load
File : alife_spawn_registry.cpp
Line : 169
Description : Spawn doesn't correspond to the graph : REBUILD SPAWN!

How can I fix this? I deleted appdata, deleted spawns.db0 but couldn't find all.spawn. Should I make a fresh install?

Good karma+1 vote
MutantPatrol - - 41 comments @ GUNSLINGER mod

The closest rendition of the F2000 reanimated is Shoker Weapon Mod. Though the anims are pretty dated by today's standard, I would say it's still good to look at.

Good karma+3 votes
MutantPatrol - - 41 comments @ GUNSLINGER mod

Hey guys, there's a bug I just recently encountered with:
-So basically, I need to find the documents inside the Jupiter factory. While I have managed to find 3 of them now, the one in the chemical compound area bugs out for me. Whenever I pick it up, the game would display that mission complete, but then it would stop responding completely.
Has anyone ever got such of a bug before, and if so, was there a solution for you? Please reply, I would love to hear from you guys.
My GS setup is:
*Unofficial English translation
*New hands pack
Peace out, stalkers

-From Fanatic with Love

Good karma+2 votes
MutantPatrol - - 41 comments @ [DLTX] T.H.A.P. Rework 2.2

Hey, your work is really great. However, if you can, can you change the Skat suits' gloves to the IBAz's? The exoskeleton ones doesn't look great with the Skat's arms in my opinion.

Good karma+1 vote
MutantPatrol - - 41 comments @ Duty Expansion

Duty's getting another buff.

Good karma+1 vote
MutantPatrol - - 41 comments @ Anomaly: Improved menu [1.5.1]

This is a perfect mix between CoC and Misery menu. Great job.

Good karma+1 vote
MutantPatrol - - 41 comments @ Camera Reanimation Project - I.N.E.R.T.I.A. v1.2

Soon with cool addons like these, we'll be able to recreate the GUNSLINGER experience.

Good karma+5 votes
MutantPatrol - - 41 comments @ EFT Weapon Reposition updated 2.2

This is great! Now I can snap people with my Mosin and not my backup.

Good karma+12 votes
MutantPatrol - - 41 comments @ FN SCAR only from the armed zone TAZ3.0 beta

I hope this mod will improve and include animations from TAZ 3.0 as well if that's possible.

Good karma+1 vote
MutantPatrol - - 41 comments @ EFT hands arms pack for T.H.A.P.

Suggestions: For the Exoskeletons part, the metallic hands are very nice, cuz they were ported from STRIFER's GUNSLINGER. The exosuits however, seems pretty out of place. Especially the part of that the suits themselves were exoskeletons, with the outer frames removed. So I think, it's best to leave the exosuits hands untouched, since without the outer frames, the metallic hands wouldn't be there as well, because for me, the metallic hands are an integrated part of the outer frame.

Of course, it's just a suggestion, but I hope you take this into consideration. Thank you and have a great day.

Good karma+2 votes
MutantPatrol - - 41 comments @ The G36 Pack

This question is pretty stupid, but can you tell me more about the G36L? Never heard or seen it in media platforms before.

Good karma+1 vote
MutantPatrol - - 41 comments @ Anime Portraits

Oh no, Japanese antics has invaded the Zone.
Noah, grab the gun.

Good karma+9 votes
MutantPatrol - - 41 comments @ Leshiy On a Leash

It works for me, in all of my runs (even failed/cancelled aka deleted ones), the former merc then turned freedom for the sake of Anomaly's lore was and is still there, sometimes he may wander outside for a bit (and when I mean a bit, I mean very long, like rly, Lukash even have his feet glued to the ground). Maybe you were and are just very unlucky, or you did something that ****** the Zone hard so hard that it personally sent some computer controllers to yeet him away from you. Or simply you didn't talked or helped Hog (reference to the og trilogy).

My newest and current run is Loner, and I talked to him just fine. If you really think that your Loner runs has problems with those npc, I suggest you go to the Anomaly Official Discord server. Go to the "Summary" pg and scroll down until you see the big Discord button. Click it and join in the server. I'm also there too, name Stechkov.

-----Hope to see you there stalker. For now, get out of here and good hunting! Also, don't trade with Uncle Sid, make love with Barkeep.-----

Good karma+1 vote
MutantPatrol - - 41 comments @ AWO Rat Fix

Myself personally want to publish a modpsck of mine, however because possible issues which I may be, can't solve, I have decided to stop.

Also I don't know why 4K HDR gaming & Benchmark can play provak's so smooth, probably because I have a **** machine.

Good karma+2 votes
MutantPatrol - - 41 comments

Yes, it actually exists. However for some reasons, NPCs don't actually carries it, same thing applied for HK416 & 17.
Just follow my little "guide" and you will the oppotunity to buy & use it. The price is pretty much the same for an AUG A1 custom. Good luck.

P.S. I use Trader Overhual, so for anyone playing vanilla, truely good luck.

Good karma+2 votes
MutantPatrol - - 41 comments

Fact: You can actually BUY an aug a3 fron Dushman, however if you're a loner or anyone that is considered Mercenary's enemy, u'll to sacrifice (or not if your faction is hostile toward Freedom too) your rep to "borrow" the stoned wolves's suit, or buy it from Skinflint at a risk of getting broke. Actually there're many ways but whatever.

After that, lower your disguise sys settings to the lowest and safe seconds around hostile stalkers to the max (you know, the last option you can tweak in disguise) to aid you when talking to Dushman. Do a lot of missions for him to raise goodwill, and you're set! Beware: I don't know what in vanilla, but the aug is broken cement pov 2.1.

Hope this help for anyone who's yet to know this ;D

Good karma+4 votes
MutantPatrol - - 41 comments @ Anomaly weapons animation redux v0.97

Uh, so awar replaced the 3d acog with a 2d one, is there some way I can revert the change while still keeping the mod on?

Good karma+1 vote
MutantPatrol - - 41 comments @ [ABANDONED] Anomaly Re-Made Animations Pack

Yeah, I think we should just Sound Scape with this addon
For better footsteps than vanilla until 1.6

Good karma+1 vote
MutantPatrol - - 41 comments @ EFT Style Weapons Re-position: REDUX

Can you make a patch ofr Souvlaki's FN FAL? The gun's lower is just completely dissappeared and the reload is a hybrid of Souvlaki's and the og.

Good karma+3 votes
MutantPatrol - - 41 comments @ FN FAL animation set 2.0

Hey uh, I got this thing works just fine, however for my situation, it looks like everything sights, especially the ACOG, is too little to aim. Like, the scope got small after I enabled the addon. Can you fix this?

Good karma0 votes
MutantPatrol - - 41 comments @ Boomsticks and Sharpsticks

Ayy, my man Mich did it again! B&S is now more than just Yet Another Weapon Pack! Appreciate your hardihood, Mich! Keep it up!

Good karma+1 vote
MutantPatrol - - 41 comments @ Anomaly Classic Hands

Oh, that's ok. Keep improving your mod, looking forward to it!

Good karma+1 vote
MutantPatrol - - 41 comments @ Anomaly Classic Hands

Just asking tho, can you make the exoskeleton hands more metal and shiny like what Gunslinger did for CoP? It looks much better, especially with the fact that the exoskeleton's gloves aren't made out of leather in the original games (excluding ShoC).

Good karma+1 vote
MutantPatrol - - 41 comments @ Boomsticks and Sharpsticks

Question: Why can't I buy any 20x70 bucks from anyone??? It said in the TRADE HELPER that ALL traders sell them. And abt the scope switching thingy, it looks like BaS binded V for quick melee. Don't get me wrong, it switche scopes like normal, it just so annoying. Oh btw, I have experiencing some sounds problems too, basicly some Blindsides weapons aren't have the usual equipping, firemode changing and reloading sounds. Would be highly appreciated if a solution is given.

Good karma+1 vote